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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. Matt Jones must have some incriminating photos of Roos in his safe.
  2. As a backman he can get lost too easily. I feel he is ready for the switch to CHF. Lets use the long straight kicking to advantage as as a foil for Dawes/Pedersen. Frost is a faster,better marking option down back. Dunn has done his time at the coal face.
  3. Rupert has it organised so even conscientious objecting, inner city (elite in something), vege growers need to come to him and pay the piper.Get with the strength Moon.
  4. Acquired from sticking it out for the club and carrying a huge weight around it. Those who knocked him /suggested he relinquish the captaincy are not the types you would want on your side in a war.
  5. can we pay him in pies and beer?
  6. The gearstick was a quick shift in those days they say. I'm sure you rode the clutch straight to fourth!
  7. If he gets a chance at a coaching role he should jump at the chance Or at least stand there and stick his bum out.
  8. the same thought process you go through after a sherry post tennis at Burwood on a Wednesday arvo. In the end you ravage the yes vote like refugees on the Island of Lesbos.
  9. So that makes you perfect.You sad Wonka.
  10. If he can fight, he can play footy and he can fight and play footy.
  11. I blame the young girls he has been been "dating".
  12. Not beyond the realms of possibility. He is an extremely arrogant young bugger though,probably more Goodwin's cuppa than Roos. I would love to see it happen. Might be good for Howe also as GWS need some marking power outside the forward 50. He has a strut about him,and we need a bit of his swagger. I like the idea.
  13. Will be interesting to see if Norf drafts them under the Fathers/son rule.
  14. i believe he went in the front and came out the back.
  15. In the words of the great Rodney Dangerfield: "Why don't you two put your heads together and go make an Ass of yourselves!"
  16. Could not grab a ball if he was in an all male sauna.
  17. All I want to know is if the washing machine was on spin cycle or rinse.
  18. Not important enough to worry about. As an Age Journalist he is listed in Wiki as the 4th ranked football writer (before he was moved on). I think they may have had 5 footy writers then. My colon produces more profound ideas than Dwayne.
  19. We got a 40 goal forward with electric pace for nothing last year.
  20. At least i have something to comb "Moondome"
  21. Let's not forget he was made environment minister after that. Was good at forming PPP's that helped sell off govt assets to the Maquarie Bank too!
  22. Little Tony's last day of pretending to be a leader. Long may he rot.
  23. You're absolutely right RTG. The Age has become like a demented Cleo. The Daily Life section has obnoxious articles that discuss body parts,often suggesting surgery,then next day telling them to not have surgery. Was Will Anderson ever funny? Just because you shout your punchlines doesn't make them so. Articles painting any anti-muslim sentiment as immediately racist, though Africa and the Middle East are at war with ISIS. As are Australia. Articles on food suggesting fat free muesli then next to it a special calorific recipe. I can't take it anymore. Nice to read one on a guy shyteing his daks in front of a finals crowd, as the Age itself does daily.
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