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Norm Smith's Curse

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Everything posted by Norm Smith's Curse

  1. Trenners and Tappscott look ready to have a cracker today.
  2. Good to see Tappie getting some reward. Also a nice tackle before by Grimesy.
  3. For those interested there is footage of Don's address at the Lunch today for the Demons. He was quite good I thought regarding the integrity of our club.
  4. I just saw Terry Wallet-I-mean-Wallace's analysis of the Demon's draft choices since Cale Morton. He did say that he could have a go about it but he 'didnt want to be nasty'. He created a side of players we 'should have' with hindsight picked and I must say its was a cracker. Best part was the fact that he thinks we can turn it around with our draft and trading this week. Caddy should be on the radar as a trade for pick 13 and Moloney/Sylvia, with an agreement that the Suns wont force us to activate early for Viney who he thinks is a second round pick at this stage. Plus pick 4 and a move on Cloke we could turn it around was the concensus. Carn Dees!
  5. Mike cannot count himself as a demons supporter after that crap! Id love a stream as well fellas!! Im at home babysitting today...
  6. Im glad these two have resigned. With some exciting new players in the draft and trade week things will turn around.
  7. What I tend to think is that first pick just guarantees you get a first pick of the draft field - you still need to choose wisely, provide an environment that maximises the player's development and provide a culture that lifts them to their potential. I doubt the demons of the past 7 years or so have provided any of those. Its interesting that Port and the doggies have avoided much media scrutiny this year because we just cant keep out of the headlines.
  8. yeah Freo got close to this. Maybe the opponents give us a player for the day. Would be interesting to see
  9. Thai Id put money on at least two of those listed not being a demon next year but I agree with what your saying.
  10. Id go by membership on which team will fold first - doggies membership was way below the rest this season.
  11. Clearly I hope it doesnt happen and believe there are forces at play that will prevent it occuring, but heaven forbid by some stroke of injustice our club alone is held to account for alleged tanking. What if they take away three draft picks for two seasons or fine us $1 mill? I think Id quit my job and chain myself to a tree!
  12. Good point on the priority picks. But do they want to stain the memory of someone who received a state funeral?
  13. And tanking through financial mismanagement.
  14. I think it may as you say indicate that charity is our only way to pay the salary cap. But I heard this is because we have pumped soo much into our footy department (probably to the irritation of Neale and Dean)
  15. Because he knows Richmond could also be tarnished if it all comes out.
  16. Assuming that we were perceived as tanking in 2009 (and I still feel that it will be quite hard to unequivocally demonstrate this to be the case given that we were in front at the final siren) does anyone else wonder whether losing Scully (or Scully being accessable as a potential pouching target for GWS) was an unofficial sanction from the AFL for making it too obvious?? Sounds crazy at first but think about it. No one in their wildest dreams thought that a number 1 draft pick would be available for pouching and that the AFL didnt veto the possibility some how.
  17. Ive seen him there before. I spoke to him and he seemed half competant at the time. Clearly looks can be deceiving.
  18. Here's my take. The AFL want to see the Demons succeed and allowed Scully to be accessable to GWS as an unofficial sanction for making tanking (which deep down they know is wide spread and has been for years) because Bailey made it too obvious...
  19. True but you will notice I acknowledge this fact as making Morton more attractive as a trade. He just needs to do something to prove he has market value. He came back into the side, did a few articles and interviews about his return and then was dropped. proof's in the pudding. Big Maxie Gawn has been given NO chances - he's played 3 games and is signed until the end of 2013 like Tappscott (who I rate just quietly). As for unsubstantiated rumour - my source told me Scully was staying and that Judd was ours Tonotopia - I have zero interest in people's private business interests and Im sure that it no body else cares and rather than bolstering your argument it probably undermines it mate
  20. Only at Melbourne would ex players and ex administrators come out at the lowest ebb and sink the boots in. Only strengthens our resolve I think. Like most Demonlanders here - weve seen it all and been through it all, there is no backing out now! If Paul has such a high moralising value set then why did he continually tell the world that Melbourne 'was tracking well' and 'meeting our targets' when he left behind a basket case that required a dying man to fix it...
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