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Everything posted by Undeeterred

  1. None. You just don't make changes after a win like that unless somebody has broken their leg or something. And those suggesting Bail will be dropped - laughable.
  2. Was just interesting to see a lot of enthusiasm there - exactly the kind of excitement we need to get into the playing group, probably him most of all.
  3. Wowee. As a very side note, watch Frawley's body language in the song. Lots and lots of camaraderie there - be interesting to see what happens next.
  4. I'm flabbergasted that I agree with you on something, but on this, I do.
  5. Captain Obvious, I prefer. Sorry, just couldn't help myself.
  6. Um, Principal, actually. I'd not discount some learning, if I were you.
  7. Please stop behaving like a five year old, as usual.
  8. Oh god you two who cares, in the end! I don't know why I even bothered responding. Let's watch the footy.
  9. Well, if we started with Judd, Pendlebury, Buddy and Patton and I have an odd feeling Luke Ball, we'd probably be on the way.
  10. This. He'd be mad to go to Hawthorn the second this year is done.
  11. Very much mirrors what I remember of the Scully/Trengove situation, where Trengove signed up long term after 186, whereas Scully was very, very silent.
  12. I think it is more likely that they did their mid season review after the bye, and are literally just moving down the list signing up their priorities now. They'll have started with TMac and, given he isn't announced yet, I'd be surprised if he has signed or will sign in the immediate future.
  13. Where was this article? If true, that is absolutely hilarious. What an utter dipsh!t.
  14. Just a shame about the quality of the people who seemed to be on it! That amplified the angst, I think - the quantity is really good, as you suggest.
  15. What is it with Demonland posting half our posts twice all the time?
  16. I'm not entirely sure of the alternative, but if Dunn goes to Cloke, we're screwed.
  17. I'm not entirely sure of the alternative, but if Dunn goes to Cloke, we're screwed.
  18. I've always wondered about this 'can't afford to pay the cap' stuff. Surely, the AFL should just fund the salary cap and keep it completely quarantined from all other club spending and revenue. That will sort it out - if you don't spend it, you don't get it. However, the flip side of course is that forcing clubs to pay out the whole lot doesn't mean squat - our ability to attract free agents is not a $$ problem, it is a credibility problem. Paying 100% of the cap will just result in blokes like Tapscott and Blease being paid way overs.
  19. Jamar 14th in hitouts is pretty interesting, given he's only played a couple of games!
  20. What the hell happened to Spencer's ankle? All of a sudden he looks like he's out for most of the year! Shame for Clisby too - he was right on the verge a couple of times and I'd be surprised if he got back in now this year.
  21. You clearly missed mine, and you're the one who attacked first. Who said we were a shoe-in? I certainly didn't - you'd have to be mad.
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