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Everything posted by Undeeterred

  1. Nup. He always makes sense and is wildly enteraining a lot of the time. Can just be a little off the mark sometimes, that's all.
  2. Not sure I'd want to be Frawley going to Geelong, to be honest. Although very wary of calling it early, I think they're just about on their last legs for this cycle and he ain't going to be enough to hold them up.
  3. Yeah I haven't seen him for a while, so he didn't spring to mind. There are a couple of others in the running, of course.
  4. You probably make the least sense out of any person on this forum and, by God, that is saying something.
  5. Of course I get it - we just disagree on how to get there. We should definitely be going after pretty much anybody who improves us and is willing to come. I didn't say you made the draftees point, but you'll also notice I didn't put any quote marks in. What I'm saying is that we can either pick up a whole lot more young kids and lose Frawley this year, thereby reducing our list age even more, or go after players of a similar age who are ready to go and make an immediate improvement. I can guarantee that the only thing that will mean a quicker death for this club than being mid-table and winning a few more games is being on the bottom, waiting for the tide to turn with speculative draft picks. We will get the Tysons and Hogans as well - it isn't as if they are going to give up picks 2 and 3 for a player like Heritier.
  6. The really good news is that I can only see 4-5 really obvious players to jettison in 2015, so that has to be an improvement...
  7. Yep, would much rather sit in the cold and watch us win 4 games a year until this year's five amazing new 'going to be a superstar' draftees reach 26 years old together.
  8. Can't believe how many people who have just spent the ENTIRE season whining about our utter lack of footballing ability turn straight around and express the opinion that a 27 year old ex-All Australian a downright no. Not even have a look. It is insane - I don't care what anybody says, he is clearly best 22 for us and I also couldn't care less if he is past his best. Let's just say 95% of his best is a hell of a lot better than what we've got in the main. For what its worth, I don't think we will genuinely go after him. I think Roos made a spectacle of it to show everyone how serious he is about moving aggressively in the offseason.
  9. Disagree. I don't think Jones would win a B&F at any of this year's finals teams other than perhaps North on a good day. And he wouldn't at Adelaide or Collingwood either, but might just, just scrape one at West Coast. I love him, but we're going nowhere while he is consistently our best player.
  10. Nah, he just sucks. Jokes, Jaded, don't worry.
  11. That's good going - I wouldn't necessarily have had Vince or Cross in those spots.
  12. Hahah I'm at work on the other side of the world and really, really should be concentrating too.
  13. 46 MINUTE DELAY FOR THIS: Paul Roos: there's no question the club has improved this year
  14. Don't have to go out tonight, as such, just more, if a B&F count makes you impatient!
  15. Are you guys seriously upset that you don't know who won the B&F, like, the second it happens? Should probably go out more...
  16. Hard to argue he wasn't the best player for us over the year.
  17. Walk up start. Honestly, I don't give a stuff how high maintenance he is. Let me ask, would you prefer him to Terlich? As for you lot saying you wouldn't renew your memberships - get your hand off it.
  18. Absoultely. Would definitely take him.
  19. Maybe he can bring along his Frawley mask and play in that in Round 1...
  20. Seems there's probably a touch more bitterness about Frawley in the playing group than we might think...
  21. This too. I was astonished by the timing of those extensions. Who would care if we waited another month?? Not like they'd have suitors bashing down the door.
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