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Everything posted by McQueen

  1. Well said OD. Quite simply, I wish the best outcome for Liam and trust the club and other parties are representing him to the best of their capabilities. But we do not need this advertised all over TV on top of the multitude of newspaper reports. I'm not saying the club is greater than the individual but the last thing we want is for LJ's situation to the number 1 news story at the MFC.
  2. This thread is depressing.
  3. I think you've nailed it IMO. We've not had a look at Taggert yet but they breed them pretty tough out Horsham way. I reckon he'll go alright for us and be one of those hard nuts.
  4. It was taken directly out of the rule book for AFL Masters Football, WYL. It is used because either the umpires or the players are too rooted to run to a new stoppage and contest it (and to keep the game flowing). Those who play Masters footy should know where I'm coming from.
  5. With you all the way Bily. Our Skips and the rest of the LG will form into a tight unit that will function better as the season goes by. A few hard fought wins against quality teams this year will expedite that process. Would like to add more but have my ring hanging today. Cheers!
  6. That's a good point JCB. At least we know that nearly all of the profits go back to the club that way.
  7. Err... okay I got it. You start a thread with your opinion but others are not allowed to give theirs, unless of course they agree with yours? Demonland 101.
  8. All of my trust sits with the new coach. I trust he will recognise if the burden gets too much for either of the captains. I trust the leadership program the club has in place will turn the two young men into exemplary leaders and fine footballers. But you are correct, this first year has the potential to make or break.
  9. The coach knew there was a distinct lack of alternatives. He's showed as much by dumping the older players from the LG. He's also indicated that the MFC is going with the youth option and JT and JG were the two most equipped candidates. To judge one of the skips off of one NAB outing is unfair and proving of nothing.
  10. Sorry billy but I'm absolutely astounded that you've made a call (let alone start a whole new thread), about the performance of one of our Captains after one NAB game against arguably the best team in the league at the moment. And on top of that you've blamed Mark Neeld for poor decision making in giving him the nod. Good luck with this one mate.
  11. I watched it live. It was probably a replay you watched.
  12. I'm with you all the way mate. I hope Neeld dissects the hell out of this game because our blokes will learn plenty. NAB cup or not, today was a lesson our lads need to absorb completely.
  13. Success breeds success. I know it's a bulltish line but when you've got blokes like hodge and Mitchell and franklin going around for a few years you automatically walk a little taller straight up. We will get there.
  14. Hawthorn have been playing together for several seasons under the same coach. They fielded a strong side today. I'm not trying to make excuses here but the hawks played with confidence today. Their skills were great and all of their players performed well and as a team. I personally would like to thank them for the reality check. Our lads have a considerable gap to close between where that are now and where they need to be to challenge for the top 8.
  15. Dwayne used to be my coach many years ago and he was a flogger back then. Nothing's changed. Tell your boss to get rid of him. Otherwise, the channel is great.
  16. Bloody hell! Tappy looks completely different in this years jumper.
  17. Hodge Vs Magner. Stuff the footy, would love to see these blokes scrap.
  18. The good thing here is that Tom has the potential to play those postions as well. Unfortunately, with Buddy, if you let him loose for a moment you will pay and with that in mind TM will not be worrying too much about his own ball. I reckon give him a shot. He would give the opportunity his all.
  19. Tom McDonald. Has the tank to run with Buddy and as long as our structures hold up I think he'll do an admirable job.
  20. Bail is great, but what are the conditions? I hope he is allowed to leave the Alice.
  21. Oops. My bad, didn't get where you were coming from. That looks like its dubbed... Is that ridgey didge that he said that?
  22. Well I'll just wait for you to tell everybody what the truth is following these very definitive remarks!
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