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Everything posted by tonatopia

  1. Who ever was responsible for not picking Sheedy as coach in 2007, should NEVER be allowed to be have an influence again. Lyon. He refused Sheedy and picked untried, speculative long-shots like Bailey and Neeld. He gambled with the club and lost. As a result, our recruiting (which would have been overseen by Sheedy) was terrible, aka Darling. Sheedy would have put the club on the map as one of the oldest football clubs in the world. Now, he is building a strong, hard edged GWS unit, that will probably beat us. Never give Lyon the power of influence again.
  2. Sorry, why didn't we get sheedy in 2007.
  3. You could be right, demonstrative. You just may be right. The fish does indeed rot at the head. If schwab betrayed the boys, why should the boys give their heart and soul if a traitor is in charge. Very interesting line of thought demonstrative. Very interesting. Maybe schwab is the the rotten apple?
  4. The coach didn't believe in us. This is the problem. Look at sheedy, Mathews, Roos, they held a spiritua belief. Neeld has cut us and slashed us, and we are now paying the price. Someone else said it, neeld has not got emotional intelligence. He is spiritually inept. He will not last the distance IMO. Too many supporters blindly follow the leader. Ask yourself, does mark neeld get the best out of the players. Yes or no.
  5. Neeld was only selected as coach because we couldn't get Roos or malthouse. Full frigging stop. Get him out and make a play at a proven premiership coach. It seems like Garry Lyon has had the wool pulled over his eyes one too many times. He is too blame for idiotically selecting Bailey over sheedy. That one decision has resulted in our current predicament.
  6. Yep, let's back neeld blindly for another 4 years. Yep, it's always the players fault. Neeld hasn't got what it takes. His face squirms under pressure. He is a spiritual lightweight. Viney as caretaker. We need a proven premiership coach. Let's go for malthouse or Roos. Neeld is a bitter pill.
  7. Neeld's coaching clock is ticking, fast and loud!
  8. This is the same team that smashed the swans last year. There is a big wave surfer called Ross Clarke jones. He said, surfing big waves requires 3 ingredients, if one of these ingredients is lacking, the surfer is in trouble. The big wave surfer must be; 1. Spiritually prepared 2. Physically prepared 3. Mentally prepared I believe the coach must prepare the players in all 3 areas. Right now the team is physically prepared, but lacks mental discipline and spiritual depth. This is the coaches job. Moloney for example has done a lot more for this club than Neeld. Neeld seems like a pompous, cold hearted analyst. His face squirms under pressure. Let viney coach. Now!
  9. It is the coach. Every afl player can play well, the coaches job is to turn good footballers into a champion team. What I have witnessed this year does not represent what I stand for or believe in. Neeld is not a spiritual leader.
  10. This is what happens when we have the arrogance to pick Bailey over sheedy. Biggest mistake since sacking norm.
  11. This is as bad as I gets. Yep, let's rest rioli, hodge, Gibson, turn it on for 20 minutes and then coast. This establishment is spiritless . The McDonald curse.
  12. Fb- tapscott garland tynan Hb- grimes frawley watts C- blease viney trengove Hf- Jurrah cook Howe Ff- Sylvia Clark petterd Fol- gawn jones mckenzie Int- Gysberts jetta Bennell Martin Fitzpatrick bartram McDonald taggert
  13. 22 vs 22. We can win. The dawks don't have a match for clarke. So if jamar and moloney can win plenty of centre clearances and allow the dangerous Sylvia and davey to crumb off the long bomb, it gives us a forward potency similar to roughhead, Cyril and Osborne. I believe garland or frawley can stop Franklin and I would play bennell on Cyril. Mckenzie can stop Mitchell, hodge is out and moloney and sewell can do battle. Trengove should equal Lewis and jones and magner can scrap for the hard pill. Play Howe at chf, bate and dunne on the flanks for the long goal, and we have plenty of avenues going forward. We need to play tapscott for raw strength and grimes can carve up the backline. Most of all, we need to 'click'.
  14. While I think Trengove and Grimes are exceptional young leaders, fine gentleman and hard nosed, skilled footballers, at this stage, I think the muture leaders will really will us to victory at Kardinia Park. Moloney vs Kelly Jones vs Selwood Sylvia vs Bartell Frawley vs Hawkins Clarke vs ? fair match. We are fit. game on.
  15. What happened to natural instinct, hunger for the pill, working hard for your team mates and beating your opponent. Seems like neeld has sucked the life out of us. There seems to be little belief. To much structure will kill natural talent. Bailey was all about belief, neeld is all about structure. We needed a smooth transition. ATM, neeld has a lot to answer for. If we don't win games and soon, he will be under enormous pressure. He is responsible for getting the most out of each player, developing them and the team into a side that wins. Our players look like they have gone backwards. Last year, jamar was hitting moloney 5 times a game, they were the best clearance duo in the league. Now, we look like plodders. Slow, unskilled, uncertain, and lacking belief. The buck stops with neeld. Do not let him off the hook by always blaming the players. Neeld is responsible. We nearly made finals last year. It was the lack of a defensive game that got Bailey fired. I want to coach. Firstly, I would have played pettered and couch.
  16. Prob line up like this; Fb: bartram garland rivers Hb: grimes frawley macdonald C: trengove moloney Bail Hf: watts Martin Howe Ff: davey Clarke green Fol: jamar jones magner Bate Mkenzie blease tynan Again- where is petered?
  17. Williams Williams Williams Williams We need a full blooded big strong goalkicker. I have only seen video of him, he looks the goods. Big strong skilled tough and kicks straight. Cmon Williams, you good thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. I think 35 minutes of afl footy would be perfect for tappy
  19. Fb: bartram. Garland. Rivers Hb: grimes. Frawley. Blease C: trengove. Moloney. Green Hf: Howe. Martin. Watts Ff: Petterd. Clarke. Davey Fol: jamar. Jones. Mckenzie. Int: magner. Bate. Gysberts. Tapscott Emg: dunn. Bail. J.Mcdonald Full back line are all leadership material Half back have plenty of run Midfield is hard, tough, clearence specialists Half forward line is very versatile, hard to match Full forward line has a nice balance marking and crumbing Interchange has 3 midfielders, with tapscott the sub. This team should be very hard to play against. We should definitely be favorites going into round 1 against Brisbane. Go dees.
  20. So it begins......against Brisbane........ FB: Bartram Garland Rivers HB: Grimes Frawley Tapscott C: Green Moloney Trengove HF: Howe Watts Davey FF: Petterd Clarke Martin FOL: Jamar Jones McKenzie INT: Magner Blease Bate Bennell Emg: Morton Seller Dunn and its on.......
  21. As a stay at home full forward, at the price he is being paid, you would want 60+. Fevola would have shat in 60+ goals at $150k per year. Sylvia would be able to kick 60+ goals as our stay at home FF. Green kicked 60 odd from half a season at FF. Jurrah averages about 3 a game. Howe could be the next Modra. Mitch Clarke, I will watch with interest.
  22. Watts should play most of the season setting up play from the backline. Clarke will play ff, relieving jamar in the Ruck. Martin will struggle to get a game. Gawn and Fitzpatrick are years off afl standard.
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