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Everything posted by tonatopia

  1. I think hardnut and I have a simple agenda, to wins games of footy. Probably the same agenda as yours. The difference between 'your' opinions and 'ours' is that we expected a whole lot more from the team than what has been delivered, and we think the team is underperforming and the coach has something to answer for. We are the worst performing Victorian club by a mile this year, considering last year we were in finals range. Does this raise any questions in you mind? If we can win a few more games by the end of the year and start to look good, I will obviously support Neeld to have another crack in 2013. However, if we do not win another game this year, you would have to ask the question, have we recruited the right man as our coach. Especially considering that M. Malthouse is up for grabs. I think the only way to win a premiership is to honestly give an appraisal of the coaches performance over the last 12 months, if we find that he is not the best available coach in the country, we replace him with a proven premiership coach. How is this argument not balanced?
  2. Who would ever pick an apprentice over his master? Your a bafoon! Ps. Arent you the bloke that reckoned jones was no good. Well done mate.
  3. I am trying to say that we have a decent playing list. That's all.
  4. Let's just keep the coaching staff accountable.
  5. Ah range rover rears his ugly head. So, if in 2011, our fitness levels were so bad, how did we win so many games. Also, this constant criticism of our list is pathetic. I think we have a very talented list, the equal of the swans who are sitting top of the table. It seems that every excuse in the world is being used to excuse our performance. And it is the players that are being blamed. You've heard the saying, "a good tradesman does not blame his tool".
  6. How about our refusal to use the corridor? Dosnt this seem a bit one-dimensional.
  7. I am not saying that we should have kept Bailey. Actually, I think we should have got malthouse. Anyway, the reason my posts may seem a bit fundamentalist is because I am trying to add a bit of reality to the people who seem to blindly follow the coach while slagging off our players. People must understand that the coach is ultimately responsible. Apart from hardnut, neeld has escaped scrutiny. It's ridiculous.
  8. Being hard is easy. Being successful is a different story. Mind, body and spirit. All 3 facets must be developed.
  9. Excuses, excuses, excuses. More bloody excuses. But don't worry, we will be good in 2 more years after we get more draft picks. Just be patient. Neeld is our man, he told us so. Don't worry about our performances, we are trying to re-invent the wheel. And if it all fails after 3 years, we can turn to Garry Lyon again to pick another untried coach so he can claim to the world that HE was the one that found the diond in the rough. And most of you swallow it hook line and sinker. The decisions made from the highest quarters of the MFC have led to this state of affairs. My evidence lies in the fact that the power brokers had the audacity to ask Kevin sheedy for a psychiatric evaluation in 2007. Fcuk me. This is madness. More than madness is that people think we are on the right track. 2011 - 8 wins 2012 - 2 wins Oh, but we are on the right track. No wonder we are a laughing stock.
  10. Great effort by the players. Everyone gave 100%. best effort all year, especially with the injuries. However, the fact is we are 2 & 13. Our game plan is one dimensional. We are afraid to use the corridor, therefore it takes twice as much work to kick a goal. Disappointed that green, petered, Howe, Sylvia and trengove were not rotated thru the full forward line so as to keep them fresh. I am still unconvinced about neeld even tho it was a fantastic effort by the players. Really, it's sad that our best performance of the year still resulted in a 5 goal defeat. IMO, neeld should be replaced at years end.
  11. I still can't see what neeld is doing. The game plan does not look effective. How long will it take to click. I do not have the patience to waste 2013 on 'hoping' that neeld can coach. I have heard so many excuses in the last 5 years that I can't stomach any more. Let's see how we go against Fremantle. Another thumping is inexcusable.
  12. I think I've got you covered bb. Your an easybeat.
  13. Sorry, malthouse instead of neeld in 2011. I would also be open to getting malthouse at the end of this year and keep neeld as his assistant.
  14. So why do you think he is going backwards? Nb: I am not saying Bailey is a better coach than neeld, I think they are both b-graders. I would have selected sheedy in 2007, and malthouse in 2010.
  15. I think bennell has many attributes that can make him a very very good footballer. I have seen him do things that are fantastic. He is the prime example of a potentially top line footballer that has not been developed.
  16. I thought moloney was a ripper. What I'm trying to say is that every player in the afl system, can play good football and in most cases were prodigious talents as youngsters. The coach is responsible for developing the talent and allow them the perform as a united team. 2 years ago, most commentators were saying we had the most exciting list in the afl. Voss went as far to say that we had a 'superteam'. Well, what went wrong? Lyon selected neeld, that's what went wrong.
  17. Bb59, you can come up with excuses for the next 3 years, that's fine. However, I am interested in premierships not more bloody excuses. How can players be good one year and crap the next. The coaches job is to get the team to win games of footy. Remember, we won about 8 games last year. This year we have won 2. Give us all the excuses in the world, the reality is that we are last on the ladder (albeit suns & giants). The excuses group is alive and well at MFC.
  18. Some people can't handle the truth. Binman and burgundy, keep your heads in the sand, it is safer there, until reality smashes you to pieces. Cowards!
  19. What I'm worried about is that we persist with neeld for three years and find out that he can't coach. It is quite evident at the moment that his performance is terrible. We are getting smashed by everyone. We would be crazy not to be approaching malthouse, Roos, choco or any other proven coach, just in case neeld's performance stays at this level. Anyone who says neelds performance has been good, should take off their rose colored glasses and have a look at the performance of other clubs just to put things in perspective. The buck stops with neeld. We are crap.
  20. Who is responsible then. The buck stops with the coach. He is responsible for this crap.
  21. Another embarrassing loss. Lucky they didn't kick straight or it would have been disgusting. Neeld is cementing himself as the worst coach in the league and the time for debate about a replacement should be starting in the coming weeks if not now.
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