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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. I would add Jetta, Mitchie and Spencil into that mix but thats probably about it lol
  2. I hate it as well but to be fair Viney also does this and has had a few more games. Not many highlight Viney as often but he can also be handball happy and can not only hand out hospitals but also occasionaly gives or hands it straight to the opponent. We have alot of areas that need fixing in general play though. Great example is just using their brain eg, Dont go 2nd 3rd up in a marking contest if u see a solid tall in good position to mark. We do this far too often allowing opponents to gather the spilled ball and run off or kick a goal round the corner etc
  3. Agreed. I wld also be alot happier if he handballs to our players most of the time! (thinking of last week)
  4. Nothing like a goal to kill off the oppositions effort a little. Wd Watts & Brayshaw
  5. There is something to this but if the loose is good at reading the play and quick to close not necessarily a foil. In the end you MUST man up to to at least square the contest and bring more balls to ground for Garlett/Brayshaw/Vince
  6. I really don't think it would have mattered if he was slightly off fndee. Pies are the No.1 team at scoring from turnovers. I'm not sure where we sit with turnover averages vs other AFL clubs but I doubt we would be doing very well with it. We may not be the worst either but we certainly seem to turn it over in our back half a fair bit which doesn't help our cause. 11 individual goal kickers so far and turnovers 33/10 in favour of the Pies. Very disciplined and pretty much always bring great pressure in general play and a solid full press.
  7. Possibly but the Pies rarely put in a crappy performance. Buckley has them well tuned at the moment. They are the real deal "hard to beat" team that MN infamously claimed we were going to be
  8. Our mid field had a decent win last week against a better rated mid field than St Kilda so in theory we should come out on top in this battle if we're on.The 2 keys will be our ability to shut down Roo & Stevens while at the same time kicking enough goals to get in front, then defend and stay there when the fat lady sings. Apart from Garlett and occasional cameos from Howe & the Hulk (who had a shocker last week), our forward line hasn't really clicked this year and IMO is presently our biggest weakness along with a few other ugly aspects of our skill levels and decision making in general play (outside of set plays around stoppages which has improved substantially but is unfortunately not sustained for the full 4 quarters...yet). Hoping for the best... Preparing for the worst
  9. Defensive forward roles yes but Bail often racks up the lowest numbers of any running/run with player in the team, has little impact defensively i50 and rarely impacts the scoreboard when pushing forward other than the odd rare goal from a set shot. Jones is a notch above Bail and gets more involved in general stoppage play but still doesnt impact enough to warrant a regular game. Neither have grown into AFL regulars and will more than likely be traded/delisted at year's end.
  10. His consistency and dedication to improve his game has been first class during a period of absolute horror. Much admiration for the dunny brush. Deserves a spell from the back half at some point in my opinion, even if just a few games to freshen him up. Couldn't do any worse than the Hulk's last game or Dawes and might even kick a couple.
  11. Jones & Bail's numbers are a fair indicator of the gap between VFL & AFL standards and pace of game. Both unable to take the next step to impact in the big league so far.
  12. Yes I agree HL. Among other factors, pretty obvious we need a stellar game from T-Mac on the Roo If we are to get over the line
  13. If only it was that simple chook. I think there's a whole lot more that we would need to get right to notch up a win tomorrow
  14. Dunn would be fine on Bruce. Held a monster to 3 goals, 1 goal a quarter, last week after he got off to a flyer in the first. Apart from the one off ugly kick in, Dunn was in our top 5 and easily the best of our defenders against the Pies. Possibly not at his best form from last year but still solid. Cross was also great down back playing the loose man/pushing up into the mid.
  15. Surely it wasn't that surprising... http://www.afl.com.au/video/2015-06-08/what-was-he-thinking
  16. Just watching replay for first time. I note that with 8 minutes to go in 2nd quarter, after Oxley takes his 2nd intercept mark in close succession, Timmy is already asking the question "Melbourne now have a decision, do they let him go back there as that free player or do they man him up?" Pretty clear in hindsight that our coaching panel stuffed this one up badly. If Timmy is seeing this as a neutral observer so early after the move was made by the Pies, surely we should have as well. Had all of half time to mull over it and get it right as well. Unfortunate that Roos couldn't admit that they (him and coaching panel) got this horribly wrong on the day. In addition we continued to roll an extra man in Crossy back even when we were a few goals or more behind with plenty of time left. What were we trying save at that point? Had they made the correct decision with Oxley, the players eliminated some of their horrid clangers, defended better in transition, hit up more leading targets to work our way up the field instead of just bombing it up the line most of the time, and pulled the trigger to go inside instead of up the line around mid field more often, I think we win this match well. Examples of players who are either incapable of pulling the trigger to hit lead up targets "inside" or just don't look and instead "panic" bomb it up the line from a marking situation (which indirectly resulted in turnovers to the Pies and 2 late goals to them in the 2nd term) were Fitzpatrick, who had a wide open Brayshaw in the middle, and Garland, who was roughly on HBF members side and had a leading Riley coming through the centre square to offer a nice lead. Unfortunately we did none of the above.... and lost (again). A pitty because our midfield won their contests for the most part :-(
  17. C & B to avoid playing more sides who are above us so often we have to start winning. Then we will be playing more games against sides below us and not as many against sides above us.
  18. I'd say that is Roosey's way of letting Spencil kno that he is still a required player. At least until seasons end and Gawn has been given a decent run to see whether he's an option as well. Roos is no doubt looking through all options at Casey for remainder of season before his next clean out and Gawn should get a decent crack at it over the next month or so, just like he did with Spencil.
  19. Apologies BB..literally just saw that post in a reply. Didnt mean to steal your post lol
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