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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. 9 to 3 inside 50s.... get it the hell out of there by lead up passes...keeping possession!
  2. Plough has completely changed his tune and is going for the Demons....just. Demons have 8 players with more than 20 possessions....the Saints only 1
  3. Gotta hit other forwards up on the lead now and not just bomb all the time in the hope that Hogan will do it all!
  4. The TOUMP!!!! 9 posesssions @ 100% The only d'lander to give him votes last week !
  5. THE HULK!!! .... plus the TOUMP! 7 possessions this quarter
  6. That last goal and come back should give us confidence for the remainder. What price confidence. Different team will come out this 2nd half. Watch out Saints! !
  7. Melbourne better at the set play stoppages.... clean up the idiotic stuff / turnovers in general play and we win AND win well!!!
  8. No those around him need to lift and they're at least starting to
  9. Nice from the Hulk... could get us back into it. Another 2 goals and they'll have to re jig their forward line....win for us
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