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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. That would of course be Jack Watts. Roos will no doubt confirm this in the presser. I suspect he may have been a tad negative in ths pre game adress. May i suggest he receives 10 of the best from BBO
  2. I hope you're not suggesting we are a dog's breakfast Lamash. That may be considered too negative by the club. Be careful you might receive a warning!
  3. O.o might need to jog my memory Nash Actually I stopped listening half way through the 1st. Same as last few weeks and its alot more pleasurable pretending we arent playing
  4. I'm stoked! *_* We are the best worst quarter team in the AFL. Well done Roos & players. Now you have something to hang your hat on and feel positive about :-P
  5. I hate to add to the veil but re Grimes to go on next year....but nah not for mine (sorry Peter/Paul ... Hec is there a Mary in the MFC!?)
  6. We are a universe away from the strength/resources/influence that a Hawthorn has over Box Hill Just knew someone would get hold of that as I was editing. Bloody iPads. ...slow as the MFC mid field
  7. If this club is to ever seriously improve it needs a VFL reserves team... Casey is not the answer. It is no coincidence that the Bulldogs won a VFL premiership in their first year back and the seniors roaring up the ladder this season
  8. Nice King. But I'm going to disagree with you on one point. If we get a quality mid field, with grunt, Hogan might go a long way towards saving the MFC. Personally I wld try & do both
  9. RP I fear you may have been severely influenced by BBO's regular self flagellations on here. I might need to speak with BBO about this as it appears to be rubbing off on a few too many D'landers
  10. Have a sneaking suspicion P.J. may have hacked OD's account Adam. An inside job!!? O.o
  11. Makes complete sense to me. An out of form Freeo, the selection committee has clearly decided to rest a few of our key players to freshen them up for the pre-season.
  12. Jumbo pls... that attitude may rub off on some of the players
  13. I have done so many times since 2010 stigga .... mostly after losses unfortunately. On reflection I ceased this practice last season and now only wear it after a win meaning i have had to put up with less vitriol but also the bitter winds from all these cold snaps. As you can imagine the reaction from colleagues has been a tad shy of positive. It is good to know however that we are still very much hated within the football community :-) * Is this negative? ... if so apologies to P.R. , P.J. and seemingly, certain players.
  14. That is correct Jnr. That was the only difference in the teams on Sunday. Our opponent gave it for 3 quarters or so. We only gave it after half time. The coach should be capable of instilling this into his playing group after nearly 2 seasons as a bare minimum non-negotiable. The fact that he hasn't, especially against very similar ordinary opposition, has to be a massive concern to everyone at the club. And if it isn't then they must be living in a vert different footy universe to the one I'm living in. P.S. I err in saying it was the only difference. There are other factors at play here. Eg, our forward press or lack thereof gave Carlton the room to share the ball around in so much space they were able to gain massive confidence out the back and even through the middle we seemed to roll with a corraling tactic (corraling under intruction or just too lazy to close down space i wonder!?) for much of the 1st half from what I remember. Had we placed them under much more one on one pressure in our forward half then they may not have waltzed the ball so easily into their forward half/50 as they did on numerous occasions. Even hitting up previously unseen forward targets lace out like Kruiser ughh! In addition when we tried to tighten up a little through mid field after the game was shot, in many cases (not all) some of our blokes sat off them and just sweated on them instead of attacking the pill. This allowed the Blues to gain first use of the ball (much of the time...again not in every contest obviously) thru the mid and gave them quick entry inside 50. Whereas most of our attacking came off rebounds from our defensive 50. And we know how often we manage to turn the ball over trying to work the ball up the field! Very Neeldesque...eeeks.
  15. I would suggest you watch the entire "Indiana Jones" box set picket (again if its been a few years )
  16. OD have you been in direct contact with P.R. lately? I am detecting a marginaly positive bias here
  17. Dr im not sure many of our players get the concept of "back to the basics" ... theyve had a few years to get it now and still go missing against some very ordinary teams
  18. Have no qualms or argument that the list is far from AFL competitive dieter. Nor was I stating that I expect instant results. I predicted 4 - 6 wins this season so hardly had high expectations. What I do expexct from a top line coach is to at the very least see a hard nosed, never say die competitive outfit run out and give it their all for100 minutes every match win lose or draw. The fact that they still dont after two pre seasons under Roos is a huge worry. You can cover some ugly traits like horrible turnovers and poor skills if the players are willing to die for the cause. But to do so they have to come out all guns blazing from the get go as a bare minimum. Persistence in football will sometimes get you over the line in some matches provided every player commits. This is more about the players attitude and commitment than their skills/talent. Members will accept skill v talent equation and that it takes time to improve the list/skills with drafts etc and takes You can have all the talent in the world but if you aren't going to fully commit you will more than likely be beaten by a more committed opponent, even if that opponent is the worst team in the competition, as Carlton were up until they met us on Sunday. The members don't run out onto the ground and kick the footy etc. To pot the members is just rediculous and smacks of a man who is unwilling or unable to see the forest for the trees. The No.1 bare minimum a coach should be able to extract from a team is a committed agressive one that never quits at any point in a match. We still have far too many players who are "deciding" when they wish to go or not. No other club would/does tolerate this for long even though it does go on (eg, Carlton against the Hawks a few weeks before us). This is about the players and the coach's ability to motivate them or assist them in motivating themselves. They are all getting paid handsomely and have no excuses. We certainly shouldn't be used to deflect. Roos & the players need to win when expected to win like Sunday and stop looking outside for reasons as to why they didn't.
  19. Agreed, one should never judge a book by its cover
  20. Not sure about fairy land. More like an angry unkept garden gnome. Maybe a Brothers Grimm 'Fairy' tale ..Rumplestiltskin ?
  21. I heard the stereotype about lawyers/doctors. Is this Roos carrying through a stereotype grudge/image of the silvertail rep we may have had up till our split from the MCC in the 80s during his playing days? Was one of my all time favorites/idols as a Roy Boy when I was a youngster as my first team was the Lions until about 6 and always my 2nd team thereafter. I would even give the "Roos" call at any Fitzroy games when we played agaInst them. However, he has lost me on this. Sorry but I cant forgive a coach that pots his own supporters. Like the players... he obviously doesnt give a crap about the supporters. So I wont be giving a crap or another red cent to them either. Live by the sword....
  22. If we actually had a bricks and mortar "club" that was open to everyday fans and criticsm/praise where the fans actually (on accasions) ran into the Coach/players/officials in the Cafe' or as they walked around their facilities, aka Whiten Oval, Simmonds Stadium, Waverly Park etc.... then Roos/Players/Some officials would actually be seeing the emotions like ellation when we win (eg., Geelong/Collingwood) as well as the depression/anger felt after matches like Saturday against the slowest, least skillfull, most demotivated, laconical team in the comp (until Saturday). The fact that the club doesn't have this (a bricks and mortar club where supporters mix with the Coach/FD/PLayers/Officials occasionaly) is one of the key reasons we will never be anything other than a bottom dweller dead cat bouncing throughout the anals of AFL history. Roos should consider himself privileged that some members are concerned enough over such an ugly affair such as Saturday that they would take the time/trouble to write in and vent their concerns/anger for that is about the only method a Demon fan has of expressing these emotions and asking questions of such a "hidden/veiled" club that has no direct bricks and mortar connection with its fans. IF we did have the players/FD might be a little more motivated to get off their ass and win simple matches of footy that should have been won comfortably....like Saturday. But nah....let's take the easy way out and just say "the players appear to have switched into end of season already". Oh....but you supporters don't switch off will you....keep sending in your hard earned so our boys can play like a bunch of girls...oh wait...FM the girls are better! Sorry girls! It's your job to motivate them Roos not give them an out and hope they turn up on game day. THe team you coached lost by almost 100 points the week before and you turn up the week after and give us this BS against the worst team in the comp! WTF. Weak as [censored] Roos.... weak as [censored] players....weak as [censored] the whole fricken club. That includes any supporters who are [censored] weak enough to make excuses for Saturday's disgrace. What would he prefer....we all just roll over/shut the hell up/play dead/go away, and hope for the best for the next 8 years or something? Oh ,wait.... P.S. In case you didn't get it Roos (if reading) i'm fuckin [censored] off mate... suck it up princess!!
  23. The opportunity for us to make a stand was there the last 2 weeks UH. Yet again we lost by a massive margin, yet again the coaches/playing group were expected to respond...and failed YET AGAIN...miserably against the worst team in the comp (prior to today). The coach, players and the Club have failed us, yet again and continue to treat it's supporters with contempt. I've had anough myelf and won't be renewing for the first time in over a decade next year. They aren't getting another $ from me untill i see a real AFL footy team playing out there again....whenever that might be. This is not solely the MFC's fault but also the AFL's to some degree for allowing solid players to be freely traded from the weaker clubs to those who don't need them (ie., the top clubs) under free agency which is a complete joke. Get your [censored] act together MFC or get the FARK outta the AFL
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