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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. I don't think O Mac is extending himself beyond what he is capable of R&B. I think what you see is mostly where a player is at at any particular point, form wise. Same applies to Weids and anyone else in the team. Although Weids did show something on the weekend i think both of these players are a medium term work in progress and are certainly not, at this point, regular lock in 22s. Each player's form (skills/awareness/ability to execute) may improve and take little steps up as the season progresses or it can also go the other way as we all know. If players keep their spots also by doing so it would be great for team balance and understanding (Vince!! ). But we now have a list where sub par performances over 3 to 4 week periods need to be weeded out (no pun intended) and IF listed players sitting at Casey are showing very good form, they get their chance to step up and "maybe" perform at a higher level and hopefully help the team get over the line etc. I just hope the match committee aren't fixed lock step, to continually playing their favourite based on "prospect" alone, even if they end up horribly out of form for weeks on end. Just play whoever the best "form" players are from Casey (and the training track) provided it's consistent stand out form at that level and can't be overlooked. And provided we aren't making wholesale changes which upset team balance and continuity. I don't care if it's Pedo, Frost, Hibberd (TIM SMITH!!! ) etc etc., provided we are playing our best "in form" 22 wherever possible whilst also ignoring the odd shocker here and there for those that are performing at the required/expected level (or above!) most weeks. Obviously all the match up, horses for courses aspects for game day need to come into the selection process as well.
  2. I suspect you are correct Mo. Maybe a visit to Wiki needed ?
  3. Couldn't agree more on that front Mo. However, clangers aren't only limited to disposals that end up directly in the hands of the opposition. According to Wikipedia (yikes!) .... The stat also includes.... Dropped marks or fumbles under no pressure , free kicks, 50 meter penalties and stepping over the line during a kick in. IMO stats alone should never be used to judge an individual's relative performance, especially most publicly available stats. However, i have no doubt some selective "key" non-public in-house (Champion stats) used in conjunction with viewing of the game (especially for review purposes) would be reasonably helpful in gaining an insight on where or how a player is performing (or under-performing) relatively vs player/s who might be performing a similar role in a similar part of the ground. Obviously a task best left to the experts who have the knowledge and access to these resources at club level. I would love to be privy to some of these review methods and what goes on game day, and the days following, including their use for review Monday. I remember SEN interviewed a chap who does this at a particular club one time and it was very insightful.
  4. It's always best to view the game R&B and make your own observations as you have done. Stats can be deceiving, but without the luxury of watching it all again here's the Clanger stats for those you mentioned..... Lewis 6 (1st) Oscar 4 (equal 3rd with Trac, Melk & Nev) Vince 3 (equal 4th with three others) Jones 1 (equal 6th with five others, all on one only) No player had Zero clangers on the day
  5. Sorry to hear that. Foxtel is probably the only option now which is how they want it i guess. Offer other options but make them nigh on useless
  6. No match replay unless you subscribe to AFL or a Telstra customer now. Just the highlights on AFL website and this ..... http://audioboom.com/posts/5746454-highlights-melbourne-def-st-kilda.mp3?smartclient=1&stitched=0&el=www.3aw.com.au&pl=2&pv=4&uniquifier=673090
  7. A F that's an excellent summary and particularly the part re Watts in the ruck for approx 5 to 10 min in the 2nd. He kept or neutralised the tap outs and with the ball falling in 'our' preferred radius we were able to get first use and finally started getting some clearances out of the middle. Big Maxy then followed suit and we took control from there. Mind you i really thought we were gone late in first. Still shaking off the battle scars of many decades past I guess, especially at Shitihad
  8. 6. The Jones Boy (6.13 / 2) << Weighted Average Score / Ranking 5. Clarry (6.23 / 1) 4. Vince (4.78 / 3) 3. Hulk (4.63 / 4) 2. Stretch (4.50 / 5) 1. Viney (4.45 / 6)
  9. He also moved up the field with the press and pressured/contested well at times Sku. Even attempted a pack mark from behind at one point bringing ball to ground. Not really his role but the other Keys were out of position a little and he read ball better. Something i haven't sen alot of. Best all round game i've seen from him in a while
  10. Has anyone seen an old garbage lid around somewhere? Hard to find these days ?
  11. Cant argue with that Ralph. I said before this match i havent seen an MFC side control a match with deliberate hit up short passing for an entire season in my whole time watching. Only one match but an excellent start. Need to follow up next week though.
  12. Ted i doubt a Brazilian would be appropriate at SWY's age thank you...oh wait
  13. Mr Vince & Lewis lead the fightback off HB in that 2nd quarter. The Lewis get is priceless for this club. Both in fact.
  14. Typical [censored] biased Shitihad one way umpiring!
  15. Similarities to a very young Fyfe? Shows much promise. Understand the selection if he's showing that sort of form on the track. Reads play well with burst of speed and nice reach for his height also. Can play small/tall and nice closing speed for the run down tackle. Might add to forward pressure when played up front?
  16. No Peds so I would run Weids through there myself. Watts is our silk, our Burgoyne without the run & carry. Wouldn't play/risk a Burgoyne type in this role and same applies to JW. Better used/positioned, and more damaging, elsewhere. Could get a massive corky also. Not worth it this early in the season
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