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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. I have to disagree with the "make space" aspect Big Red. I find Weids often running into the potential running lanes of Hogan and also taking up the space in front of him as well, dragging his opponent into the contest instead of away from. He might not be contesting the same ball very often as you say but IMO is limiting Hogan's potential to impact more often. I also can't agree with you re Maxy/Spencil. If anything they take a little pressure and focus away from Hogan when resting forward as they are a legit marking target and are viable pack/overhead marking options, whereas Weids isn't at this point. Having said that I wouldn't play both Maxy & Spencil at Shitihad. Peds a better option at this venue than Spencil/Weids for mine.
  2. Count me in. That's a poor selection on paper IMO. Peds all the way at this point at Shitihad. Weids is a no impact player and at least a season away from AFL. Also allows the Saints to double (or even triple) team Hogan more often. Hopefully Weids is the decoy and we hit Watts up a heck of a lot, assuming he plays a mostly forward role. As Demonlad said, games are often won/lost at selection table. This one is costly IMO and makes things that much harder. Happy to call this an early season faux pas that may cost us the match ?
  3. Think the panel is quite worried about the Saints ability to spread. Tyson probably the most vulnerable here of all the mids. Searching for additional closing speed with that selection. I don't know a thing about Hannan so the FD must be seeing something on the training track....including speed over first 10 meters or so.
  4. ? I am usually a terrible judge of these things AW so who knows! Let's hope so
  5. I hear you AW. Consider me scarred from so many years in the wilderness. If any team were to add to that outlier! Why 14 is a must in our case! I also truly believe this will be one of the most even seasons. 14 shld mean we aren't in the hands of a flukey % to get us over the line
  6. One of the most even seasons beckons, albeit GWS effectively the Winx standout and of course one or two lagging at the bottom to hold up the rest. 13 wins for 9th or we might scrape in with that if the cards fall in our favour. 14 is a slim possibility for finals but I wouldn't put any hard earned on it. Significant Injuries, or lack thereof, to play a key role in each team's fate here as always. A match fit and in form Kent, Jeffy and JW crucial to ours IMO lead by our 3 hard nuts in the middle .... JL, JV and THE Captain! Hoping Mr Lewis brings some of that unsociable football flavour across! Time to put our big boy pants on. Outside of a flock of injuries this is the year we need to step up. Finals the minimum pass mark.
  7. Not even if they were 3 D sunnies? Those tears would be like a bursting damn OD, even from the other side! ?
  8. Write to the board and ask to switch the members to southern stand OD! How much would 35,000 pairs of red & blue sunglasses cost I wonder? ?
  9. Just a guess OD but might be the FD model they've established during the Roos term. A leading premiership model with the facilities, recruiting staff, assistants, sports scientists , statisticians (read cast of thousands) etc? Probably leading edge or thereabouts for the first time In the modern era for us? It may also have a Sydney Swans style expense sheet underpinning it that requires a membership base of 50,000 plus to be viable in the medium to long term and keep Gill happy. If we can't get the 50,000 immediately, and we won't, maybe the club is going for the smoke n mirrors trick. We might have no choice but to make regular finals appearances from here on! ? ??
  10. Not doubting the accuracy on this Cards but when i listened to our membership day on SEN i heard nothing along these lines. Just an ordinary plea to join the club by Robbo in a brief advertisement with a very lame "Go Melbourne" catch cry from him at the end. Inspirational stuff! Could have been talking about the city! Whatever happened to Carn' The Demons! In fact whatever happened to the Demon? Sadly appears to have been completely wiped as a mascot in all marketing other than potentially on game day with Chucky etc and a few old retro style t-shirts/tops.
  11. Maybe we can drag this bloke out of retirement for one match Clint....was pretty quick...and hungry!
  12. Well that was one stunning performance! The comradery and joy for the game the girls have is lovely to watch. And there's some very good footballers developing here outside of the usual culprits. But hey I never tire of watching Daisy's amazing work in and around the packs. Those handballs! Wow she just has impeccable timing and evasive skills and touch that get her out of trouble and into space, freeing up time for herself and others around. The link up Queen of the AFL. Paxman again another solid performer. All the girls were fantastic and looking forward to seeing them in the Granny. If they make it I reckon they bring home the bacon ??
  13. Correct Cards. I have not seen us push the envelope in this game in the entire time i've watched and frustrated that so many others do so and do it well. One can only hope we've finally woken up.
  14. P.S. Thanks for the updates fellas. Nice work ??
  15. That would certainly not help his prospects of playing the first round Wrecker ?
  16. Libba one of the best at the latter skill I would argue Ernest. I reckon they won a few bonus matches last year with their ring around the rosey flicks, scoops and tricks. I reckon we've also done a bit of work here over the summer. Hopefully we can do so to great effect on game day and match the likes of the Dorks & The Dogs and win a few more games as a result.
  17. i would be very surprised if any taps weren't to our favour today Wrecker ?
  18. The bare minimum is Hibberd for Omac and Watts for Weids if we are to have a slim chance of winning me thinks. I would love to see all of the above back at their best though along with Tim Smith at some stage. We need more speed across the ground and without the likes of Kent, Frosty and Jeffy we look pedestrian slow other than Hunt and Tmac off HB. Tmac shld be instructed not to TRY & hit targets by foot. Needs to give off to other runners early into his run & carry and shld certainly be instructed to never try and switch kick at any point in any match! . Jetta & Hibberd pls. No Omac FCS. Tim Smith would out score any of those you have in the forward line (with the exception of maybe Hulk) if he is fit enough and given enough time to adjust to the tempo of AFL over a 4 to 5 week stint IMO. Although this would also depend on the quality, or lack thereof, of delivery inside 50. Watts is a must inclusion for this reason alone but not the only reason.
  19. There's hope for Tim Smith in that result. Hope he isn't left on rookie list to rot. Could be difference between finals and not if he gets a decent run.
  20. At least it would start off positive Spirit ?
  21. Going the early crow and tipping Jack for the Bluey this year!
  22. Richo at the Races with KB is worth a listen once a week. Those 2 together are pretty entertaining and even if you can't stand that segment there's always Richo's tips
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