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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. He was starting to hit more lead up targets last year Skuit but i also think he has taken it to a higher level again in these first two matches. I am also loving his decision making so far this year. Seems to have matured to another level and knows the value of a quick deep kick inside 50 from the middle to the top of the square vs always trying to hit up a target by foot or hand when under heat. I suspect this is also a spin off from our improved mid field stocks in general. Results in a little less heat from opponents with more time/space to run off or away from congestion and lower the eyes for shorter passing options.
  2. Or look further up the field as first option and possibly hit up a leading player who is well in front of his opponent (or completely free inside or out) instead of trying to squeeze so many cute kicks to a team mate who is well covered 20 meters away! Watts did both of these on different occasions which is kind of a reflection on how most of the boys went on the day. A little bit of 'on', followed by a little bit of 'off'.
  3. Nice work Pro. So it's starting to appear we are...... - Still a somewhat inexperienced team vs most - More talented across the park than most - Sometimes prone to putting in a fairly ordinary performance, like today, (even for a quarter or two) while also putting in better performances at times like last week but not yet for four quarters. - Starting to find ways to win more often! If so we are more than likely going to gradually improve from here, albeit with a few hic ups along the way. Finals beckons, provided we can keep our core group of best 25 to 28 on the park.
  4. One year ago that post would have made me VERY angry angry!
  5. I saw a few dropping their heads OD, namely Cripps and Rowe ?
  6. He had no JLT lead in guys. Was always going to be a little flat after his first up game against the Saints. He might also be recouping somewhat from whatever the reason was ? that kept him from getting a JLT Guernsey in the first place. I suspect he is just not quite at the match fitness level and touch we saw in 2016 but is still a much better user and deliverer of the pill when out in space than most even when half baked (fitness wise). Although I was disappointed he didn't see and hit up a loose Jeffy in the pocket at one stage when coming i50 in the last. He will be a whole lot better for this run in the next few weeks I reckon. He was one of at least half a dozen who helped win this match for us in the last and also kicked our first so I'm not complaining.
  7. Haven't seen his "better than that" often enough so far I'm afraid Pates
  8. I have to assume you hav never seen the famous "one inch" punch Ethan! All martial artists and wrestlers like Hulk Hogan know this move. He executed it to aplomb
  9. Yes and making them press up will offer holes closer to goal for players like Trac to lead back in to. And i meant Salem re intercepts and telegraphing. Brayshaw a few also but apologies for the mix up. Apart from the first quarter Brayshaw and Weids habent done alot and Melkshams turnovers have hury a few times also. Viney a bit busier in that 3rd term but pretty quiet first Half. We will need a pretty amazing final quarter to win this me thinks. Have given the baggers a big sniff
  10. Brayshaw pretty good at getting it and has certainly marked well. Unfortunately he tends to telegraph his short / medium passes which are intercepted far too often/easily leaving us exposed In the intercept rebound. He isnt alone here with intercepts but must be topping the charts. If this was any other team i doubt we would be even 10 points up with the number of turnovers and intercepts so far. Need to clear out the forward line a little and go more direct to Hoges/Weid with Jeffy crumbing. Hit Trac up on the arc if he gets free also
  11. ~ Wondering if i'll make the station to gates and seat before game starts without an Ambo
  12. So i think you'rs saying your not that confident Bob? Not really Chook. He is what i would expect a long suffering MFC supporter would be....oh...wait. i take that back.... you are correct!
  13. Deemented i hope you have a very skinny neck. Im still wearing my 2006 version as the new ones are about as long as a giant hanky
  14. Guess Its all relative as im running late after train cancellation and will probably get thru the gates about half way thru the first with the train doing about 10kmh thru Glen Iris etc. Gotta love Melbourne's amazing public transport system
  15. Only if you aren't a WCE supporter George. Been on the right side of that count for decades now
  16. Are you absolutely sure about that ET?
  17. America your use of the term "mamby pambyism" in a thread about toughening up our hashtag is also a little frightening!
  18. Whatever assistance we received Biff it pales into insignificance when compared to the bottomless pits that are GWS & the Suns. Set to continue for many moons from here as well.
  19. I think the off season "Party" (Cough ?) is well and truly over for our Mr Watts. Hopefully back on Trac now. Would be better for the run and will be surprised if dropped. Wags & Tyson me thinks
  20. So busy disposing all their possessions at such a high effeciency their was no need to retrieve the ball with tackles Trac
  21. You can save your matches for the log fire Bobby. They will not drop a mini version of Fyfe after last week's outstanding debut
  22. All players are continually developing Tickle. Some have more room for development than others
  23. We have lost two defenders in Vince & Smith. Vince also drifts forward occasionally. Some are suggesting Kent but can't see who he replaces up forward? Then you still need two ins to cover the defensive outs. Wags & Pedders (if fit) seem like the logical replacements (although neither can kick goals from a hand off outside 50! ) Pedders can play either end though and might kick the odd goal a la Vince. He also hits the contest hard as nails. A handy in IMO if fit.
  24. You don't think he is worth another week against the Blues Jnr? I agree he looked off the pace and there were a number of ordinary aspects to his game but might be worth one more week. The FD can also take another look in the magoos to see how Keilty and others (Pedders?) go this week.
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