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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. I'll 2nd that DZ. By no means a stand out must pick in 22 but surely his versatility and attack on the ball and opponent was worth one hit out in JLT? Certainly a more reliable/effective defender than Omac on the right match up.
  2. Fantastic win girls! Against the odds. The Crows had 17 men on the field to 3/4 time also ???
  3. It's been a disgraceful display to 3/4 time dazzle. So many throws and incorrect disposals not paid against the Crows
  4. Max was one of very few who hit a target coming i50 though WB. And that target was the Spencil. And it never hurts to show the opponent an effective different look from time to time i reckon. Also in the event that something ugly happens to you know who then we also have a reasonably in form back up to go full time during the season if needed rather than coming in from a somewhat sub standard Casey match practice/fitness level only.
  5. Spencil for Weids is a no brainer Dee. Weids is at least another pre season away. First lesson at Casey - learn to hold on to more gettable grabs son.
  6. As much as it hurts they are still F1 quality. Return of Roughy should also boost their stocks
  7. I would also like to add Trac to that list PD. He had a mare. With regard to the highlighted section i have yet to see an MFC team that does this consistently well on a regular basis throughout a season or for seasons on end. IMO this has been one of the major causes of much of our woes and sub par performances for decades. If you are saying this will easily be rectified (at least for those who aren't very good at it at the moment) by Goody this year then i will declare him a genius and either: 1. Streak around your house 3 times!; or 2. Shout you a 6 pack of your favourite beer Either way i hope i'm wrong and am forced to honor one of the above. Would result in a finals berth in 2017 IMO if we can!
  8. As you said if it aint working...They tend to lay off the defender hoping for the intercept or a chop out to assist, but we still lost the intercept possession stat by 11. I rate StKilda at Shitihad at least as difficult as the trip out west. Hopefully we don't go with more of the same on this zone (or one and a half nonsense against quality defenders by foot) or we might seal our fate to a nasty first round disappointment.
  9. Hopefully we don't see a repeat of the Essendrug match in his first up game last year vs the Saints DJ. Can ill afford to have players go missing on day 1
  10. It was only a JLT Chook but anytime you let Mitchell run amok without some sort of tag you are probably going lose more often than not. Other teams woke up to that last year. Hopefully he won't be allowed the same space during season proper.
  11. We have been a train wreck hitting targets coming inside 50 against decent opposition for a decade now WJD. I agree. It has to be fixed and Salem/Watts are a must pressing forward of centre if we are to have any chance of correcting this somewhat. Watts obviously will play various roles as usual to fill some of our glaring foot skill inadequacies and poor decision making around the ground but hopefully will spend more time off the wing or HF. Salem is also another loose goose when playing in back half. The opposition must be praying we continue with the basic line up we had last night. Let's hope some of our better defenders return shortly and some who just don't defend well are moved into better roles up the field.
  12. You aren't going to stem the flood of goals against better teams while u have the likes of Omac, Garlo and Bernie down back. We will win very few games against top 8 teams while these three remain there. Loose as a goose. Too many holes = easy run on goals on any turnovers up the field. From centre bounces, stoppages they probably look better as defence has time to set up. Dont know how many times I've seen Garlo leave his man to attempt the most unrealistic chop out 30 meters away, surprisingly doesn't get anywhere near the contest to spoil (was never going to), then his man is free out the back for the joe-the-goose. Often hits panick button under any pressure resulting in poor disposal choices/outcomes also. If Omac did a full pre-season he mustn't have eaten much. Looks same through the bod as last year. Teams will be putting someone solid on him and targeting him all season if we keep persisting here. Need Pedders, Nev back ASAP. Watts needed down back occasionally to assist with kick ins also when opp is on a roll or whoever is designated 'kick in' is having an off day or just relief/change up diff look for opp or for preferred mis match up field. Bernie to HF and part time through the mid. Horrible waste and liability down back. We look unimpressive up forward and won't worry most opponents outside the bottom 6 with current line up. Too slow once ball hits the turf and unless Maxy/Spencil are parked up there we look too short and can't see how we can afford to carry both rucks in most matches. The return of a very fit (eager/committed) Jeffy will obviously help. Rotate Maxy, Harmes, Bernie and Vanders thru HF & part time thru mid. Will probably win about same number of games as last year ....maybe one or two extra if injuries are kind to us and the ex bomber blokes and Lewis show some ROI.
  13. Mick ain't silly. He knows how to honour an exclusivity contract for XX $$. Mick and Shane may well be sunning themselves on the Maldives this weekend on the proceeds. Sam might even make that his next destination on street talk (the bag man??!!) ...hopefully on a one way ticket!
  14. Because we probably cant afford to put an even slower team on the park?
  15. Sounds like a minor tweak Cards. Problem is we have been suffering from these deficiencies for decades now in a major way. 1994 maybe the last time we looked like a reasonably competitive team in this area although my memory is somewhat hazey through the fog of so many horror years
  16. Another one Rjay. I would add Weids to the list of VFL level players up there. He is still a pre-season or 2 away from having an impact. I would bring Tim Smith in ASAP.
  17. Hunt and Jeffy aside, we are still a relatively slow team IMO and might struggle a fair bit against more speedy sides. We'll need to be significantly above AFL average in clearances and hitting targets if we are to win our fair share against any team who has this advantage.
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