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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. Rubbish, how can you say that his apparent decline has been evident over the past 3 years? He played 14 games in 2007 and was second in average tackles per game, and was in the top 10 for disposals. More amazingly, he played just 14 games last year too and was 3rd in average disposals, 3rd in average tackles and came 2nd in the B&F despite missing half a season. I didn't see you declare him too slow or a poor kick last year, or the year before that, but it's easy to jump on the bandwagon of popular opinion and just take off, isn't it? Do I think he can become elite? No I don't. But I truly believe that when fit, and when he has some support around him, he can be a very important part of the team and a very good player to boot. The issue at the moment is that, having lost TJ and with Bruce no longer worth tagging, McLean is copping all the attention. His lack of pace, particularly in light of his injuries, make it very hard for him to break a tag, and that is probably the biggest reason as to why IMO he can't be an elite player. However, put some quality around him, and watch him do what he does best, which is win the ball in contested situations and feed it out (which he still does very well, injured or not). And again, when you step over the line you are fair game when it comes to contribution. McLean has not in any way used his injury as an excuse for a reduced workrate, and if other teams want to target him because he is struggling, that's fair game. But you cannot judge his output this year in terms of pace and disposal, without the context of his injury. He missed two pre-seasons, is obviously in pain and struggling, and that is clearly impacting his pace (which yes, is not great to begin with, but has never stood in his way before) and his kicking. Up until this year his kicking was always reliable, and his decision making good, but because he is lacking that penetration in his kicking, a lot of the time his ideas just don't come off. If the club can acknowledge his injuries and lack of fitness, why can't the rest of us?
  2. I have no idea why they are playing him. Maybe it's because rest is not something that could fix it? maybe he needs fitness more than anything else? or maybe he is just stubborn? If I had to guess I'd say he'll have an early start to the off-season.
  3. I agree that his disposal is down on effectiveness, but if you believe that he is getting injections in the foot, that could explain a lot. Disposal does not decline in the space of 12 months when you are 23, without a good reason.
  4. If results is what you are after.... In season 2009, hampered by injuries, McLean is: 1st in clearances 6th in disposals 6th in assists 3rd in kicks 3rd in contested possessions 6th in inside 50's 1st in tackles Effort and results.
  5. He is absolutely right. When you are on the field you are 100%, and this applies to Brock too. Having said that, I don't think that Brock has used his injuries as an excuse to not put in the effort, or get his hands on the ball. But a lack of pre-season and carrying injuries means that he is physically not able to exert himself anymore than he does, which makes him look slower. It is therefore very harsh to suggest that we should get rid of him (our best young leader, multiple high-finisher in our B&F, leading clearance winner etc etc) because suddenly he has become too slow, or has lost his ability to kick. For a while now I thought that he must be getting injections in his foot, explaining why perhaps some of his kicks don't connect properly. This is not something he can physically change until he gets better. I remember Green having the same issue a couple of years ago and we all wondered what the hell happened to his ability to kick. McLean has not lost his talent, and is certainly not out on the ground being lazy and using his injuries as an excuse. He is doing his best within the limitations of his body, which is a pretty brave effort. Then again, what do you expect from a guy who played, and dominated, half a match with a broken foot to help us win?! I know that the talent that helped us win a final, at the ripe old age of 21, is still very much there. To judge him based on an injury-ravaged season, while ignoring all other facts, just seems like prematurely announcing time of death. The man can play, we all know that.
  6. I'm staggered by the constant suggestions that the game has all of a sudden, in the space of one year, become too quick for McLean, or that he has all of a sudden, in the space of a year, become too slow. Not doing a pre-season two years in a row due to injuries, and still managing to lead the club in clearances, is pretty bloody impressive. I love that Connolly says that he is playing from his heart, because clearly he is not fit. Lets wait for the likes of Morton, Grimes, Blease (and Scully ) to start playing midfield roles, thus removing the hard tag from McLean and letting him do what he does best, which is win the ball. In a [censored] midfield with no support, it is very hard to excel when your main talents lie in getting the ball. Put Sam Mitchel in a Melbourne jumper and watch him struggle.
  7. Now can we stop suggesting that we get rid of him?! <_<
  8. I thought it was $4 for a full day, but maybe I'm wrong. Either way it's better value than Etihad!
  9. You're lucky I wasn't around when you made your numerous silly comments or you would have been suspended. Stop carrying on like an idiot, or you will get the boot. Alternatively, please go away.
  10. I've already had this discussion with you before. Your support for PJ is a bit misguided given that you haven't seen many live games this year. He has been appalling with his ball use and lacks competitiveness in the ruck. I would think that if Jamar was fit, PJ would have lost his spot in the side for Martin, and rightfully so. I honestly believe that his career might have been saved by the long-term injury to Meesen.
  11. I'm most disappointed for Jamar. Showed great form in his two return games only to get injured again. It also means we gotta put up with more PJ turnovers! I swear PJ just keeps getting saved from demotion as our ruckmen keep dying. Also disappointing for Maric, but Jetta was very good last week and true to his word Bailey picked a team based on form. The flu thing is ummm.... interesting
  12. If you want to park at the actual stadium, then event parking is something insane like $20! Not sure whether they'll charge you less if you get there early, but I doubt it. There is other parking available at Docklands, which will cost you less, but means you'll need to take a short walk. No big deal really. Never parked there myself, by try the new shopping precinct place, you know, the one under the stupid giant wheel that broke in the heat (probably designed by the same genius who designed Etihad). Parking is apparently very cheap, but I'm not too sure whether that's too far for you to walk. I'd guess it would take 15mins tops. I drove to Etihad once, when I was on crutches, but never ever again. I refuse to pay such an insane amount of money for parking. FFS the carpark is not made of gold! :angry:
  13. I still love you Jack! It's great to see that he isn't satisfied and has the hunger to succeed and better himself. He could have easily said "well that was my first game, it rained, and the team got smashed", but that he is angry at himself for his performance, shows he has the drive that all elite players possess. Having said all that, his debut was in line with what you can realistically expect from an 18 year old schoolboy with no pre-season, 15kg underweight, and standing at 196cm. I actually think that Jurrah, despite coming from a lot further back with his training and development, is more of a chance to star in his first match than Jack Watts was. This of course means nothing in the context of their long term future.
  14. If he learns how to ruck he is virtually cemented a starting 18 spot, which I think is what we all want to see. It gives him an added flexibility and means he doesn't miss out on selection due to match ups.
  15. If you read the VFL report from this weekend, you'll note that German talks about playing Martin in different positions, including the ruck. I have no issue with playing Martin at a lower level if by doing so he learns to ruck, thus eliminating the need to play PJ or any other relatively useless second ruck that we have on our list. He actually did OK in small rucking doses. By the way, German had Wheatley as BOG for the Demons, whereas I thought he was shite. Strange.
  16. It's a shame you didn't, Mark Stevens! :D What a fantastic story this is, and a lot of credit must be given to Jurrah and the club for managing to fast track the development of someone who has come from so far back. If he can continue to stay fit both physically and emotionally, and settle in well at the club, there is no doubt he will be a very very special player who will bring in the crowds and help us win games. Good luck to him!
  17. Absolutely. At the half way mark of the season we have won ONE match. The time to "list manage" is now, and to say that Bailey is 'not into tanking' is akin to saying that Bailey is not thinking long term, and we absolutely know that he is. The club can publicly say that we are all about developing a winning culture, just as long as they manage to lose games against West Coast, Richmond, Freo and North. Anyone who feels the need to take the moral high ground and suggest that tanking is an ugly thing, should just remind themselves how happy they are with Jack Watts, and how much happier they would be if we also had Naitanui. To miss out on Scully and pick 2 could be the difference between making up the numbers and winning a flag. Tanking = Losing the battle but winning the war!
  18. The problem with playing Garland as a forward, is that it significantly impacts not just our backline but also our midfield structure. Garland is quick enough to play both short and tall. If you remove him, you are essentially forced to play someone like Frawley on a small type player, and IMO Frawley does not have the speed or athleticism to do so. This means that in situations like we had on Monday, when the opposition has 2-3 small quick forwards, we will be forced to play both Bennell and Grimes down back, which significantly decreases our midfield quality. In the long term, if we want the likes of Bennell and Grimed to play through the middle, and we do, we cannot send someone like Garland up forward without finding another quality defender who can play tall and small and provide us with the necessary attack from the half back line. Garland is the most important element of our backline IMO.
  19. I have no issue if we don't pick up Morabito if he has disposal issues (never seen him play so cannot comment). I would however have an issue if we didn't pick up a player simply because we deemed that at 191cm he is just 2cm too short or too tall. Too tall for what? to be a good midfielder, or too short to be a good KPP? Fevola and Goodes are just two players who have proven that height and talent are in no way genetically linked.
  20. Do you reckon it's because they might just be crap footballers? Do you have statistics that show the percentage of 191-192cm players overlooked in the draft when compared to players in other height divisions? It seems that for every player apparently overlooked because they were precisely 191cm or 192cm in the draft, there are plenty who were drafted and have gone on to become very good or even star players. This thread is now so ridiculous I'm going to read it only when I need a laugh.
  21. There is a saying in the fashion industry; only real men can wear pink. That is all :D
  22. I got members tickets for level 3 and they cost $3.60 each (no way am I paying over $50 for two people to sit on level 1). The issue I had is that bloody ticketmaster charged me more in fees and handling charges, despite me choosing to print the tickets myself, than what I paid for the actual tickets. Talk about ripoff. If you have the time to turn up early on Friday and buy tickets beforehand, do it just to avoid paying them money I say. Unfortunately some of us have to work! :angry:
  23. I hate Etihad and I hate Essendon. So annoying that I pay for a 17 game membership, then have to pay extra money just so I can get crappy seats. And as usual, half of the bottom level will be empty.
  24. After he missed that goal while kicking across the body instead of just kicking straight through, my friend turned to me and said "who the hell is that idiot?". Summed up my feelings pretty well. He sort of gravitates between no confidence and too much confidence. Quite possibly the strangest footballer I have come across mentally.
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