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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. This thread has turned to [censored], and so I'm locking it. To all the new posters who have recently joined Demonland: I strongly suggest you back out of this thread, scroll to the top of the board and read our Code of Conduct. Thank you and we'll see you all again on yet another Adem Yze thread to be created in the near future
  2. Where's Darren Glass? We're getting robbed here! I don't know how a thread titled 'it's time to look forward', turned into an argument about which over the hill depth player is more worthy of keeping FFS, have we really reached rock bottom? Who here would choose Ward or Brown or Ferguson or Bizzell or Pickett over another Clint Bartram or Michael Newton? That's right, these two were late picks (Bartram at 60!), and they are the sort of players we could miss out on if we hold onto players who have little left to offer us. It's time to let go!
  3. Why not Garland? I know we desperately want to win this match, but we still shouldn't lose sight of the bigger picture. Garland was named in the bests for Sandy, Bizzell wasn't. And I know Brown won't get dropped, I'm just hoping. His low kicks send me into a fit of rage. Just kick the ball a bit higher Browny, PLEASE!!! We also need to look at how Collingwood will line-up. I'm worried about Cloke. Do we play Carroll on him? Dutchy on Rocca and Bell to give Didak a spanking again. I think Miller might be back this week, especially if Frawley doesn't come up.
  4. Brown and Ward are gone. One of Bizzell or Holland will get a one year contract, and I hope it's Dutchy as he's more versatile. Yze will stay, not a chance in hell he's letting go of that one year he's got left. That means Byron is gone, unless Sheedy is somehow involved with the club. Those under 30 who are gone: one of Ferguson or Warnock, Neville, and possibly one of Miller/CJ/Jamar (traded, not delisted). Bode will be officially elevated, and Neaves should be too. That leaves us with at least 6 players gone, plus at least one rookie elevation, plus hopefully one trade. All in all, if we can get 5 or 6 picks in the draft this year, that would be a good result.
  5. Thought Bode played well last night given it was his first match. His tackling is great. In: McLean, Buckley Out: Frawley (inj.), Brown (was good in patches last night, but his kicking is killing me!).
  6. It's an interesting proposition. Do you dare trade the problem child, with the unique talent? He is, without a shadow of a doubt, the most skillful player we have. He's probably on par with some of the best in the league. That alone, makes me nervous to trade him, especially given our obvious lack of skills across the board. He is also a match-winner, and we haven't got a lot of those either. However, his currency would be quite high, and rightfully so. If we put him on the trade table, we might get something really great for him. If we don't, he'll stay. It's a win-win. Having said that, there are other, less damaging senior players I'd like to see gone before TJ.
  7. Last night was a real surprise, but I would love to win next week for Neita (with the added bonus of beating the Pies). After next week however, I'm not fussed whether we win or lose, and taking the priority pick away from Carlton, would be incredibly satisfying.
  8. Bell has delivered consistently since he got over the OP. Has there been a more consistent defender this season? McLean is struggling with injuries. Who knows how long the adductor injury has bothered him. He is, and will be, much MUCH better than Cooney in the long run. I'd like to see Cooney playing in the thick of the action at every bounce, without the likes of West taking away the best tagger. He's a good player, but he doesn't work very hard, does he? He is their version of Yze, the younger years.
  9. We are too easily pleased. I saw him standing on the wing, unable to chase, short of breath. NOT GOOD ENOUGH! If he can't run up and down the ground, he shouldn't be playing AFL footy. His fitness is a joke, even if his skills and aggression are up to scratch.
  10. Spot on. I guess some people just can't take the Daniel Bell blinkers off. He's still recovering from the hamstring, you can tell because he isn't running at full speed yet. He gave Aker a royal spanking, and it couldn't have happened to a bigger [censored]. I fully expect allegations of drug use against Bell surfacing in the near future
  11. I don't know how anyone can leave Jones or Bell out of the votes. Both were exceptional, and had big jobs to do. Robbo was also very good, especially when pushing up the ground. He wasn't his 'selfish' self, as some would suggest.
  12. Let me know when the opponent is not Richmond, or someone equally as [censored].
  13. Meh. If Y_M is correct, and he always is , than that's great. Yze is very talented and he should be helping the side win. That's what he's paid for. Nobody here has ever claimed that Yze can't play football. Unfortunately for him, there is more to being a good footballer than being able to kick banana goals.
  14. I hate the pissheads who decide to go get their beer as soon as the siren goes for the start of the game/quarter. Gees, could you go get your drink any later? Then they walk past with "excuse me sweetheart", spill their light beer on my head/jeans/bag, all while I'm trying to watch Juice and Brock and so forth! <_< P.S.- if I can make it there by 7:10 and I don't finish my work meeting till 6:30ish, you all should have no excuse!
  15. Very happy with the side. Definitely worth making the effort of coming straight from work. Dunn, Buckley and PJ ahead of Holland, Jamar and Brown would make it perfect, but Holland can't get the boot after he played so well last week.
  16. No surprises there. I said last week in another thread that Bond and Sumich would be high on our agenda. Forget about Connolly *shudder*.
  17. Everyone is a bit sensitive because we're having a terrible season and we've been copping it left right and centre in the media. I can understand why people get annoyed when someone new comes along and presumes they don't buy memberships or go to games. When you question someone's support (even unintentionally), they get defensive. I assure you that you won't find a person on this board who doesn't love this club passionately. We're all bordering on tragic actually Maybe have a bit of a read of other threads and of our Code of Conduct and you'll get the feel for this place. I'm sure you'll soon become addicted.
  18. Welcome to Demonland bWell. I think you will find that a large majority of posters here are members who attend most games, and are as passionate as yourself. I haven't missed a game played in Victoria for over 5 years (missed that one because I was away on school camp!) and I've been a member for 8. I go even when I'm sick, and even while on crutches. Most posters are the same, they love the club and want to see it succeed. Unfortunately, there aren't enough of us.
  19. There was no reason for him to go public with this allegation. It serves no purpose. He may very well be correct, but he should have gone about exposing this player in a private manner through the right channels, NOT through the media. If he was accusing one of our own, I'm sure you'd feel differently. The players sign a confidential agreement with drug testers and the league, and Aker disrespected that agreement. Even if he didn't name the player publicly, he raised the issue in a very public arena when he should have gone to the drug agency and kept it quiet. Instead he threw every journalist and his dog a bone, and the issue escalated out of control. He has a big mouth and he should learn to keep it shut on such sensitive issues.
  20. Agreed. What a complete self-serving, egotistical moron. If he really thinks Braun, or any of his opponents are using drugs, that's fine. He is entitled to, even should speak to the right channels IN PRIVATE. Why didn't he call the AFL and speak to someone about it, why did he have to go and splash it all over the newspaper? Oh that's right, because he wants attention. He's a [censored], and while I wouldn't be surprised to know that the entire West Coast team is doped up, this revelation would be better off coming with some proof and from someone with more credibility than Aker!
  21. Great news! What a huge bright light he's been in this season from hell. Very excited to see him settled in our best 22 next year.
  22. Do we have any proof of that? I doubt very much we're sending players to the VFL so they can qualify for finals. We don't owe that to Sandy, nor do Sandy need our players. They've won 3 flags without us doing them any favours.
  23. Congratulations to a consistent performer who has carried the team's ruck duties mainly on his own for years, and has done so professionally and admirably (and through significant injury). Big two weeks coming up, with Whitey's 250th and Neita the following week.
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