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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. Bell was excellent on Brad Johnson in the midfield, and provided some good bursts from the backline. But don't let your hatred get in the way of facts now Morton gets to all the right positions, then he is ignored by his teammates who suffer from tunnel vision. Martin was great, and was extremely unlucky with the free paid against him. His composure really impressed me.
  2. Wheatley- king of turnovers. I know you can kick it 100meters, I'm even impressed, but seriously if you can't hit a target you are useless. Thought Miller and Newton were victims of incredibly poor delivery, especially Miller who works incredibly hard all day. In the last, when we finally kicked to advantage Miller took some excellent marks and kicked truly. Newton took some good marks, but some of his goal attempts were selfish. Martin impressed me greatly.
  3. Welcome to the AFL, a multi-million dollar organisation run by ass-clowns on crack.
  4. We'll lose by around 40. I'm dragging my dad against his will. He really doesn't want to go as the game is at the TD, but it's easier to just go than have me to deal with telling him he's a bad Melbourne supporter . I predict many supporters will feel the same and we'll struggle to get 500 of us there.
  5. The event discussed in this thread is not really aimed at most of us who post here. It's an event to target very influential, well-off supporters who can afford to spend a minimum of $6000 in a night. Most of us can't, and the new board is well aware of that, which is why fund raising efforts for the masses will be a lot more simplistic.
  6. Because they won a premiership without a decent forward, but now they are 15th having lost their two best midfielders.
  7. So do I, but I gave it to my cousin to play with (hoping he grows up into a proud Melbourne supporter) and he chewed on it and now Teddy doesn't sing anymore That'll teach me giving precious expensive memorabilia to a 10 months old who passes the time by chewing remote controls.
  8. You must have me confused with Ben Holland
  9. I swear if Newton comes out and kicks 6 on Sunday I'll sell all my shoes and donate the money to the club
  10. I'm gonna donate a quarter of my tax return. I have no idea what that will amount to, but I'd say at least $150.
  11. Perfect I'll be watching Newton intently, as the last time I saw him in a senior match he disappointed and angered me greatly with his selfish attitude and weak skills. Looking forward to him proving me wrong!
  12. Both the GC and Sydney teams are going to be devoid of any passion or history, and will be nothing more than a soulless organisation that means nothing to nobody. Thus far, all interstate teams have grown from a local state club with passionate supporters and proud traditions. The club that didn't (Brisbane Bears), ended up merging with a Victorian team. You can only manufacture support to a certain level, beyond that a club built on loads of money and talent stolen from existing clubs is going to struggle to ever truly be a respected part of the competition. Who the hell is going to support these clubs? People in Sydney who have interest in football have the Swans, and even during their recent successes they have struggled with memberships and attendance. Brisbane has one of the lowest membership figures in the AFL, and that's despite being more successful than any other club over the past decade. I understand that the growth of the GC is a major factor in the development of these new teams, but most people moving to the GC are previous residents of Australia who, in all likelihood, already have a football team. Sure they might go to a few games, starved of football action, but they will never truly support the club if their alliances are with another team. This is why a Tasmanian team is a far more sustainable idea, but heck, there's not money in Tasmania so it doesn't matter
  13. Gotta love taking the credit for something you didn't do Nugget Jones was the one who came up with the idea, I just agreed that it was great.
  14. I will, in 8 weeks time when I finally get to quit. I might just snow the entire place in Melbourne flyers
  15. Funny, the number of expensive cars with Melbourne stickers in Brighton (where I work), has remained the same If I was allowed to I'd wear my Melbourne scarf to work and convince all the rich snobs that annoy me to spend less money on unflattering clothes and more money on the MFC.
  16. Final bench predicition (wishes): Bell, Martin, Newton, Valenti.
  17. It's in case they forget their names... they can chase their own back trying to identify who they are after a big night out
  18. It is absolutely crucial that we get a priority pick this year. IMO Round 22 against Richmond is a certain victory given the amount of retirements that are on the cards, and given Richmond probably won't have anything to play for at that stage. And of course the game against West Coast will be the easiest win of the year given it's at the MCG and given West Coast are tanking themselves silly. That leaves the Freo and Essendon games as the only danger matches, but at least we play Freo at Subi (and thank god we play Port at AAMI, where we haven't won a game since 1985).
  19. That's brilliant! Yze- Thanks for the memories, Fallout Boy The Brothers (Davey, Aussie & Whelan)- Better Together, Jack Johnson Sylvia- Sitting Waiting Wishing, Jack Johsnon Non-Melbourne related: Dale Thomas - A natural women, Aretha Franklin Barry Hall- a rush of blood to the head, Coldplay
  20. While this is known world-wide as the worst tattoo ever, it's a bit like a car crash, ugly but you just can't look away... might have something to do with the placement of said tattoo. He could have a giant tattoo of Elmo smoking a joint on his lower abdomen and it still wouldn't look so bad
  21. He's lucky he's an awesome footballer, because that tattoo is disgraceful! Fancy getting your own name tattooed all over your back... just how drunk was he when this piece of magic was permanently engraved on his body?! Regardless of his shocking taste in tattoos, it's good to hear he is getting daily treatment for torn abdominal/groin muscles (ouch!) and that he thinks he'll be right to go next year. I'm looking forward to the return of a fit and firing Rivers (and yes, I'm a believer).
  22. Definitely. Being a really poor student with more bills than income, I can't really afford to donate a big lump sum to the club and I'm sure many people are in the same boat. But if I put even 50cents into a jar everytime I buy a coffee (on average 2 a day, 5 days a week), I could end up collecting an amount of money that won't hurt my back pocket but can still help out the club. I think it's a great idea, and it's especially good for kids who might get a few dollars a week pocket money. If their parents are Melbourne supporters they can put an extra few dollars in the jar each week... so that their kids can grow up watching Melbourne win premierships. I hope the club takes this suggestion on board. It's certainly a good one!
  23. I don't know many players who get angry and punch the ground when they lose a one on one contest 80m away from goals! It shows a lot of passion and when someone really hurts when they lose a contest to me it shows that they are aware that they've let the team down. Selfish players usually get angry when they miss a goal etc... because it's an individual thing. Besides, defenders by nature are not selfish players. Being a defender is the most thankless, probably most difficult job in the team. I can't imagine how daunting it would be for a player who has played 12 games to line up on a player like Bradshaw who traditionally kicks 8 goals a match against us. That Garland was angry with himself on the few occassions Bradshaw outplayed him shows he really does want to do his absolute best for the team. It would be understandable if, at his age and with his experience, he would say to himself "oh well, it's one contest against an elite forward". But he doesn't, and that's great!
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