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Little Richard

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Everything posted by Little Richard

  1. Danyle Pearce can run, that's about it. He is an average player in a very average side. Lynch on the other hand is a decent key forward in a top side. Offers finals experience and a winning attitude. Apparently has good leadership qualities too. Hardly a spud.
  2. Pretty sure every club that loses a player to FA is compensated with a pick, it's part of the system...
  3. A lower contract will reduce the compo pick we get in exchange for him so it's also our problem.
  4. There shouldn't be any issue with age - the Bailey era plan showed that all out youth just doesn't work. I'd be all for him but the question is whether or not he is fit enough to get on to the track and have any kind of impact. This is what should be done. I thought he had been delisted, or is about to be delisted so we wouldn't have to give up anything anyway?
  5. Even though he would be in our top 3 players right away? Roughead is a quality player and we'd have no chance of getting him anyway.
  6. Good news, hopefully it's substantiated by something! Lynch would be good for us; lots of experience in a top side and would create a strong structure with Clarky. All the people on here yelling him down because he is too old or whatever - the days of planning for a flag by drafting kids are gone. Look at the Bailey era - it failed miserably. We need improvement asap and mature recruits are the go. Get some wins next year and create confidence for the future instead of drafting kids who perpetuate a losing culture.
  7. Aren't there already a couple of threads on Lynch?
  8. How so when the stat says that he is the first to get the ball from the opposition? Tackling needs a lot of work but he averaged 5.5 marks per game and about 40% of his possessions were contested this year - no where near as bad as some people make out. There are enough Watts v Natanui threads so I thought I'd compare these stats with Hurley's year. Hurley averaged less tackles (.8 vs Watts' 1.5), less marks (5.2) and way less contested possession per game.
  9. Thanks to everyone involved in running the best football site on the net, with the best articles, accurate information and (mostly) logical and fair discussions.
  10. 'and was No. 1 in the AFL between Round Eight and Round 15 for winning the ball back off the opposition'. Could someone clarify this? Does it refer to intercept marks?
  11. Thinking about this a little more, Jones and possibly Howe come to mind too. Jones is a proven goal kicker and it looks like Neeld is trying to turn Howie into a mid who can go forward and he didn't go too badly in the middle when he was there. I do like seeing him deep forward though...
  12. Actually as a player gets on in years, I think they would prefer a more lucrative deal over success, to set them up for the future. Who knows who you know but the fact that you say the MFC is an attractive place is ridiculous. Sure we might have a lot of cash but we hardly have elite facilities or great coaching. The coaches we have are experienced sure, but hardly proven as elites. And it is not a case of 'the only way is up', we could go down next season, who knows? I bet very very few people expected us to finish 16th this season so don't be so sure.
  13. I reckon the player has the leverage here tbh. Out of contract and desperate to come home. He can bend the club over a barrel and demand they trade him to a club such as Collingwood and threaten to walk to the draft otherwise. Of course GC have a higher pick than Collingwood but there is no way they'd use it that way.
  14. You just wasted a minute or so of your life posting that.
  15. Are there any trainers present or people who can do strappings and that sort of thing?
  16. I totally agree about Caddy, I would have been really annoyed if we had used a pick to get him but it was just an example. My point is that some people just can't be bought, and that success is more important to them. Hopefully we can find some players that respond to the cheque book but the reality is we have nothing else to offer.
  17. Hardly garbage, haven't you heard about how Caddy supposedly turned down an meeting with us and has requested to go to Collingwood? Obviously we could offer him more money but he is chasing success. How about Luke Ball? Why the hell do you think Rivers is leaving WYL? He isn't chasing money - we could offer him more than anyone. He is after some success, which has been stated by Neeld and I completely understand. Everyone has different values and it seems that many hold success and other factors, rather than money, in high esteem.
  18. Rivers is much more than a 'third up defender with poor disposal'. He has experience and leadership, and on field he is tough at it and strong in the air (rare at the MFC) has fantastic composure under pressure which our back line sorely needs. Before he went forwards he was (on form) one of the best key backs in the comp and that is why people want him. You are massively underestimating Rivers and what he brings to the side. Because of all that he will be a big loss and a massive hole in the side which I don't think we will be able to fill for some time, especially with the players on offer this year.
  19. Fairly sure Fitzy was quickest over 20m at his draft combine, though I reckon Blease would push him and vice versa.
  20. 188cms, pretty undersized. Would play good as a third option a la Gunston or Darling, but we need that second KPF first.
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