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Little Richard

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Everything posted by Little Richard

  1. Eff that, we'd better get a pick back too if that were to eventuate.
  2. In that case that particular one is far too good for us to be true, with the exception of maybe Gysberts.
  3. Lol, three NQR's don't equal a decent player. Especially when they are trying to create cap space - it will be picks not players for Dawes!
  4. When I opened it I was expecting to read some article about tanking penalties and loss of picks...
  5. Thanks, that's good news. Looked pretty bad on the television and he could barely walk after they strapped him up and put him back out there.
  6. Does anyone have any info on that knee injury he copped in the prelim? Didn't look good at all and we don't want a player who has just suffered a severe knee injury (hopefully it was just something minor).
  7. Money like that would cause a fair bit of animosity between the players, it's just too much.
  8. You don't think he was playing on these guys because no one else could match them for pace/agility?
  9. Have it on good authority (via his brother down at Heidelberg) that Josh will be at North next season. Apparently a lot of the Gold Coast guys, Ablett in particular are happy to be rid of him too.
  10. I thought the Caddy phase ended after he rejected a meeting with us and demanded to go to Collingwood?
  11. You can bet he's already on a fair amount of coin there, and the couple of hundred thousand more we can offer won't make much difference when he's weighing up the other factors like success, playing with mates, coaching staff and so on. It won't happen.
  12. Why on earth would he leave on of the most successful clubs in the competition (where you can be sure he is well looked after already) for our crap heap, even if we can offer more money? True the optimism is admirable but we are going after players like Pedersen and Dawes because they are realistic. Buddy isn't mate.
  13. Obviously, that's why I made the point bout the salary cap and not accepting a player from us. Yeah I see that but it's not like they are going to accept a third rounder for Dawes, so what do you propose?
  14. So what do you think it will be Stuie? Our second rounder won't be on the table because we need that for Viney, and a player won't work for them with their salary cap (especially if Tippett is actually headed there).
  15. Don't forget he played on Watson when he went forward and physically beat him in two crucial one-on-ones. People who use the 'he plays without an opponent and all his possessions are soft' have no idea.
  16. If its Martin for Dawes, just hang on to Martin. Please... It would probably have to be only a pick though because with Lynch and (reportedly) Tippett, their salary cap would be tighter than Johnny Rottens jeans.
  17. Obviously he couldn't name his journalism as the biggest piece of crap for the year so it had to be us.
  18. I think he would be great acquisition but the cost would be steep. Port used a high pick on him only a few years ago and considering their list isn't overflowing with tall forward options they'd be reluctant to let him go.
  19. Considering we have players like Bennell and Cook on our list... yes obviously we are desperate.
  20. Lol 22 goals in his first 12 games contradicts your views mate. Very very rare for a young tall forward to come in and have that kind of impact. Struggling with injury at the moment but he has just gone 21. I'd personally be ecstatic if we managed to score Butcher but it won't happen.
  21. That's a very good point actually, hadn't really occurred to me. He never really played extended time forward with Port did he? 129 goals in 176 games bodes well though.
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