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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. If we were sure of landing Williams as a FA, ideally, we'd threaten to match and force Geelong into a trade, as they did for Danger. As it stands, Geelong have 11, 15 and 16. Then we'd get a pick for Jack and Williams. Though GWS could very well do the same to us
  2. 'Bleeds red and blue' is about as useful as the phrase 'unprecedented times' It means nothing, but sounds nice
  3. Thought Robbie had broken collar bone? If so, he wouldn't have played in the granny
  4. Ligaments, not bone, the article says 2-3 month rehab. Ouch!
  5. He's not that. Reckon May/Lever will comfortably hold him
  6. BBO is doing his best to keep the goon bag industry afloat
  7. Congrats on Gus' brother getting his first game for WCE. Its been a long road for him. Well done young man
  8. I only drink beetroot lattes these days. Almond milk, of course
  9. Would you trade Jack for mid first round? Would end up being about pick 16 given the academy/fs picks. I'd do mid first round and try and swap for a key fwd or skilled outsider. It might cause some friction within the team. Put significant heat on Goodwin and Mahoney too (que the haters...) Big preseason, win games next year and that will disappear quickly. Oh, god, I sound like SWYL....
  10. Probably carrying lingering foot issues. Still probably the best set shot in the side Doesn't help that we have no idea how to deliver to his advantage or that we let him get double/triple teamed. 9 out of 10 inside 50 entries are blindly long bombed, been like that for 3 years. Not to mention 4 of his team mates flying comically for every unrealistic mark Like Viney, I wouldn't blame him for going to a top 4 side that knows how to use his skill set rather than force him to battle against 3 guys and push [censored] up a hill every week
  11. He did well on Papley, od
  12. Which isn't really an issue if he is OK to go and and another club incorporates these two years into a 3 or 4 year deal Is he on big coin with us? Wouldn't have thought so
  13. I hope Petty is injury free in 2021. Forward line of Petty, Weid and Jackson make more sense than persisting with Tmac. Take what we can get for him in a trade or he's depth for us
  14. Kelly alone is worth far more trade wise than Max Won't happen mate Isn't Williams a FA? Not sure
  15. Yep, with Sparrow developing Add a skilled outsider and we look much better. Love Jack, hope he stays, but he's Gawn
  16. That's it, the 'riddle' Apologies to @Grand New Flag
  17. Hope you are wearing a mask when you spat that, picket
  18. He'd be right at home with DeGoey, Stephenson, Sidebottom, Beames, etc
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