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  1. I have grave concerns about the efforts of Bayley Fritsch. He goes missing for large chunks of the game. Plays behind his man. Doesn’t chase. Isn’t providing a target. He’s not the only culprit.
  2. Surely the Petty up forward experiment is over. Swap him with TMac. Leave TMac forward and either send Petty down back or send him to Casey to work on his forward craft.
  3. A welcome return to JVR this week. We really missed him last week. Our forward line functions so much better with him in it. I really wish he didn't have to do so much relief rucking on top of it.
  4. @binman you've been telling us for a long time that our one wood is scores from turnovers. I don't have the final stats in front of me front of me but at half time we hadn't scored from turnover. Any thoughts on why we struggled in this area this week?
  5. Umpires absolutely murdered us in the first half. 11-3. Frees evened up throughout the rest of the match but the were some horrible non-decisions that killed us.
  6. Any thoughts on who could be the sub based on training today?
  7. Was that story true? Did you have an encounter with the Derm?
  8. Bigfoot


    I listen to the podcast in chunks. Some of it on my commute to work and the rest of it when I walk the dog. The more Dees content that I can consume the better. It could be an hour longer in my books.
  9. Just can't see how we're going to pull this one off. I guess you don't know unless you try. Will be a miracle if he runs out on the G on Thursday night.
  10. Bigfoot


    What a peanut.🥜
  11. There is no way he escapes with a fine. He will get a week. It may be low impact but it's the lifting of the elbow for mine. No way he gets off. Was a silly thing for him to do. I like his toughness and hardness but that aspect of his game needs to go in the bin. We can't afford to have him missing for massive games like the one coming up.
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