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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. And with McKernan it could be Gawn, Gown and Shaun
  2. Are you really going to post that gif for every delisting thread SONS?
  3. Yes please adonski. Thanks in advance ?
  4. Gee this year we've got a lot of posters claiming insider predictions. Lockdown's bringing out the gamblers! We should start a list with credits!
  5. That's rubbish. You can't win a premiership by luck. I understand emotions in this thread are high, but Bulldogs winning the flag from where they got onto the finals was far from luck. I'd say its one of the hardest won flags I've seen
  6. Please Freo put a spare man back this quarter against the breeze
  7. Whatever Jack is offered, we all know he'll never take the first option
  8. If Max were to go down next year (touch wood), would we really want to give the job to Jacko? That's a fair load for a 2nd year player. Isn't this the main reason why we got Preuss from Norf, as ruck insurance? Having said that, if GWS did offer up something that improved the needs of our list it would certainly be tempting. I'm in the camp that thinks Preuss can still improve and hold down an AFL first ruck role Unless he wants out, I would keep him
  9. Try opening your eyes when watching the game. Might help
  10. I've heard that Jack is barging through 5 different contracts hoping to not get caught signing any of them
  11. Picket working himself up into premature speculation again.
  12. Who's goanna push Joe Daniher's wheelchair around this quarter?
  13. If i was Woosha I'd put Joe in the ruck for the rest of the match. Really screw up his groin. That would be a great "F you!" to the bombers as he leaves
  14. Keep Mitch Brown in 2021. Hunt too. Lead up forward. He links up very well
  15. Dons putting zero pressure on our mids. They are a rabble. Woosha's legacy tarnished. Reckon there will be a conga line waiting to leave. Welcome to Melbourne, Adam Saad!
  16. ANB having a cracker. He needs consistency. Do this every week son
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