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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. Statistics: 60% of the time they're right every time (according to the anchorman)
  2. If he is on the list I hope its the base rate with games incentives. Unfortunately he needs to know he would be purely depth. Is that any way to limp over the line to 300? And I don't doubt that milestone plus Neita's 306 would be in the back of his mind Should list sizes shrink (which is not a given) i hope he makes the decision for us and retires. Forcing him out would once again be terrible for the club Excellent career, an all time favourite, but its time to go.
  3. While you're at it, can I slip you my two to pay?!!! ? I acknowledge that the GFG is notional and not a cost within my dues. I am very pleased there was a freeze for 2021 However, for me the live game experience is the biggest single reason I buy 2 memberships. Otherwise I'd just donate the money. I have a good seat L2 Northern stand that isn't cheap but has an excellent view and great atmosphere (aside from @Bitter but optimistic being there) I'm disappointed that there have been no crowd games at the G this year. I've come to the realisation this may not change for much of 2021. Will I continue my 20+ year membership next year given this scenario? Probably, but other things in life will need to take a hit, which atm is tough. One thing I know for sure, the Neeld years nearly killed my love for the Dees. We can't go back to that level of performance. It made watching games live a really poor experience. There are other competing interests in life of greater value than this. The team needs to be more competitive for supporters to buy memberships. It's pretty simple really.
  4. Shows why many take champion data with a large grain of salt
  5. No one questions Jesse's ability. IMO the issues are his body and his motivation, particularly the latter. I hope he continues to improve over summer and comes back in good shape for 2021 But I don't want him back with us. Its simply risk/reward. I want a tall forward line of Weid, Jacko, and a fit Petty in 2021. Depth Brown. Note: no Tmac
  6. Not 2021 first rounder for 2020 2nd rounder. That's terrible
  7. Have you emailed the club stating this, od? It's probably good for them to hear the concerns of members
  8. Good point about the FA compo, Luce. Hawthorn's #22 might end up in the 30s Kozzie and Rivers look even better value!
  9. Lots of people like Iced Vo Vos, picket!
  10. The second rounder we got from Hawks will end up being about 29 by the time the academy and f/s matches are done. Wasn't it 7 or 8 of them in top 25? Is Saad worth 29?
  11. God i hope they're not considering Smith. Nearly 32, Hawks offered him 2 years. We be certifiable mad to match that.
  12. Do you believe he'll get another? That's of more relevance They've made some serious trading blunders in the last 3 years. Can't see Frost being a win for them
  13. Frost was never going to follow team rules or the game plan with us. He danced to the beat of his own drum. How many times did he dash down the field, turn the ball over and then watch a rebound goal? How many times did he fail to apply his part in the zone? Remember May going off at him for doing his own thing? Maybe Clarko has changed him. Dunno. My hawk supporting mates like his passion and flair, but not his disposal
  14. No it wasn't. IIRC Toumpas was considered the better option by most in the industry. Of course a few here will claim they knew better. Even Jack acknowledged that he would've picked him. I'm not going to say it was a good choice with the luxury of hindsight, it was terrible for us. But I'm certainly not going to say that Wines over Toumpas was a "no brainer" at the time. That's just ridiculous.
  15. Does he pass any measure of the No DH rule? He'd have to be an A grader to justify taking on the problems he has
  16. IIRC our FD at the time thought he was not competitive enough, particularly given his size. Can't remember the exact details, however I don't think that assessment has been proven wrong Pass
  17. Still think a hit up forward is his only option with us. Good kick for goal, set shot or snap. Completely disagree with anyone claiming he's soft or doesn't go when its his turn. If anything he's too reckless with his safety.
  18. Clarko would really be having a big clear out if Wingard left. What did he cost them? Wasn't it Burton and a 1st rounder? Either Clarko would be a genius or he'd be following the Sheedy road to senility
  19. A friend told me of some twin girls born at RCH. Kate and Duplicate Agree that we are no position to bring in Smith. Wouldn't be on my wish list, but stranger things have happened!
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