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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. Classy exit by Jamie Bennett. Good on him. Some other recent delistees could learn a lot from him.
  2. I suggest you take your helicopter and land on the ground, in the style of Peter Hudson, with a team of pompom waving cheerleaders escorting you to your seat.
  3. And they are required to use 2 first round picks across 4 years
  4. The same guy flashed at a couple of elderly women at the bus stop recently. One had a stroke and the other wasn't quick enough...
  5. How many times you gonna use that joke dc? It's like déjà vu all over again.
  6. Takes a lot of balls to face the sack from your club
  7. Ruck/forward depth. Spencer is no forward. He's ruck depth only, which is why Pedo gets a gig ahead of him. Some rumours have Spencer going for better opportunities. Imo we world be looking to ruck/forward depth.
  8. 3 goals to Majak in a team getting thrashed.
  9. I think HH is a better player than Miles, much better. I'd rather add a classy player that significantly improves our list, making a current fringe 22 become depth, rather than add another fringe player. Obviously there's more to it than that though.
  10. That would be incredible. I'd even offer up my missus as an incentive for him
  11. The key to a successful future for them is to keep their better players and fit them into their salary cap (if they do in fact have one) as the players mature and demand more money. They have a lot of talent that will demand big coin in the next 3-5 years. Far more young talent than us.
  12. Patton had a shocker. If he chooses to go, Tomlinson's price just went up significantly.
  13. Horrific broken leg to Jack Noone. Could hear him screaming on the tv
  14. Bwahahahaha!!! This has turned into a comedy thread now!!! Good one!
  15. I nearly went blue reading that without a single full stop in sight!
  16. No, just irony, but good to see you learning new words.
  17. Could've been worse. I could've told a poster to kill themselves, jump off the West Gate and offer to drive them there. Oh, the hypocrisy
  18. Smith smirking with his team mates before he kicked the ball, like it was a certainty, and then pumping his fists as soon as he kicked it....only to find out he missed and they lost. Fan-bloody-tastic. Couldn't have happened to a more arrogant team. Chew on that Hawks.
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