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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. Toughen up ladies. A lot of pissing and crying in each others pockets. Is this the Eat Love Prey thread? Honestly... Nostalgia ain't what it used to be, and all that, but FMD...
  2. So if Fitzy kicks 6 and Chip has 6 kicked on him it all comes out even?
  3. And he gets caught with the ball regularly at AFL level
  4. Watching the Bullies demolition of WCE last night reminded me of the important traits that can lift a team to another level. Speed, decision making, skill execution and game plan adherence. If our fringe players cannot do minimum of 3 of these I question their value, even as depth. Ask yourself if Michie, Grimes, Matt Jones, Newton, Terls and a number of other younger fringe players have these. Some of them are slower than the grass growing at the G.
  5. That to me says he has good leadership ability, regardless of LG inclusion in 2016. If we had a choice, which 30+ player would be best fit for us? Dal, Thompson or Wells?
  6. Come on! You offered to meet me for a beer after the Essendon loss earlier in the year stu, then pulled the offer once I declined, like it never happened... jilted. But glad I was on my own that day. Perhaps the closest I've ever come to being arrested at the footy. And for those wondering about BBO's avatar pic, I've met the 'man' several times. Yes, that is exactly how he looks in real life, but often he changes the colours around a bit depending upon mood. His missus, on the other hand, is a 4'6" obese truck driver covered in tatts and suspicious facial hair...
  7. You're making me cry Ernest. This site needs inspiration music to go with posts like yours!
  8. HH is seriously a very good player. Would love to get him (pending medical with Richmond's doctor). My problem is what we would have to give up to get him. Next year's first rounder plus a good player would be close. Been a few years since we traded our first rounder for a mature player, mostly it's been for very young players or we've used the pick. Tyson/Salem, Clarry, Weid. Our list is so young that we can afford to trade a first rounder for experience and class. And Stuie stop taking the lord's name in vain.
  9. I'd rather we didn't go down the delisted 30+ yr old ex star route. Bad memories of Neeld and moneyballing.
  10. All I can say is thank god BBO has stopped changing his avatar pic to photos of his fullsome sister like he used to.
  11. Watch the umps even it up by paying a stack of frees to WCE in the last quarter.
  12. None of it is fact. That's why it's called the Trade Whispers thread. The title is self explanatory. If you don't like it chap, don't read it.
  13. Getting a bit ahead of yourself there Dom. I wish him well, but not that well!
  14. Judging by the photos, I'd say he's a real whanker
  15. Translation required please ENYAW.
  16. When Wags gets a tank he'll be a beauty across half back. Poised, confident and mature. His brother at Norf takes quite a good photo I hear.
  17. I highly doubt this new AFL X will not be heavily backed by TAB, Crown Casino or similar betting agency. Will not be approved or succeed without it. You can bet your house on that...
  18. Just watched the Hurley interview on TFS (yes, I know...) and I got the impression while it has certainly taken a big personal toll, he appears in denial of what he did wrong or the seriousness of being a banned drug cheat. As he said, "I just want to go out there and play with my mates" and "I'm just looking forward to that feeling when we all get back and celebrate that first win together again". Very little about why did you put yourself and the game at risk, or do you think what you did was wrong, or what do you say to the young kids who have looked up to you in the past? Surely these guys get counselled about actions, consequences and personal responsibility? They just want to pretend it never happened.
  19. Jeezus you speak some indecipherable bs some time Bitters.
  20. Is this going to become a thread about the basis of bans and who deserves them, because I'm out. One, because I'm no angel, and two, because I'm FIIK why some some argumentative individuals remain and others don't.
  21. Bring beck the old lightening premiership!
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