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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. Pedo looking mighty lean in that pic.
  2. You are aware that Pedo had major shoulder reco at the end of last season that may have prevented him from doing considerable amounts of running, upper body weights, contact work, swimming, boxing, etc? Might go some way towards explaining his recent drop in weight as he gets fully back into the swing of training.
  3. With all due respect Ron, of course Sheeds would say that about Kelly, especially given he dislikes the MFC. If he's not big enough to let go of a grudge over what happen under a past administration, then IMO it might be us who dodged a bullet. Might be a top fella, but as you say, we are in a good place now. Will be interesting to see if we have a genuine creak at Kelly this time or in a couple of years.
  4. Trying to remember who was the fabulous Demonland track watcher up there last time who gave us really insightful and accurate reports. Apologies for my bad memory. Was great to read.
  5. Jayden Hunt looks like an extra from Chariots of Fire
  6. He's leaving cause he doesn't want to play with Sculldog Millionaire. Nothing is more certain. Who'd blame him really.
  7. It's different from the men's game and will grow with time. I don't look at it as a comparison to the blokes, rather a style of footy that's more straight forward, which can be appealing to watch. Here's hoping the AFL don't f*** it up and remove the grass roots feel or turn it onto a commercially focussed business (fat chance of that not occurring). I know a couple of women in the new comp, including one of the marquee players, and hope to take a bunch of young kids to see a game or two over the next month.
  8. Red heads always struggle to find a match Biffen. You tried your best, can't help the injustices of nature. I believe Bitters has been furiously mucking out the Romsey stables in anticipation of your lady friend arrivals. You know, peep holes, CCTV, anchor points, and all that goes with his sick tastes. Don't forget to shove all of your 'declarable' items in the missus' luggage on your journey home.
  9. Is it ok to go off topic in a training thread when there was no training? Some posters mentioned in the past that Crossy had lost a bit of leg speed/endurance during his last year with us. Elite running ability was the cornerstone of his game. I noticed him getting caught and get exposed a number of times towards the end and wondered if his time was near. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to recal he had some soft tissue issues in his last playing year as well. I love the guy and wanted to see him go on, we all want what's best for the team, it was Roosy's call and who better to make a the decision. I think it was the right call. Crossy's running ability at training now, or his stats in the final games, or the 2016 players on our list who struggled are not reason enough for him to have continued IMO. I think Roos and Goodwin wanted to test younger players and find out who could take us forward, perhaps they saw Crossy being of greater value to the team in his current role. He will have a very successful career in the fitness/training/sports science industry and can be very proud of the playing contribution he has made to the Dogs and the Dees. That he is still in fantastic knick and wants to be involved in the revival of the MFC speaks volumes for his character.
  10. Anywhoo, back to training thread related matters, are there any Queensland Demonlanders who can report on the upcoming sessions there? Interested to hear your observations if so. Cheers in advance.
  11. Hmmmmm..... icecream dollops and deep fried banana. Very saucy! Did you do cocktails as well Ethan?
  12. He's there, hasn't stepped onto the milk create yet
  13. Isn't Lumumba's contract included in our SC despite coming to an agreement with the club to retire?
  14. Back from your visit to see the relos in Cameroonia, Maple?
  15. Oh no, dc, I fully admit to being those, and it's sunny outside! To that list you can add hypocrite, mysogynists, plagiarist, feminist, proctologist, pescatarian, elitist and [insert chosen label here]
  16. Nice to see you continuing your usual practice of assumption/pigeon holing dc. Sorry to disappoint you, I am neither anti-Australia Day nor anti-immigration. But you keep at it as you seem to be enjoying yourself!
  17. I believe that's what they call 'buckley's chance'
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