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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. Just been watching the ladies beach volley ball and there has already been a bad wrist injury. I should be ok by the morning though.
  2. I think it makes better sense to leave the draft sequence alone, but make top 6 teams pay market value via draft points for free agents they recruit. The bonus for them is the player chooses their club and they don't need to trade with that club. Teams 7-18 (or thereabouts) lose no points, or at worst, points determined by where they finish on the ladder over preceding 2 years.
  3. There will be many here in a tizz. It's an obvious decision, in fact the club would be crazy not to extend. Two more years beyond 2019 makes perfect sense
  4. Very average Fri night game. I suppose both teams have their minds on Bali and a are in self preservation mode
  5. Breaking news: Bill Shorten wins Liberal leadership spill.
  6. FMD! Could they make it any more complex? Next they'll incorporate the Fibbonacci sequence into it!
  7. From The Age: "The substance in question is understood to be an illicit drug, which is classified as performance enhancing on match day only. Had he recorded a positive test during the week, he would merely have a strike recorded against him under the AFL's illicit drugs code." If it's in his system on match day it's considered a PED. To my mind, when he took it is a poor excuse. Was he tested on match day? If so, it should be 2 years.
  8. In a game called 'football', it's delivery like this that can turn a game. Every kick in that passage, from the Jones toe poke to the kick over the top to Milkshake, was centimeter perfect.
  9. Imagine if one of his teammates also had tested pos and WADA came down hard on Collingwood for 2 pos players! AFL kick them out of the finals like Essendrug was. Melbourne beat GWS on Sunday and finish top 4!
  10. Looks slower than a couple of years ago, less agility. Would like to speak with the Richmond doctor before any serious consideration for us
  11. That might also depend on the severity of the injury and speed of recovery. Iirc Goodwin said it was caught very early and expects full recovery in readiness for next year. Other club doctors would consult specialists to form an opinion. On the other hand, if, if the injury is a worry, would we be better trading now rather than delaying for less later?
  12. No. This year he has added an inside element to his game. He's now a classy outsider who also does inside work very well. I'd pass on Sheed ATM
  13. I sincerely hope you don't get around in tights, Uncle Bitter. In that unfortunate event, it would most definitely be used as an adjective rather than a noun
  14. Jed Anderson is yet to recommit to Norf. Played 20 games and has done quite well this year. Might get squeezed out.
  15. My understanding is the AFL can give a compo pick anywhere. It could be after their first pick, say 20 or 21, or they could just say mid 1st round, which would be about 9 or 10.
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