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Everything posted by demon3165

  1. Heard B Waldren say on SEN on Friday that we will have better facilities than the Pies when when this thing is built, so lets not get all beat up about what the pies want or get, all we have ever wanted was a home and now we will get one.
  2. For a so called leader of this club he will will stand up and be counted or become a one of the could be, should be, but not there and we have a had a few.
  3. I don't mean to be rude but did you watch his game, he gave up chasing missed tackles, and looked disinterested throughout the match, with our list and the way we are playing champions stand up.
  4. Drop McLean, got his pants pulled down last week, today wasted space, will not or should be our next skipper on his form.
  5. Dappa, this has not been agreed to by the clubs, JB even said he thinks that will be changed, so lets not all get vented up over something that is not there.
  6. I am a bit hesitant about Green backing up this week, but I am hoping that DB might have got through to him, at least it is a start, now if only Chook can look interested and stop missing tackles chase hard instead of ooppssss I missed him again.
  7. Rhino, we may have those players but they are not doing the job, just chasing other players around, with reference to Green who I have bagged as soft in the past was surprised and enjoyed his game on Sunday I believe he can play forward and do a better job than Robbo or Neitz at the moment, there is one way to find this out who is right or wrong and that is to play him there at the start, until then everyone will keep on having a say.
  8. Geezzz, if he says or does nothing he cops a bagging, if he does something he cops it as well, looks like no winners here.
  9. I think it could turn out a great deal if we did not go to Olympic Park, the city of Casey want to build a Stadium to seat about 20,000 for away games against interstate sides, ( wish list I might add ) and we could end up with great facilities for training and Admin for year round use, hell think about the growth within the area, mind blowing. I know a lot of supporters believe that we should stay in the central district, but I think we need to think outside the box and get bed (so to speak) with a council that would support us.
  10. Great post, have been saying the same thing for a while now, wish people would take a deep breath and see how it all pans out during the year.
  11. If and if, CW is correct, what I find more amazing is that this was pushed out in the first place by the AFL, gee I think Nth Melb had the same pressure put on them earlier in the year, when will they learn to shut up and not go to the press. Yes we have our problems, I seem to recall that PM spoke to the AFL before becoming our CEO, so either they did not inform him of our position or they they somehow forgot until now. Would have thought that they would have waited to see how the club goes during the season with the new set-up before Vlad and his cronies gets involved. Or are they trying to help us fly the flag.....mmmmmmm plot thickens.
  12. Totally agree, you can tell by his voice that he accepts nothings less than what he expects to happen, by the way did you hear him take the [censored] out of a reporter about Phil Jackson ( coaches Basketball in the states ) ringing him to offer support....damm funny I thought.
  13. I think I have done that, how do I upload it to whoever?
  14. And he stills hang on to the past, Turf cracked the sad's when his brother left the board ( voted out I think )
  15. Our are dead right here, DB took him off after his 2 or 3 attempts at a screamer in the first quarter then put him back on after that, and he tried to change his game, good on him for that and good on DB for doing that.
  16. At least get it right, it was a takeover not a merge that is way the hawks went against it, that's the problem with this club some people don't want to believe the facts.
  17. If they have not signed on with the Olympic Park area, so some seem to think, maybe this is why, then again one never knows until it all unfolds.
  18. Thank god someone else agrees with my view on PG !!
  19. Yes people can criticise where appropriate, don't have a problem with that, it's what and how they say it that gets up me, but when things go right they are back on the bandwagon singing praises. While I am at it, there seems to be some that don't understand what the club is trying to do, it's just not a rebuild of the playing list and as why you little says since 1965 that will get us through it won't, it is the whole package that has to go with it. I remember Bill Guest wanting to go to Olympic Park before the Pies but everyone sat back and procrastinated about it, I also remember them looking a buying some houses along Jollmont and again procrastinated and the list goes on, this club lived of the back of the MCC and the AFL for to long. I can also remember most of the Boards always lfighting and leaking like the Titanic and until recently that has stopped. Yes Steve Harris created havoc with the moving on of staff and cost cutting but I bet you that it had to be done, we had to get the debt, down, tax bill paid, so we could change our culture, a new home soon (thanks Victory for the delay ) but what has been born out of the ashes, New football manager position created Employment of development coaches and other coaches New CEO someone who knows the right people and has been around with a proven record. A club that will run the way businesses are supposed to be run and not ad hock. So the club is rebuilding from the Top to bottom instead of bottom only and it will take time for things to filter through and we will be able to stand on our own feet and remember the AFL is committed for us to remain here, The Dogs, Nth Melb, are in the same boat money wise. Again I know the title was a bit harsh but look at the bigger picture, there is a future for us just not as quick as we thought.
  20. Mate, we are on the same page as I agree with your statement, and have said so for a while about where the club is heading into the future, as I said earlier the name of the post is harsh and was born out of frustration of posters, who just take pot shots, for the sake of it, ( by the way my old man was tigers supporter, so it could have been worse for me ).
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