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Everything posted by demon3165

  1. As much as it is a blow, it is needed, I now am convinced that we are on the right path, for once the players are taking ownership, we will have other mishaps along the way but in the end we will come out a better club for it. There is an old saying to change a culture you have to show them a culture and this is what DB and Co are doing and when the whole group understand this then we will become a strong club from top to bottom in how we act on and off field. This is now happening at board level, a process was put in place for the position of coach (no leaks through the process ) and again the same for the CEO no infighting no panic just getting on with it, (years ago all hell would have broken loose.) I think it's great that the media are second guessing at the moment, two papers and different candidates. So let the fun begin so to speak.
  2. You would not know what I have done , stick to reading books and watching Oprah, again you say a lot with little substance, jump on the band wagon of knockers who think they know what is going on, ahhh but as an old saying goes it's hard to sore with the eagles when you are surrounded by turkeys sums up some of our supporters doesn't it "joeboy"
  3. Yep, now we have found the answer to our problems, it all comes down to our warm-up..........what rubbish talk about clutching straws, now I understand why other clubs supporters think we are living in another planet....
  4. What a bunch of weak gutted supporters we have, some moan about ND having no game plan and when DB implements his ideas people moan, we are at the same stage as the dorks were in a few years ago and everyone now thinks they have a great up an coming list, we will be the same over the same period with some real up and coming youngsters who get to that 50 game period. This year we will have some pain as the young players get used to mixing it with men but over the year we will see improvement from them. I have followed this side for 43 or so years, have bagged coaches and the club over the time but I can honestly say there will be a future when I see the set up the way it is now a football club not a circus as it was in the past. The club has gone through a major restructure with CC in charge of the football dept a massive step for us , more money invested into it and spent properly, and if you listened to CC on SEN he had a steely resolve in his voice and that is a great thing. The club has now gone one step further and if some of the candidates that have been mentioned for the job of CEO get the job they will now bring the club into the 21st century, it has taken a while but PG and the board should be congratulated not bagged even SH had his hand in the DB and CC being brought in. This club at this time needs your support more than ever so cut them some slack there is nothing worse than eating your own
  5. Another positive post, cannot wait for more.
  6. Seeing you think you are always right, cannot wait to see your ticket at the next AGM and what you will bring to the table, but I guess that wont happen, all to easy to complain from the benches than get your hands dirty. Mistakes have been made, gee I forgot you don't make them, your bagging is becoming boring you made your point now lets all move on.
  7. Patrick Smith would not know where his arse is......a great over reaction again, taking up Denhams article from a month ago (must be a slow news day) and this coming from a man who said the Dons were going to explode over the Sheedy issue, "this will spit the club down the middle and will take years before it settles" yep 450 votes against.......that sure hurt the club. Greg Denham another one that is a "[censored] short of an Orgasm".....got on radio in the newspaper that Voss was signed sealed and delivered at Carlton, yep I am still waiting to hear his appointment to the position. So I guess, excuse me if I don't rate them to highly.
  8. How bloody true, wish people would settle down and realise what a transition we have taken within the club, whilst I agree some mistakes have been made I look forward to watching the club make inroads to us being a power in the future.
  9. Isn't he the one that got us in the shite years ago? and JG went to the AFL about paying over the salary cap?
  10. Just two words, can you count?.......if you think Judd would not have helped this side straight away instead of pick 4 Cale Morton who will developed in time we hope, then you have know idea, and who are you to question supporters of this club who would have Judd.
  11. Goes to show what you know about football...............jack schitt
  12. What I liked about the interview was that Dean was very measured, calculated in the answers he gave and the manner he gave them, me thinks the change of wind is drifting across the MFC in a big way, all I hope is that on game day he is good as what he doing now.
  13. Who cares, all this shows that the media are trying to dictate the agenda again, could not give a stuff, he will be punished by the courts and lets leave it at that, there are more important issues going on like how are the boys training etc.
  14. Gee has anybody thought that Green did not want to be part of this group and said to his peers I just concentrate on playing football, but I guess some posters know it all....
  15. No problems occo............ all ok after explaining that.
  16. When DB was appointed we are told that he is not only a coach but a teacher of men and we all applauded it and when people went and saw training they all said gee there is a difference in the training, players being shown how to kick, handball under pressure etc, again people say they are impressed with DB, but soon as the leadership squad is announced same folks say he does not know what he is doing or why he agreed with it, me I will wait. Unlike most people here I do not see Green as a leader, and not all people are leaders but that is only my opinion. Rivers, lets cut some slack, been out nearly all year and just getting back into full training, might be next year. Davey, lets see what DB does with him, I think he will be a very dangerous player next year, to early to lump him with the group. Bate, Dunn, Jones and Bell will be there sooner than later IMO. Finally on YZE and Miller, yes even I raised my eyebrows, but maybe that is the difference between DB and ND, one teaches and bring people along for the ride and another just coaches.
  17. Why do you bother to barrack for the club, unless you know the how, where and wherefores of the decisions made you should stop carrying on like a spoilt child, you don't have to like it, but it has been made, so don't get rude about it.
  18. Good to see another intelligent post on this forum, reminds me of a cold chisel song. standing on the outside looking in.........
  19. I think we will see a different looking side next year one that will be a lot more skillful than they have shown in the past, as for clogs, I agree with you there a good honest toiler
  20. I myself don't give a toss about a change of a nickname such as demons, united or dragons etc, but some seem to forget we have changed our nickname a couple times during our history, so why all the fuss it's only a name.
  21. Getting to like DB more and more with his attitude on things, hopes it rubs off on the players.
  22. First of all they have not stopped using the demon logo, second they have never said they will change the nickname.
  23. AHHHHH, got it going with some tweaks, now I am happy.
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