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Everything posted by demon3165

  1. Yep, seems I do with your comments about it, so what has this issue got to do if I think Pickett has played well, nothing at all !!
  2. JJC, what it does show that you know nothing about football with that comment, for god's sake he did intend to hurt cornes but do what every player is told to do and tackle hard how he fall is in the lap of the gods, this game should now be played in dresses and high heals. This game along with the media has become so sanitised that it borders on a joke, next they will have to wear pads all over their body and no one is to touch each other!!!!
  3. As a supporter of PG he has lost me on this issue, should keep his mouth shut, stop being holy than thou on the issue, always bites your ass, stick to melbourne FC and the problems we have there not everyones eles's.
  4. What part of NOT GUILTY, do you moral people not understand, there is no case to answer, so give it up, oh if you think 10,15,50 years from now people will remember this, you are deluded!!!
  5. Some of you people are a joke and goes to show how emotions overcome brain power to make some of the comments in relation to this, DO YOU KNOW ALL THE FACTS YET or are you judging Selwood by what is in the papers and TV, I myself will wait for the facts to come out before I judge him. If it is not proved I all hope you are ready to say sorry for jumping to conclusions, but if he is guilty then a penelty will be handed out, I myself will wait before I judge him!!!!
  6. John, I also knew your father and brother and I think you where there as well (memory going through old age), when they worked in east bentleigh, how are they going and hope all is well............
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