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Everything posted by DemonWA

  1. I’m trying to come to terms with what the loss of Moloney & Jurrah and the retirement of Green means for our list and our chances of an improved season in 2013. Between these 3 players we have 2 B&F winners, and the majority of our goals from the 2010 - 2011. Over the last handful of weeks, Neeld has spoken about a number of stats in various interviews and press conferences. The one spoken about more than all has been “average number of games per player in the selected team” or “total number of games per side”. Each time he points out that we are a young side - only in 3 games this season did we have more games of experience than our opposition on the park (against GWS and GCS). Often I’d ask myself, if experience is the answer then why is he refusing to play Bate, Morton or Moloney? - Obviously he isn’t sold on them, the effort they put in and the style of football they play, and rates getting games into other guys as more of a priority. Fair enough I guess. We have also heard guys like Green, Howe and other players talk about the need for players to ‘buy in’ to Neelds game plan and style. We still haven’t really seen a game plan to date, but as a starting point I guess Neeld requires that his players push themselves to their limits on game day and at training in order to get the most out of themselves. This is fair enough, but is a terrible indictment on previous FD’s and coaching groups if this isn’t part and parcel of playing professional sport. So what to make of all this? IMO we end up with only a few players who fit into Neeld’s ideal category – experience at AFL level, and being prepared to work hard and do ‘whatever it takes’ to get the best out of themselves. I guess this is why he is culling off some of the playing group! I’ve never really heard Skill come into the discussion. I’m assuming Neeld is content enough with the general skill level of the playing list. It also seems to me that the most highly skilled players on our list are amongst those with the poorest attitudes - those that think that they can sit on their hands and become good afl players. My worry is that Neeld is reluctant to ‘manage’ the players he has on the list to become the type that he wants. Either these guys are so set in their ways that they cant be managed or Neeld has no time for developing players. In my line of work I value being able to adjust my communication style in order to effectively communicate and foster relationships with people from a wide range of backgrounds and personality types. It staggers me that Neeld could not, or chose not to manage a guy like Moloney, who is approaching 150 games of AFL football and was our B&F in 2010 in a way that would help both the team, the club and through win loss record, Neeld himself. Neeld is burning the list to the ground and building from scratch as he has a 3 year contract -he has time. But is the culture of our list really so bad that there was no other way to approach this? I hope that we won’t be discussing Green or Moloney leaving in the same way that we do Jnr. I hope that we won’t be speaking about Neeld as a coach in the same way that we do Bailey. But most of all I hope that we are able to replace the experienced players that we are losing in Green & Moloney with other seasoned players, because if we don’t, we really are back to square one - It may as well be Dean Bailey in 08 holding the press conferences in 2013, talking about being competitive and how our young players have what it takes to become AFL stars.
  2. I guess getting rid of Moloney also gets rid of his pay cheque? hopefully we have room to lure a big fish on great money
  3. I cant help but think he'll slot into the engine room at another club and be back to his 2010 form Neeld seems to prefer "jack of all trades, master of none" like Bail and others over a clearance King like Beamer. I hope Neelds game plan is worth all of this this pain becasue there goes another 100+ games of experience from our team!
  4. I reckon we should be going hard for Quinten Lynch. Woosha has dropped him 2 games out from the finals. Its clear to me and im sure its clear to Lynch too that he'd only be a back up if he stays at the Eagles
  5. All good in theory however can we find enough worthy replacements?
  6. I've gone from thinking we'll be ruthless in the trade period to worrying who is'nt going to walk out on us! Green has retired, Moloney is all but out the door, Jurrah is gone, rumours that Rivers, Gysberts and Strauss are happy to hear what other clubs have in mind for them.... Guys like Morton & Bennell might be safe after all! I cant see Neeld going to the draft and having to use a heap of picks, especially when he is no big on Games experience and other stats....
  7. I was thinking just Tom Scully!
  8. If we're all honest with ourselves, we've seen this coming for a while. Its a sad day for the club though. Imagine if we lost Jurrah, Rivers & Moloney from our list? 2 seasoned players and a bloke with serious x factor who were all best 22 in 2010
  9. brad green is going tobe at the pre match function, should be interesting!
  10. Lads, i agree that our list is poor, but surely that doesnt mean that we should pay out on our players? Dont hate the player hate the recruitment staff!
  11. Range Rover, you've become really bloody negative of late! About the only person at the club that you talk up or stick up for is Neeld, and he's about to finish his first year as senior coach with a dismal win loss record. I'm sorry but it rubs me up the wrong way to see you support the new coach so passionatley, yet kick guys like jordie who have been trying their best for the club for a number of years now. I agree that our midfield would benefit from some talented players, but i think Jordie deserves the fans appreciation becasue you cant fault his endevour - thats all we can really ask from the players on the list.
  12. By Matt Burgan this is the guy the thread should be aimed at, why make "reality check" the head line?!
  13. "nice" yeah, if you're not staying for more than a couple of days you shouldnt get too bored!
  14. Its undercover mate, so a slong as the wind isnt blowing towards us we should be pretty sweet. A word of warning; Subi Oval is a piece of crap, massive lines for beer, food or the toilet and the seating is rubbish too.
  15. Mate, Emu draft is a terrible midstrength but yes, you can still get it, and generally for ~$20 for a 30 can block! Emu Bitter or "Domestic Violence in a Can" (Emu Export) are probably better for the numbing process I enjoy getting on the train to subicao and engaging in a bit of banter with the one eyed Dockers fans. We beat them a fair few years ago in the rain, ~2005ish, Vardy and Robbo were kicking them from all over the place - anyway a few dockers fans (who were women) were mouthing off telling me that the Demons are crap, and the Dockers are better because their players were more attractive - Summed up Dockers Fans for me - absolutley no interest in footy, just decided to get on a team when they joined the comp.
  16. hey mate, i'm also in block 340 i think. Pretty much every away team's allocated tickets are allways in this general area - at the city end of the ground behind the goals. We're in the 2nd tier of that stand. Western Demon's supporter group is havign a bit of a fucntion at the Subiaco Football club room (which is at the ground) from 4. Should be a fair few demons gettting along to that to begin numbing the pain!
  17. What if we win? i'll be a happy man and get to sing the song at Subi for the first time in ages!
  18. Premierships are a pipe dream at the moment. I'll be happy if we just win as many games as we loose in a season!
  19. I think everyone looks quicker when they are sking down hill! Trengove's pace never got me exited really, it was more his disposal, set shots at goals and contested marking for his size. Thus the Jimmy Bartel comparison that I and others have suggested. He's had a very average year by the standards we should expect from him, but give the bloke a break. He's very young and the burden of captaining a side is enough reson in my eyes to give him the benifit of the doubt, and see how he goes in 2013. He's got plenty of mates in the sub par year club.
  20. I'd prefer to have im in our side than not have him. He's got plenty of skill and class. I've given up hope that he'll be one of the comp's best players, but he's still likley to be a very good player for us
  21. regardless of the motives, Jurrah's story is/was worth telling, even if he never plays a game again,.
  22. 1 more than Gawn. I'd prefer to hold onto Jurrah than plenty of our fringe players, thats all im sayin!
  23. when i was at primary school you'd call takiing a hang "taking a Capper" and would generally shout "MODRAAAAA" whilst attempting one! Its nice to think that primary school kids will be shouting "HOOOWWWEEEE" or even "JURRRAAAAHHHHH" these days?
  24. i would like to see us give him a 1 year contract on the list. Would prefer to have him on a 1 year contract and risk him not playing than hold onto Sellar or others on the same length deal. Someone play a Jurrah highlights package to Mark Neeld and the rest of the FD before they make the final decision!
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