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Everything posted by binman

  1. PJ is a master tactician. He does the flanking.
  2. Excellent point. We were punished for not tanking. So it makes no sense to not get a PP because we found guilty of not tanking. Thats to say not getting a PP would be another punishment fór not tanking (assuming that was the logic for not being given a PP). What would have happened if we were punished for tanking by the way?
  3. Apparently he was on a 5am flight to Perth recently and also bought a mansion there. Surely an electorate there?
  4. And as evidence we deserve it if past decisions are any precedent consider this quote from a Hun article in today's paper (particullarly the number of wins the pies had over a 5 year period compared to ours over a seven year period): 'The AFL's new formula takes into account games won, finals played, and premierships won. On that score the Demons would deserve an extra pick, although it would likely be contested by rival clubs. Melbourne has won 34 of 154 games in the past seven years, but received a pre-draft priority pick (Tom Scully) in that time as well as a pick post-Round 1 (Sam Blease). Colin Sylvia (pick 3 in the 2003 national draft) was also a priority pick. Collingwood had won 52 games in the five years before it got Dale Thomas as a priority selection in the 2005 draft, and West Coast 53 games before Luke Shuey (pick 18) was taken as a priority pick after the first round. Club chiefs such as Collingwood's Eddie McGuire, Hawthorn's Andrew Newbold and Carlton's Stephen Kernahan have railed against the allocation of priority picks. Ironically, all of those clubs have received priority picks in the past decade, with Luke Hodge, Xavier Ellis and Jarryd Roughead all priority selections for the Hawks.'
  5. '.......and then there is former No.1 draft pick Jack Watts. I was there the day Jack played his first game. I have never seen a fanfare like it and is it any wonder he has never lived up to that hype? It was one of the biggest mistakes I have ever seen from a football club in handling a young football player. Make no mistake, the Demons need to keep hold of Watts because he is incredibly talented and still could be a star. He needs a coach that will find a position for him, play him in that position and teach him what it takes to be a genuine AFL player.' Paul Roos
  6. I'm totally with It's time, Oucher (and other posters who argue along their lines re the PP). If we don't get a PP this year the system should be scrapped. The AFL changed the rules on PP's to ensure there was not an incentive to tank. But one assumes the principle of the PP remains the same. That is it is an important equalization tool. That clubs or some one like Ross and bloody John would be staggered is just ridiculous. The fact that that we wasted previous picks or somehow don't deserve a PP because we were a basket case is completely immaterial. Stupid to suggest it does. Give the PP to Melbourne (which by the by i think Roos would have already negotiated with the AFL). Or don't give a PP to the dees and permanently scrap it.)
  7. Spot on Redleg. As i have said before win win trades are very rare. The most likely scenario in a trade would be a couple of b graders in return. He's at the crucial 80 game mark and it would be crazy to let him go if we can avoid it. I accept he is nowhere near hard enough at it. But as you point out he he has great skills, i would say the best by far in terms of hitting targets by hand and foot. Obviously our major weakness is our midfield but a close second is our appalling kicking skills. It just crucifies a team to turn it over as frequently as we do. Makes no sense then to cut the best kick in the team. Again as i have said before i like Watts as a high half forward/wing whose KPI is score assists (but who can also kick 20-30 goals a year himself). Watts strikes me as someone who needs to know his coach has full confidence in him. Which is why i could see him instantly improving at another club as it would mean that by definition a coach has gone out, chased him and put their faith in him. If he stays i reckon Roos will show that sort of faith in him i would expect him to make a significant improvement in his application and intensity (which is his area of weakness).
  8. Fair call. But it will certainly dominate my thinking and conversation
  9. My guess is also Friday. Roos made it clear that he didn't want to gazump the blueys and fair nuff. The buzz will super strong anyaway. Friday mid morning announcement is the go. Dominate the footy coverage over the weekend and allow me to reinvest my roos related winning (thanks GNF for the tip) on the ponies on Saturday. All the Monday footy shows then talk it up again Monday night. Also a great chance for Gerard to say on 774 on Sunday 'my high? Roos coming to the dees and the joy it has brought to long suffering dees fans'
  10. I understand Watts has done himself no favors of late with the FS performance or his efforts in the last few games. He's certainly given his haters plenty of ammunition (though its funny that he was arguably our best player in our win over the doggies). I was I wish he had come out and said i'm here to stay and i will help the club move forward and am disappointed that he hasn't. But i am firmly in the dwindling we have to keep him camp. He is reaching that 80 game mark and even though you could argue we haven't developed him as well as might have it would be a shame to see another team reap the benefit of that development period. Leaving aside the concerns about his application etc he is a terrific player with the skills we so sorely lack. Win win trades are by dar the exception not the rule and i am very skeptical we will get a decent player in any trade. Also i like him. Yes he's not Viney and he sorely lacks leadership qualities but he seems like a top bloke and that's not to be sniffed at. By all accounts his team mates love him and a team needs all sorts to make it work, including the laconic stoner types. Not wishing to enter a debate with BH but he is obviously one of the more vociferous JW haters. Which is his prerogative of course. But i recall BH noting he had underestimated the impact of cutting players like Moloney, Pettard and Rivers on team morale and team cohesiveness. I fear losing Watts would have a similar impact. All that said i reckon we should play hard ball. If we cannot get a top shelf player in any trade force him to decide between staying or going to GWS. I don't care about forcing a player to stay who wanted out. They can be turned around and we certainly don't need any more bloody b graders.
  11. It would be great to have a prez with such significant football experience. Also a pretty young guy which i think is a positive. Him and PJ might be a considerable force and i hope a force that is able to convince players to stay the course and the right coach to come on board. Critical appointment
  12. Exactly. Not only that. Roos is clearly the most sought after coach in the land, with 2 clubs confirmed as after him and who knows how many others who might also be keen (eg WC, Essendon). Given his possible option, If he chose to come to Melbourne it would be tremendous endorsement of the club and a sign that he thinks we have a future.
  13. Very wise. As a betting man given our form in terms of terrible years i'd lay short odds on the possibility of having a worse year next year than one we're currently having
  14. I think it would be more about the commercial benefits of having Roos. I suspect he would more attractive to potential sponsors and that we would sign up more members. An extra 5 - 10k members would almost pay the gap. We also might be confident of keeping and attracting players with Roos than the other two. Still $1.5 mill is pretty steep. Apart from the fact i'd win money if Roos is appointed i must say i starting to warm to the idea of Eade.
  15. Yes all very good points. Again it is ridiculous for EFC or Hird to claim no infraction notices to players equals vindication.
  16. Spot on Rhino. Well said. I'd add that beggars belief that Jobe Watson or the club could say they have been vindicated. Nothing could be further from the truth. The players haven't been cleared of using banned substances. ASADA seem to have said there is not sufficient evidence to prove an individual player has. Big difference. As i have said all along the legality of the drugs was a smoke screen. Essnendon have been running a campaign of players cleared equals no case to answer ( Good Times Grimes argument above is the same logic in a nutshell). The AFL could have charged the EFC for bringing game in disrepute on the basis of their own internal report, which as Rhino points out was absolutely damming (the public summary was damming enough, one can only wonder how more critical the full report was). If EFC had not embarked on their crazy supplement program the game would not have had 6 months of negative exposure. Simple. it is puerile to the extreme to blame the AFL.
  17. I think you're being a little optimistic there Nasher. With the standard of MFC comms over the last few years (admittedly under Shwabb not PJ) i wouldn't believe the MFC website. I'll wait to i see a bloke in a Melbourne tracksuit taking pre season training!
  18. I'm more and more confident that a) someone has hacked Jumbo's account and has taken over, perhaps Rangy who has been suspended as far as i'm aware or even Jose? or, b) he has snapped (understandably) due to too many years supporting a basket case of a club, i'm mad as hell and i'm not going to take any more or c) he is going off radar, black ops, off the grid, gone rogue, broke bad, is waging a misinformation campaign
  19. To check on the latest Essendon drug news i occasionally look at Bomberblitz (its also good for a laugh - some many delusional people in one cyber spot). Just had a squiz and their server is down. Perhaps some news has leaked and out and all the bomberblitz fans jumping on the site to check it out have crashed it (joking btw, lest some techno nerd feels the need to point out how much traffic would be required to crash a site etc etc) Edit: just noticed a tweet by Robinson saying 'meeting at Windy Hill tonight. Armageddon looming' so perhaps my joke might have a grain of truth?
  20. Probably just demon fans projecting their fears and anxieties DZ. Don't let the DL Greek chorus get to you. Wouldn't it be great if the MFC was in such good shape that Hoges was desperate to re - sign. Says good things about where GC are at that JM was prepared to. Oh to have hope!
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