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Everything posted by binman

  1. Only according to the AFLPA. it's yet to be tested and whilst the bombers could do without another court case i'm sure they would go down that path if necessary. That said that possibility creates leverage and ultimately the question for any club that has a dissatisfied player who is not a FA but keen to leave (eg the lions last year) is do you keep them at the club against their wishes or try and engineer the best trade possible.
  2. Like shooting fish in a barrel. By the by who are you quoting?
  3. Sorry od, have I missed something? Is this thread (which is, by the by called Ollie wines, not did we make a blunder selecting the toump not wines) about who is a better player wines or the toump? Maybe we should start a thread about McRae and stringer and their relative worth compared to wines. McQueen, old dee et all get back to me when you've perfected your time machine. Until then I'll support the young fellas playing for my club
  4. The toump plays for the team I barrack for. Wines plays for an opposition side. Similarly I don't care about McRae or stringer. Build a fuckn bridge
  5. or if he actually is employed GI read the employers EEO policy.
  6. What's with the moronic comments about us allegedly paying for his girlfriends uni course? One since when it is a fact. Two what possible relevance does it have. This thread is an embarrassment to demons fans
  7. Good call by those saying the issue might be we had planned on putting mc on the rookie list (and perhaps Mc had agreed to this) but then his manager got in his ear and said 'Mitch you're a star not a rookie, I can get you on any list you want and on top coin. Heck I'll get you on the hawk's list and you'll. Be winning a flag next year' So stupid. Again what is up with this manager. The play was to go on the dees rookie list and fly under the radar a bit. Less pressure. Has a feel good vibe. He doesn't come of as a mercenary who has rejected the club who supported him, probably maximises likliehood of making it back, dees fans embrace him, everyone looks and feels great. A win win. Except of course his manager who gets much less coin than flogging him off to the highest bidder. Which ironically probably now no sure thing given the circus and the inevitable heat that would come with him. So stupid
  8. There have been some pretty disturbing posts across a number of threads in the last couple of days, and none more so than some of the vitriol on this one. As i have posted if Clark goes elsewhere I'll be livid but jeez some of the stuff posted has been beyond the pale. I reckon his manager deserves a whack, talk about incompetent. he could not have handled this any worse - particularly in terms of failing to protect his client (who has experienced mental health issues) from innuendo, damnation and character assassination . All he needed to say was Mitch considering a comeback and will be sitting down in due course with dees to discuss his future. Full stop. Even if MC then decided to move on the story could have been contained and spun in a way where MC didn't come across as a turncoat and the dees could have helped control the narrative. Instead the manager comes on radio saying he is shocked at how it has all gone crazy in the media. Who could have predicted that? What a doofuus. That's who MC should be leaving.
  9. That scenario sounds plausible to me and fits with our request for special assistance i reckon and even more so with PJ making a distinction between special assistance and a PP (ie saying we were not requesting a PP). I reckon it would be a fair compromise for us to get a first round compo pick for him (perhaps mid or end of first round as will definitely still be a risk to pick up with his injury and health history?)
  10. There was a (not unreasonable) suggestion here on DL that that comment from roos was directed at frawley. Perhaps it was actually about MC. Again I wonder if the request for a pp is related to this development.
  11. maybe. But even if made up I'd love to hear some reassuring words from now.
  12. if he plays for another Vic club I would be livid. Let's see but as you say something might be up. I wonder if the pp request is somehow related. Eg look we need to be compensated for loss of player we treated well, invested heavily in, in fact our best player and one of only 2 a graders. Sort if aligns with what Evans said about extraordinary circumstances
  13. Fair enough. But i would not be surprised if there was more to this story than has come out. I heard BT again give that spiel today and he made it clear there were a number of issues. The poster was - according to BT - the straw that broke the camels back, so to speak and cam after he had already raised concerns about the culture of homophobia at the club. Interestingly for those accusing him of grandstanding that was kept in house and HT didn't make any public statement (indeed he hasn't made any full stop, except i suppose meeting with an opposition coach!)
  14. I heard this as well and it is exactly my point. No doubt BT has good oil at the maggies but who is to say that what he has reported actually happened, or at least happened the way BT described it. The way you have written it you imply what he has said is accurate. It is at the best hearsay. At worst it is Collingwood propaganda trying to spin it so they look great and HL looks a disruptive [censored]. Who do you think gave BT the version of events? Not HL or his manager i assume, I reiterate, i have yet to hear from HL and i see an amazing contradiction in many posts given how critical DL posters are usually of journos, their sources and their accuracy. Is it not possible there is an alternative version of events or should we simply uncritically swallow BT's version?
  15. yep. I had no truck with frawley until the last few games when he decided to go through the motions. We needed a leader to show something against gws. He is close to our physically strongest player and he could have decided to impose himself. He chose not to. Stan akves and Greg wells gave everything to the end for the dees and I didn't begrudge them moving in for glory. Big difference
  16. this is the funny thing for me. Who has said he has made a big issue over the poster? I haven't heard him say anything. I've just heard media reports. So they must be true hey? A bit inconsistent with the mistrust journos get on this site. Suddenly they only report the truth and all the facts and people are OK about making judgements on this supposed truth
  17. http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/melbourne-coach-paul-roos-sounds-out-disgruntled-magpie-heritier-lumumba-20140905-10cyc6.html
  18. #54 would allow him to fly in under the radar - 'who is that 54, he looks like he can play a bit'
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