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Everything posted by binman

  1. Thanks roger, thats really helpfull
  2. That's probably true but they don't need to open a new store. They just need to get products in gift stores, airport, Southern Cross Railway Station, clothing shops in the CBD, Flinders street etc etc
  3. Now that would be gold, I'll hold you to it.
  4. 16 years and 24 days actually. but who's counting......
  5. Speaking of training, i wanted to some information on the intra club practice match and laned on the MFC events calendar. http://www.melbournefc.com.au/Team/events-calendar Under the Melbourne Football Club Events listing for 10 February it has the following information: 4:30pm - 6:30pm Men's Team Open Training OLYMPIC PARK OVAL I assume that is the intra club practice match.
  6. Wait until he has earned it. A flag will do the trick.
  7. Ridiculous spot. and i agree 100% they should have a store at the g and Fed square. part of the rationale for re branding as Melbourne was to become an iconic brand. Pretty hard to achieve if tourist and locals can't buy the products. I don't mind buying stuff online but only if know the sizing and how it looks on. I was going to buy gear at XMAS time and went to go the Demon Shop but abandoned it as there is zero places to park. Stupid
  8. It's seargent pepper lonely demon land........
  9. It is currently on SBS on demand. Watched it again a month or so ago. So many great lines
  10. Where do you think they'll play him PD? With Hibberd and Melkshm coming in we probably have enough defenders who can be relied on to hit a target.
  11. Agree on all points. In some ways the game plan the Crows employed in that era had elements of the modern game plan - hard running, big bodied mid fielders, a large group of players who could run through the midfield, rebound off the hb and an emphasis on skilled players who hit targets. Blight was his coach in his first couple of years and his attacking style no doubt has had a big influence on Goody, who i think i've read knew he wanted to coach whilst still playing and was preparing for the role in the latter part of his career.
  12. A gun. Pure and simple
  13. Fair enough. LDC, DS and your argument has convinced me there was no code. I for one think Trenners can be a regular senior player if he can improve the skills he needs to be a gun inside mid and as importantly average 25 possessions plus per game.
  14. Not much doubt in my mind that my comments Trenners will need to be an inside mid to get regular senior selection were correct based on this quote from Macca: 'the focus with him has been on some areas of his game around his footwork, agility and his ability to win the ball in tight' (also not much doubt agility is code for speed - or lack of it as the case may be)
  15. The other things about Jetts is that whilst he certainly isn't a long kick he rarely wastes his kicks or misses targets - a crucial skill as a defender! Also he is incredibly consistent.
  16. If you have telstra mobile you can still access premium replays. Which is at least the last 5 years of replays.
  17. Indeed, I was thinking of taking the morning off work. i could save my leave and go after work
  18. Perhaps if he gets more concussions he will get less smart and therefore get less concussions
  19. Agree with this. Like Watts he has the rare (particularly for the MFC) combination of being a brilliant kick and also having fantastic vision, which means for both players many of their kicks lead to scoring opportunities (which clearly is something they both value - for Watts this is perhaps related to his basketball days, given the importance placed on assists). They also share two other kicking skills that should not be rare but unfortunately are, again particularly for the MFC: excellent technique and and ability to properly weight kicks to leading players. Hogan and the other forwards are going to love having Salem and Watts both regularly playing in the same team.
  20. Brilliant WW. Love it. Thanks. From this and other reports from training this pre season it seems Goodwin's emphsais on quick ball movement is very apparent. if they get it right (and don't lose their defensive pressure) we could rack up some pretty big scores, at least early on when we might catch some sides unaware
  21. Drove (crawled) past on punt road at 9:14am. Centre lane. Bus blocked my view. There were some men running around who looked like footballers. They were kicking footballs. One was Daniel Corss. He had a red MFC shirt on.
  22. Brilliant 666 - or should that be DCLXVI (spooky). The MFC should pay you - far superior photos than the offical AFL ones in so far as they really show what is happening. With Jones, trac, Trenner, VB and Kent we have no shortage of thunder thighs
  23. Yes Saty, i know. It was a joke. Not very funny i know but it gave me a chuckle, which is what counts. It was a rif on similar jokes i have made about posters putting up unsubstantiated rumors eg about players or trade scenarios and not providing the source, or saying something suitably vague (eg a club insider)
  24. Source?
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