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Everything posted by bjDee

  1. ASADA - weren't they the mob in The Life of Brian who trudged all through the house where the members of the Peoples Front of Judea were hiding behind curtains and under tables, and didn't find anybody?
  2. Better still, just take the steering wheel and 4 tyres with you. Leave the car up on blocks. And run your keys around all sides of the car. Then it will look no different to any other local car.
  3. Hey Jazza, best wishes on your journey. It's not easy in the darker times and you've been through a lot. But you are dealing with what life has dealt and have made some big and positive changes. Being on here is good therapy. Just know that you have some fellow travellers here interested in your continued progress. Let's face it, we need all the Demons supporters we can get to be up and about when its our turn to be on the rise again.
  4. You're as straight as my grandpa's arm 6pm every Thursday at the front bar of the Orrong Hotel!
  5. Not sure if joking, but hey Cranky, good Nic you have there. Welcome to the thread. Spend a bit of time here and you might find you mellow out a bit. Good for the soul. Could even turn you into a Rantless Francis.
  6. Thanks for the tip Red. Had a Youtube of her. Have to agree - a stunning voice and under-the-radar stellar career.
  7. Geeeezzz. First time I heard this. Sucks big time. But I'm hoping it's all just a dream. I'm only up to page 7 of the thread so far, and OD has already had at least 5 positive and upbeat posts. Surely that proves I'm in a parallel universe and the real Petracca I know is doing fine.
  8. 'Dance like nobody's puking at the sight Sing like you can't hear the dogs howling at you Laugh like you just saw a cream pie thrown in Christopher Pine's face Love like you don't care that you'll lose 50% of your assets in the end'
  9. To take the palate away from ethanol cravings, I can recommend some of the flavoured green teas which I found in the Colesworth recently. Never been a tea fan (of any sort) in my life until now. Helps get through the odd AFDs, though doubt they could sustain me for a week, let alone a month. Latest ones I found are Mandarin Orange, and Passion Raspberry. Haven't managed to find a banana one yet!
  10. I chose 'other' and no new players. I'd prefer to keep Robbie up there for this year as a tribute year. Plus of the current players, only Chunk, at least to start with. Plus the coach. Jimmy, and others from our history or administration, I have no problem with, but I would prefer to keep it simple and minimalist.
  11. Appreciate all the reports guys. Thanks for going to the trouble to keep the rest of us informed and entertained.
  12. Given BBO refers to them as 'the lads', I think the milk might be baby juice. And the cheese would have to be blue vein!
  13. Haha. Thanks naa. I know it's a typo (not stooping to pedantry) but it brought me a laugh. Just hoping that Tyson has a sex change after accepting his Australia Day honours.
  14. Salem for mine. Though I'm impressed by the welcome return of Toump's running ability, based on the training reports.
  15. Ok it's been 11 days since the last training session and I'm having withdrawal symptoms. Going to the Test was a good distraction, but the traffic has really slowed down on DL and there's nothing in the papers. Anyone know how to deal with training withdrawal? (And I'm not talking about a thread arguing semantics over Brayshaw's efforts on Xmas day.) bj.
  16. Thanks guys, one and all. Sorry to bring down the tone and yes Nasher I've thought the same as you but the real thing after 28 years is so confronting one can't imagine it or prepare for it from the outside. But I'm not the first and others like Jazza have had no say in their tough situation. I have a few good mates - unfortunately followers of Essendon Richmond and Carlton, which is why we called ourselves the MERCs as a cycling group, as well as 3 great kids and good family support. No need to grovel for a room at the Gat just yet. Just give me an actual good year in 2015, Dees, instead of a promise without delivery. Let the normal programming resume!
  17. Trenners to have an amazing recuperation and play the last 4 games, getting us into the finals and being chaired off the ground (by the players, not medicos) at the end of round 22.
  18. Merry Christmas all and thanks for helping me retain some sanity this year. This one is tinged with sadness as it's the last one I'm having with the wife and kids before separation in a week or so. But the end of something is always the beginning of something else. On the upside, I might be getting to a few more games next year! Hope the boys make it worth the effort. Cheers, bj.
  19. Hey Fred, the scooter thread doesn't have anywhere enough street cred to be interbred with this thread!
  20. That is too funny to just be acknowledged as a 'like'.
  21. Crint must have been convicted of drinking a sub $20 red. As long as he is back in 2015 to witness an early vintage Dees team start to come of age.
  22. Wow. 40 posts already and training is still about 10hrs away. I'm guessing it will be onto the 3rd page by the time Saty lycra's up.
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