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Everything posted by bjDee

  1. Spence marks in the pocket and kicks a point.
  2. Russian snatches nice goal out of the ruck in attacking pocket. Only 5 points down - 56 to 61 early last qtr.
  3. Reckon it's definitely a 2-3 goal wind. Billy Stretch is showing some nice class at times. Spencer seems to have faded a little. Jamar is taking as many rucks as Spencer.
  4. So are we talking about the progeny being BBO's head and torso joined to an alpaca's arse? Or is it the head and forelegs of the alpaca joined to BBO's arse? Both are beyond my imagination!
  5. Looks like we'll know a lot more by the time of the Scorps kickoff 2pm Saturday. All 7 of Monday's bench are named in the Scorps team. Hope they don't all play!
  6. Think it's a big nite happening down at the Gat. He's already called me Maple. Seeing double, speaking double. I'm not usually like that till this time tomorrow nite.
  7. Which one of the alpacas is the squeeze? Edit: no don't tell me - it's the good looking one - right?
  8. If I have pictured the geometry correctly, and without personal experience, I understand hindsight is the only sight if you're talking about being friendly with a lad alpaca.
  9. Massive changes coming to the Bok Hill skyline in the near future. Along with the new ATO 20 storey building just finished, there will be 3 new buildings at something like 36 storeys, 33 storeys and 25 storeys in the next few years, above the station and on Whitehorse Road. Going to look like one of those satellite business districts in Tokyo.
  10. Been tippling a bit too much of the fermented maple, Mable?
  11. That's now an archery range. The ground I used to play on in Ashburton (actually Jordanville Tech) was turned into a housing estate. Those people don't realise what a Field of Dreams they parked their fat arses on.
  12. Sounds like a pincer movement is being set up DC! Don't let the grandmother wave her wand / broomstick / warty nose or whatever and cast a spell over the grandson so that the mother is more favoured than the father. Geez, that sounds like a line out of the Kung Fu series with Grasshopper as the young David Carradine.
  13. Sorry your lordship. The word "Box" was replaced by "Bok" in the suburb name after a plebiscite held in the municipality in the last decade of the previous century. Apparently it reflected the actual pronunciation and indeed favourite vegetable of the population of the day rather than its old wasp-ish heritage. And the band played some very decent classics from the Angels, Oils, OZ Crawl, Sunny Boys etc.
  14. Afraid that's not possible Moonie. A bridge more blown up than burnt!
  15. Just doing some catching up in a more friendly thread after today's debacle. Beg to differ on the northern aspect. Rather than the Doncaster, the northern rampart which helps keep out us drunken hoons from Borewood is fronted by The Blackburn, my new local. After moving from the vicinity of the Knox Tavern beyond the Far East of Borewood, I can say I am happy having moved to the new country of Bok Hill. I recently (4 mths ago?) ventured back to the Burvale for a night with some old friends to watch a pretty good cover band. The only trouble I had was with the hotel staff who insisted on speaking Ingrish and offering to take credit cards, not just 'cash only'.
  16. I'd love to go to work in a physical game on a pay packet that most can only dream of, then run around flapping my arms pretending to want the ball, then not go when it's my turn to go and play my part, then let lesser players in the opposition run past me with the ball and go unchallenged, then let my actions help kill off and bury a culture of desperation that we so badly need. Then come back and do it all again next week because I'm untouchable. I am a culture killer and I'm loving it. I am ............?
  17. Putrid. That effort should be flushed and sent to Werribee.
  18. A team that plays with full intensity for 4 quarters. I've forgotten what that looks like until today.
  19. Jones N is a fitness machine. He should have a treadmill named after him.
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