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Everything posted by bjDee

  1. Hey BB, when you get a chance, whip out that French dictionary of yours and let me know the Francaise for 'sour grapes'. That's what my wife is having tonight.
  2. Looking forward to reading the training / match report from Wongs. Who is showing good form during the preseason? Who has built up their guns in the off season? Who had the best 'bleep' test? Who was in the rehab group next day? Who polled in the BOG votes? Was Saty really there on the sidelines? And we're the banana fritters actually performance enhancing? Cmon guys - surely R&B Beard was riding past and can report something at least?
  3. Yep - had my bat out since last night. So sad to see it there, but such a touching gesture started by a father in Sydney. Cudos to him, and respect to Phil Hughes.
  4. BBO - had you pegged for having a bit more nouse than that. You really have to ask? Ok - you're kicked out of Mensa when they see your post. And for the record, in case the wife is reading this, I'm hoping the photos were taken at Flemington and so she looks like a rose.....
  5. It reminds me of her too, Crint. Now for it to remind me of my wife, the photographer who took the shot would have to turn around 180 degrees to face the track.
  6. Same drug DC. Endone is the brand and oxycodone is the active ingredient. Endone brand is immediate release. OxyContin brand of oxycodone is delayed release. And yes you are right about its source and precautions.
  7. Forever not out. He shall not grow old...
  8. Wish the guys would train more often. Reading training report posts is one of the more enjoyable parts of our footy year. Thanks Saty/TDI, George, R&B etc.
  9. Correct. By my reckoning, and with the good grace of Huey, I am 60% done and the best 40% still to come - at least what I will be able to remember of it.
  10. Reckon I'm old enough too OD. I was alive for the last premiership.
  11. So you guys enjoy frying up someone's grandma? Or is that a nanna? Anyway, it sounds like it will be ''grab a granny' night at Wongs.
  12. Having to watch 3 bare breasted old hags stirring a cauldron at the start of the Macbeth move for form 5 English class scarred me for life.
  13. Hogwash. The biggest concern is that the Bombers (redacted) (censored) (withdrawn) (lawyered) (sanitised) thread is making an attempt to catch this one with no. of posts. Now more than ever, we need to non-T$ our way clear of that all-too-serious thread and really up the ante on innane drivel if we are to keep this thread in prime position. Come on D'landers - shoulders to the keyboard and get those posts rolling!
  14. I think they were just trying to stop each other from falling over.
  15. Surely there must be a 'Molly' among the DL usernames. Who else would you choose to do the Countdown?
  16. Fine and sunny with a top of 29.... Dow Jones up 40 points, FTSE up 37.
  17. Come game day, I wonder if Jezza will be able to find a blue one in the jumper bag without the paunch sewn into the front of it?
  18. There are 2 explanations: Red has often been adding the digits together: 1+0=1 The second is more complicated : is zero really a figure at all?
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