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Everything posted by bjDee

  1. Wow that 4 was a big in. No one gave Red Cadeaux a chance. Well done to Mrs Crint. I had a good day. Won on 4 out of 5 races I bet on, including an each way on the Cup winner.
  2. Trying to avoid reading the parts of your posts about grog Crint. You make it very hard for a fella to have an AFD or two per week. Tomorrow - catching up with some mates at a Carnegie pub to watch a few of the races. Who are your favourites in the Cup?
  3. Kyle Cheney Cam Bruce (though already on the downhill run when he left)
  4. OD, I want some of that stuff you picked up in Mexico. You're a new and optimistic man since your trip!
  5. Ok Crint. It's a long shot and I'm chanelling BBO here, but here goes: How many more Penfolds and Henschkes do you have hidden away there? Do you have a spare room, preferably with unhindered access to the cellar? And this is the BBO bit: will your wife do tricks for the lodgers? It would help by giving you some income to offset the cellar depreciation charges!
  6. Monsieur (Herr?) Riedel will be most annoyed! A champagne glass when a 'proper' red wine glass would be a minimum requirement.
  7. Another example of what you won't find on other teams' forums. There is just such a variety of experiences to be had and things to learn as a DL viewer!
  8. Signed up. I sign up every year. Some years I go to lots of games, some years (e.g. 2012) I go to virtually none. But membership gives me the right to say "These are MY BOYS and they're playing shite / playing well / showing some promise / all farked up" or whatever. And I can say it with a sense of ownership. They are MY team. If I'm just a supporter, I haven't fully bought in.
  9. BBO & Jazza, I think you guys have been well and truly told! OD reckons you're sad old farts. Can't get much lower than that.....
  10. So at every other house the kids get to the front door and say: "Halloween! Trick or treat?" At BBOs house the say : "Hello - geez!! Quick! Retreat!!!"
  11. The Warner Bros Tassie Devil perhaps?
  12. LOL! That's the funniest simile I've heard for a long time. Comment of the week for me so far.
  13. And lemons are $1.20 each. We drop the spuds so we can draft more lemons. It's the circle of life. Hakuna mutada.
  14. You're on the list R & Bluebeard. I like the thought of an alpaca hacking an ISP account. The 'lads' are growing in my estimation.
  15. You're on the list Biff. Struggled to think what you've pulled. Certainly not punches.
  16. And I sympathise re calf muscles. Done a couple of those in recent years, plus a hammy, broken ankle and broken toe. Field hockey is not a game for softcocs as I have realised.
  17. Trust me, there's a fair bit of adrenaline when careening downhill at over 70kph on a bike, or when a car pulls across in front of you and brakes hard to turn left.
  18. Further help required: who has pulled what? Redleg - a fetlock? Moonie- ??? Earl - a princess?? Deluded - ?? TSFKA - a pectoral?? The Fl og - a frogette? Biff - a script of yellow pills from the Fitzroy St pharmacy? R&B Bluebeard - a whisker? Fire away..... Edit - how could I forget our artistic amphibian? Edit 2 - ditto for Biff Edit 3 - ditto the Beard
  19. Seems BBO may have pulled a brain muscle. Meanwhile back at the ranch, Crint has pulled a cork, Jazza has pulled a teat and DC has pulled a pensioner!
  20. Ok I get it. A Kyneton Estate. Still - a Henschke though, no matter what the pedigree.
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