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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. That covers it fairly well
  2. Not quite sure why you added "Modern" in the thread title Soidee
  3. There would be far less embarrassment if we forfeit.
  4. More "lack of skilling us to our death"
  5. My father used to say to me Robbie at least look like a footballer
  6. From her view point she would say the same Robbie.
  7. Stop the child cruelty Jman. There is plenty of joy ahead at the blues. Let her enjoy her childhood.
  8. I hope so because I am sick to the gut
  9. The problem is we have only about 8 AFL standard players Maldonboy. Who is responsible for that? IMO the last two FD's At the end of the Day this board has presided over the previous playing disaster and this one. The buck stops at the top eventually At the end of this year they should all resign and give some else a go That if there is anything left for anyone to take over.
  10. It is very difficult to pull up your socks if you don't have any on Deecisive. The painful fact is we have about 8 AFL standard players.
  11. I have told the story before BBo but basically as a ten year old she got tired of going to games that we lost. Picked up with the Bombers and has seen Flags and far more wins that losses. I was disappointed but cannot blame her.
  12. Not sure it will survive long enough to give him the chance dd
  13. It will not be long before he can move on Jaded. The MFC will struggle to stay in existence beyond his current contract length.
  14. If only I had one bbo. Actually did not have a drink. Did not feel like wasting good whisky on this lot. Single malt is supposed to be good fun but does fun does not fit in the same sentence as the MFC
  15. No mate I am here till the bitter end. My problem is enduring the slide to oblivion that the MFC is on. My wife and daughter were pleading with me last night to give it up. My daughter ( Essendon supporter ) said Dad we are not talking football next week. Now is that not sad she thinks it is too painful for me. My God she is a great daughter
  16. The most positive thing I can think of is that they say nothing. Their actions are all I am interested in
  17. I have waited 24 hours to see if my mood changed after the deflation of yesterday. It basically has not changed. I am just a bit more settled. I Think what I witnessed was that for 4 of the last 6 six years the MFC has been irrelevant to the AFL Competition. Again our season is over at the three quarter mark of the first game of the year. From here on our major contribution to the competition will be comedy and derision by all other supporters. IMO this club is headed down the tube at a rapid rate. I will not be surprised if total failure as a member of the AFL is not fairly swift from here. We have a team that has approx. eight players who are AFL standard. And about four who have the required amount of heart for the job. We have a board who kowtows to the AFL and accepts fines for a crime that was not committed. We have a low number of supporters / members that is dropping by the day. We will surely make a substantial loss this year. Not a pretty picture that is for sure. Now probably none of the above is news to most Dees supporters but what it says to me is I think the end is near. Going to the football is supposed to be fun. There has been little fun for 6 years and none for 2 years. Perhaps we will struggle on for another couple of years. My problem is I do not believe I can take the pain any longer. Please if there is a football God can she be swift in the execution of this once great club. That way I can use the last 10 - 15 years of my leisure time on something enjoyable and useful. In the mean time God helps us all!
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