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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Agree bin man and if watts can get a season of games surely maric deserves two in a row. I thought he was very stiff last year to get dropped after the last swans game.
  2. It still comes back to the fact we did not win! Stop looking for excuses. We had some promising performances by some players. It is next to impossible to always have your best 22 on the park. Every team comes to play we have to play better than them. Yesterday we did not play better than the swans or we would have won. You can go on acepting honorable draws but they are not good enough for me. Stop being a " melbourne" supporter be James hird!
  3. Hardtack all the above means nothing. we did not win! end of the story. stop justfying our inability to win. By the way I will never be pleased with "not loosing"
  4. RR is "just did enough" enough! The guy is a number one draft pick. How long do we except "just did enough" before he gets a rest at Casey?
  5. Surely Frawley needs a run at Casey he has not played a game in 8 weeks. Perhaps the Sub at best!
  6. improved on what! barely six months ago we beat this mob by 70 points.
  7. Don't be happy we did not win when we should have. Do not except second best. Only winning Counts the rest is a below required performance. We have been excepting honourable losses for far too long.
  8. Hope you are right but until it happens we are aligned with Casey for 2011 at mininium. So Chill and lets get on with winning 10 games and getting experience into most of our players. I truely struggle with the idea that Fev will have some big bad effect on MFC players.
  9. That was two weeks back you have not seen anything yet if we win!
  10. If we win on Sunday HT watch it surge!
  11. We are both in the same vortex i feel. why am I doing this lets close it down subject is done and dusted
  12. Take a deep breath "sylvinator" thats it in out in out. Now count to 10! Ok now I doubt it as dire as you think, the guy is not a rocket scientist admitted. However I have confidence the powers at the MFC will ensure that he does not affect our players. We will not be flinging Casey, for better or worse the deal will go on. Now chill and worry about sunday!
  13. When the going gets tough the tough get going! Clarke 8
  14. RR Pringle is saying what I believe we get fed BS by the Football department! It is frustrating, it is like naming an extended bench then 24 hours later droping off 3 -4 players. Who do they think they are fooling? It beggars belief that the swans will be worried by which 3-4 drop out. If it is effective then we must be really worried tonight about which 3 -4 drop out for the swans.
  15. It is a bit unfair but IMO he is still behind Trengove in the kicking department. I have a gut feeling Trengove will be the better player in five years time.
  16. Mate you have got a player in there who is not playing ( wona ) with two goals and one who may not get a game ( Petterd ) with 2 goals and another in Trengrove who is no certainity to play. Result 4 goals less and the margin is down to a slim 3 points assuming the missing kicked no behinds!
  17. The game got on very well with less inter change than 3 and if it stops 36 players being in one half of the ground It has my vote. Any way wait and see how it goes!
  18. Just did it again this time on my Laptop. What the hell is the problem?
  19. dee luded "the press" are a law unto themselves. Nowadays there are TV, radio ( stations just for sport) Pay TV, the internet and of course News papers all need material in large volumes to fill there "space" Do not expect anything the likes of "decency" that vanished a long time ago. Every story is a must have no matter how small or in the "public interest" it might be, they alone decide what is in "the public Interest". Fev is a story that fills time / space and his every movement will be reported. It will not matter how that reporting effects Fev. Just look at What "TFC" did to Fev, they knew he would get full of ink at the Brownlow and give them a "good " story. Then when it all blew up the threw him to the wolves. Nice lot all considered!!!
  20. Four of that five played last year, big holes to fill
  21. The swans form improved after that game and they went onto play finals, ours fell away! Pre season semi final vs the Pies they took it right up to them and only lost it in the last 10 minutes. Our pre season form!! enough said! Hope I am wrong but I cannot see our mid field getting it forward enough to kick a winning score.
  22. They have not returned yet so the jury is still out. I would agree with you that it is not an exact science So are you going with the clubs idea Scully on 28 th April and May 8th for Mckenzie? It will be interesting to see what happens!
  23. 99% agreement RR except 18 to 24points
  24. All of what you say is correct maurie however that is different to what they tell us out here in the outer and what is the real situation. "lets not alarm the great un washed to much". When do you think Mckenzie will be back? approx. date is fine. Based on the info supplied in the last couple of days he should be playing around 7th / 8th May. What do you think? I will stick with June.
  25. Since when were facts necessary to work out what goes on at a football club, The amounts of facts that they supply is usually what they want us to believe. I will stick with my predications, time will tell which of us is correct. I might add I will be very happy to be proved wrong
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