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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. I suggest a name change! back the Fuchsias, there is not much Demon in us!
  2. If only 3 or 4 years was true DA. After so many false horizons DA I now doubt we have what it takes in this group be it players or coaching staff.
  3. Playing half a season we would have got more out of Mcdonald that we have so far out of Green.
  4. Unfortunately I doubt the FD has the balls for it but after 5 games this year it is time for A large number to be sent to Casey if for no other reason than to show we need more effort. Out: Wona,Bennel, frawley, Morton and Green ( that will not happen )Tapscott will be suspended. In: Warnock, Mcdonald, Strauss, Maric, Petterd and Bate. I am very serious about Green I have only seen 1 game from him this year where I thought he earned his spot. It is time for a big statement how much bigger would that be? But alas I don't expect much from our Coach.
  5. Mate I have one year on you. There are days ( like last night ) when I wish my father supported Carlton, Hawthorn, Geelong or even Collingwood. But alas I am stuck with The MFC come hell or high water. I now go into "another Melbourne year" mode. Enjoy the few more wins this year and enjoy the great football played by the other teams into September.
  6. While I have been less than happy with our game plan and wondered about Baileys ability The five games this year have had me wondering if our playing group are as good as we think. Perhaps they are not good enough! Perhaps they would struggle to win against the better half of the competition with any game plan. Over the last 2-3 years we have taken a number of early draft picks and swallowed the PR that they are all champions in the making and all we have to do is be patient ( where have I heard that before) But after last night I have serious doubts that a number of the group are up to it. Unfair to pick him out because he has quite a few mates but I doubt Wona is the good enough. At best he seems to give 1 or 2 quaters per game then goes missing. How many games in the last three years would you have put him in the the best 5? Honestly I can only think of 2 or 3 games. How come we pass on players like Darling, Rich, Martin etc because they are mature bodies and in the long term our selections will be better. I could handle a few more "mature bodies" right now. Every side needs a mix of mature and developing. The MFC team at present appears to me made up of a mature group who are not good enough. e.g. Green, Wona, Sylvia, Bartram and Dunn and a bunch of kids of doubtful ability who have yet to show anything much e.g. Bennel, Strauss, Jetta. Perhaps our side is just not good enough. Over the you guys.
  7. The problem is eth38 with the exception of 2-3 years I have had to survive 43 other years. The MFC is littered with efforts like last night it is way more than one game!
  8. I have 11 more years than your father invested. After watching last night I doubt I will live long enough. I have lived this quite a few times it never seems to change. New coach, new admin, new bunch of players. Same result. This morning I am back in survival mode. i.e. I am happy we have survived in the competition and now to enjoy the few more wins we have this year. End of story. Hope your father and you get there DD.
  9. a straight swap for Darling, Eagles would go for it I am sure!
  10. add Maric and Warnock how lucky are they not to get a run! There is four changes for next week straight off the top.
  11. MB perhaps we are not as talented as we think!
  12. BD I have been complaining about this for a year! The game plan stinks, just look at our kick ins and why is Grimes the kick in man. He is hopless at it every week.
  13. Yes Deemort it begars belief. I have only two thoughts. Our talent pool is nowhere as good as we think or our game plan / coach stinks. Perhaps it is both.
  14. I think you are being a little hard on the Maldon reserves.
  15. You make your own luck. Funny how the more skilled you are and the harder you try how your lucky you are.
  16. Gee I am really really glad we did not pick up Darling in the last draft! What a poor choice on the part of the Eagles. Aside from umpteen marks, kicks and two goals he has hardly done a thing! Around about now the MFC reqruitment team is heading for the airport. We sure make some good choices.
  17. Not sure but I suspect it will be similar to what Big pond do with V8 super cars now. I.e. a live stream from the track if you use Big pond. might have to invest in a T box! Now we know why players have been hanging out on signing contracts. I would expect a rash of signings in the next few weeks. Maybe news on Scully in the next couple!
  18. C&B can you please explain to me why Watts is the only player in the team exempt from playing at Casey? If he is not carrying his weight then off to Casey like every other player in the team. I do not except that he is the only player in the team that a game or two at a lower level would not help.
  19. Mick for me too DJL but I seriously doubt either of them will be available. If MM leaves the Pies we will be out bid by Carlton. Any way we will win the next 5 games and DB will get an extension. Well I can dream carn't I!
  20. No change yet to the injury list. Still showing last weeks details. I doubt much has changed. All three look long term to me.
  21. DemonOx the style we play at present is nothing wonderful to look at IMO.
  22. "Roost it" I think you need "very" in there.
  23. I hope you are right. Is it out 100 mm or 200mm Not as good as 1 foot or 2 is it!
  24. I will believe it when he runs out tomorrow night.
  25. I am not going to try "Freak" Sometimes I get the feeling the FD department lacks the courage to drop him. There is no other player that would have been in the side this long for such limited return.
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