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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. . I'm really excited about all these lovely girls wanting to chat with me. I'm not going to get rid of the adds on Demonland. I'm guessing they find my avatar irresistable.
  2. Yes. I have to say I miss the the simple days of White Shorts = away. Dark shorts = home and jumpers remain the same.
  3. Christ close this thread now! Is Cook the devil incarnate?
  4. Nevertheless, thank you for your effort.
  5. Old Dee seems to be getting a bit tense about colour. However, I would think that a man who wears both external and internal undies would have strong views on this subject, Any preferences?
  6. It certainly conjours up some images. However, even I'm not certain that I really want them in my head.
  7. And people try to tell me that eloquence is a thing of the past.
  8. I really keen to see what Dawes can do and I'm hoping that this year will be a huge one for Jack Watts. However, my big hope and maybe a surprise for some, is Jake Spencer. Has improved out of site and is very determined.
  9. A bucket is a small place. Did you and RR share any , shall we say "imtimate moments" ? Be assured any reply will be treated with the utmost discretion.
  10. I'm not having a go at you WYL but that statement is so rich (i know that sounds like [censored]) but I have no idea what a conversation like this means.
  11. You and Range Rover weren't in the same bucket were you? If so, what impact has it had on your rehabilitation? Are you a better man for it?
  12. Here's a question- perhaps primarily for Biffen. Consider the entrance to Luna Park - A big gob. Actually conjours up visions of some D land poster but that is not the point. If a MFC bar were to be called the "Hell Hole" , What would we dress the entrance up as?
  13. I might have to give Demonland away - there are too many wierd types.
  14. Bless you my son. In the meantime go and indulge in a bit of mortification of the flesh to make up for your many and varied offensive comments.
  15. I would have thought a bloke who wears his underpants on the outside would be at least a bit tragic.
  16. Thanks for the vote of confidence. BTW my wife goes to The Corner to listen to bands that nobody else has heard of.
  17. I think you're asking a bit much of Toumpas to "quickly" match anyone. I know he has played SANFL but he is only a kid.
  18. Yeah and they might even leave some dressup gear around. Surplus surplices as it were. Wrong colour I suppose but there are party possibilities.
  19. Good idea OD and I wont mind giving you a push up the ramp. However, you are on your own with the colostomy bag.
  20. You are quite correct OD. I made my own arrangements for the Darwin trip and that was better than what the club offered.
  21. Maybe but if more games are played interstate are you still going to consider your membership good value?
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