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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. A good strapping type - more like beat the optimistic. Best leave it there or Rhino will give me another point.
  2. Well maybe we have to spend a bit to make a bit. The Bentleigh Club and Casey are on a side of Melbourne that is far removed from me. I'm sure I'm not the only supporter in this predicament.
  3. A social club is a great idea and would fill an obvious void. Why should we be worse off than filth or tiger supporters. The problem goes back to the notion that Demon supporters were mostly MCC members and therefore had a " social club" already available. However, the majority of MFC supporters are not MCC members and, consequently, have few after game options. I am a trident member but the Betty Cuthbert bar is all done at 3/4 time. I would love a 'venue" to kick on afterwards. My wife ( a good bloke ) would also come along. The club would get far more money out of me.
  4. I went up this year. Had a great time and got well and trulied while we were flogged. However, it cost a shiteload. I am going again next year ( against the lions) but I could not afford two visits. Darwin is expensive.
  5. Nothing is bigger than Ben Hur - we all realize this. However there is a bizzare appeal to ignoring yourself. What happens to your posts? Are they just little pearls floating around in the ether. Do those beautiful hurtful insults just drift away into mediocracy? It's sort of like playing with yourself. It deserves consideration.
  6. Biffo, have you put yourself on your ignore list? You should consider this.
  7. I must ask this. Why do you "ignore" posters? I would have thought a bit of argie bargie and putting the knife in was much more fun.
  8. H t's clip brought a tear to my eye. Geez Robbie was beautiful to watch and the only bright spot in some very dark days for Melbourne.
  9. I don't believe this. I'm inept with technology but i figured some smart demonlander would create the link to what is a great article. Surely dandeeman and myself aren't the only ones who read the Age (despite she who has one and is one). BTW dandeman I clicked your profile by mistake - I'm not stalking you.
  10. That is clearly changing. Read the two page spread in today's Age by Emma Quayle. It provides a very interesting insight to the up to date (cutting edge?) training methods that are now employed at Melbourne. The Shannon Byrnes quote in that article says it all. Someone please do the link thing.
  11. So you're not just a shallow poster with a pretty face?
  12. There seems to be some conflict here. You say you try to "minimize it"yet you "hate it" when people can't remove such bias
  13. It means that BH or anyone, for that matter, who thinks they are truly without bias is deluding themselves.
  14. We all have bias. It comes from our age, our environment, our education, our sexuality, our being a melbourne supporter etc. etc. You are kidding yourself if you think you provide views, opinions without bias. Bias reflects who we are.
  15. Your reply is unnecessarily brusque. Unfortunately, I don't know Jack (please don't pick up on that statement) so I won't be taking it up with him. However, I was not aiming to be polemical, but simply to state that, in my observation, people who hold extreme views are rarely objective and , ipso facto, your argument was flawed.
  16. I haven't really followed the above discussion but I do take issue with this comment. I'm not sure you can be objective at the same time as holding an opinion "no matter how extreme"
  17. Thanks Biffo - I'm going to bed. And instead of counting sheep, I'll count Biffos all dressed up.
  18. In my experience a lot of those family first type f******s are dead set hypocrites, so going to a convention, dressed up as you suggest, might well prove profitable.
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