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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Hopefully the nappies are available as "official AFL merchandise". If so, you could get your carer to buy the Collingwood ones and happily shite in them.
  2. Jesus. I cannot believe some of the shite I read on this site. Ther are obviously intelligent people here but things like - my sister's boyfriend saw such and such on a whiteboard or, I know via my cousin,s friend, someone who was in the vault and etc I get a little disturbed. That is, I get disturbed when people take such claims seriously. This is a websites FFS, you can claim to be whatever you like and then some silly dick takes you seriously. I find such gullibilty astounding. I enjoy this site for its sensible footy discussion. I enjoy this site for the wit of Daisycutter, Biffen and others. But some posters hers are guilty of the greatest "sin" of all - taking yourself seriosly.
  3. Love the positive post. No more "bruise free footy"! Kick arse Dees!
  4. I wish you people would stop this bickering. It's quite clear to me that the whole sorry business is Jack Watts' fault.
  5. Thank you Jbag for broadening my education - specifically my vocabulary. I just researched the previously unknown "chode". Fantastic- I cannot wait to use it. In the most inappropriate circumstances of course.
  6. Yes it's certainly better to be monsters than monstered. Apart from the talls you mentioned we now have strong bodies throughout - Jones, Magner,(maybe Wines), Rhodan et al. For too many years I've watched physically inferior Melbourne sides simply pushed off the ball. Like schoolboys against men - which it was in some cases. No more. Whatever else Neeld may or may not achieve he has provided us with real depth to compete physically with the rest of the comp.
  7. I would certainly leave our captains as they are and let then develop further. I would probably leave the group as it is but (1) I'm not convinced that Jamar is a leader and (2) maybe it's time to put some responsibility on another Jack (Watts)
  8. Sad day. I had the pleasure of meeting Clint last year and, all other considerations aside, I was left with the overiding "gee what a nice guy" feeling. Good luck for the future mate.
  9. Dee-luded- I think this should be posted on the mixed metaphor thread. It's a winner!
  10. Go to Australian Rules. Go to AFL. Go to Futures Betting. Just looked still $10.00.
  11. You may be being a little hard on him WYL. If the article in todays Sin is correct then Ricky was suffering far more from his injuries than was public knowledge. Also I was impressed by Pettard taking responsibility himself for his poor year and not blaming Neeld/Club. Anyway, good luck to him.
  12. My optimistic side just jolted out of control and I put $50.00 to win $500.00 via sportsbet for Dees to make the eight.
  13. Agreed! The Age was once considered, and indeed was, a highly respected "broadsheet" with top line journos. It has steadily gone downhill over the past few years and is no better than the Hun.
  14. What does all this tell us about Caro? Allow me to answer my own question - she both has one and is one.
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