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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. The Christain brothers moved in and everything went to shite.
  2. How can Sheahan's "heart beat true" ? He was involved (orchestrated?) that "On The Couch" setup that featured the nondescript Brock McLean and started this whole tanking issue
  3. Now you're getting it. You are far better off anticipating mine than wallowing in the shallows of yours.
  4. Jesus wept! Can't we come up with a better thread than this?
  5. The image of Caro "nut deep" is both disturbing and puzzling on so many levels. Thanks for the afternoon laugh!
  6. I loved this guy when he was here. I shitecanned him when he left. However, with our new "monster" forward line he is just what we lack/need. In a word - JURRAH.
  7. Agreed! MacDonald is not the most skilled guy going around But he has guts and he tries his heart out. In my mind that puts him above a number of his team mates - although that number is being thinned out.
  8. Regarding point number 2. My advice is join in.
  9. Well actually I think it has defined us since that time. Hence the Neeld slash and burn burn policy to bury it. I think you and I are on much the same wavelength but the "one week at a time" cliche does worry me.
  10. Yes Stuie we need to get over it. However, we should not turn it into a joke as some above have. We must never forget it and do whatever it takes to ensure that such humiliation is not repeated.
  11. Actually I think this thread is a little late It has been obvious that that we have lacked just about everything over the past 5 or 6 years. Then Jim came along and cleaned up the financial mess. Now, whatever you may think of Bailey's efforts, Neeld may have cleaned up the footy side of things. (Well maybe?) So what are we lacking? I'm not certain. But we were lacking hope - of that that I am certain. Now I think there is hope. So let's wait and see. Maybe we are no longer lacking anything!
  12. I think that habit of imbibing one's own.... as it were, went out with Ghandi. Thankfully.
  13. Do you know anything of a beast noted for its thick skin and short sightedness?
  14. Good positive point Mono, on what is an otherwise poinless thread. Off course the jury is still out on Neeld but to even ponder axing him now is one of the sillier topics to come up on this site.
  15. Neeld certainly cannot be accussed of merely tampering at the edges. From here, we either jump forward or collapse into obscurity. I'm in for the ride - but it needs to become an enjoyable ride fairly quickly.
  16. Neeld's time so far has been one of radical change and there is no denying that change was warranted. One must congratulate Neeld for having the the courage to do this and , for the moment, embrace it because we had no hope otherwise. However, if it all goes to shite, Neeld will only have his own petard ( not Ricky BTW) to fall on and I will join the call for his guts. Good luck MN - we certainly are screaming for success. Lets hope we can also cheer it soon.
  17. Correct YDE. But. Why is this done? To get more wins of course.
  18. Please enlighten me. What is a better way of measuring progress than wins on the board?
  19. Have to disagree OD. I think there is an earthy proletariat aspect to ' bulldogs rising in the west'. Or does that sound like juvenile BS?
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