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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. So, to paraphrase good old Sam Clemens, reports of your demise were greatly exaggerated. Good to have you back.
  2. I'm not entering the debate here but I think the above is, on most occasions, sound advice.
  3. I'm a bit worried about you Robbie. Why did you bring up alpacas. So here's something to help you out. Forget Biffen and put yourself in this fellow's pants.
  4. Not sure about your contention here Rog. I reckon Fitzy is a pretty good kick and Spencer is vastly improved. I remember watching Spencer's first game and first kick. He dribbled it about 15 metres along the ground. Now he is also generally reliable. OK I would not want them in a kicking contest to save my life but give credit where it is due.
  5. I'm home. I'm drinking (heavily). Cannot be bothered joining this discussion.
  6. I just wonder what influence the identity of our new coach will have on good players being prepared to join us? However, even if we snag JC as coach we would still need to throw around plenty of cash.
  7. It is a 1 hour drive and then a 20 minute walk. Plus a bit of pre game fortification is always required.
  8. Haven't watched the show for years. Sam's opening comments made me sick. I won't be watching Jack Watts. This is serious rubbish and I cannot subject what remains of my IQ to it.
  9. Maybe you could recruit Allen Jakovich to mentor Jack on ................ er goal kicking.
  10. I need to listen to a clean cut young man like JW just to purge myself of your enviable despicable lifestyle.
  11. Yet it is watched. It frightens me that people are required to vote. Yes I know that comment makes me sound like a toss. Hang on, I am a toss.
  12. It is amazing however, that some people quote this program as some sort of a (presumably reliable) source/evidence.
  13. Sam Newman. What a sad and pathetic figure. Not to be taken seriously under any circumstances.
  14. Thanks dees numero. I have not watched that program for years because of a particular imbecile who I despise. However, I will make an exception tonight to hear what young Jack has to say.
  15. I suppose the only way we'll know for sure is when Melbourne gets a decent midfield. Now that possibility is something to ponder. Probably akin to that "what is the meaning of life" stuff.
  16. I can only assume Methendon is trying to stare them down. The last thing the AFL wants is for this matter to drag through the courts for months/years.
  17. I would no longer be bitter if I did that!
  18. Have you forgotten? The national alpaca show is in Bendigo mid October? However, if you must go to the wedding encourage your son to be a bigamist - we need all the members we can get.
  19. How typically negative of you Biffen. I'm sure there are many jobs that Mark Neeld could carry out with aplomb, in the Australian Frisbee League.
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