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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. I would have suspected the green pond slime that posts here dc, however, the hijacker appears to be literate ( at least beyond colouring books) and so I must eliminate him ....................... "I must eliminate him" ............... hmmmmmmmmmmm.
  2. So you have not joined Lordweaver in the great beyond Biff. Surprising! However it may be time to reinvent yourself - your licentious lifestyle and illegal interests are surely leading you closer to perdition.
  3. Ignoring it wont do any good either Wise. Let's continue "rolling it out" until we can field a team where ,at least most of them, can hit the side of a barn by foot or by hand.
  4. Demon Andrew is entitled to claim a new thread for this matter. Our shite skills transcend this particular game. This area of our game has been a constant weakness and does not seem to have have improved under a succession of coaches including Roos. While we continually pass the ball to the opposition we will not be serious contenders for anything but the wooden spoon.
  5. Correct! Matthews was a great player - no question. He was also one of the filthiest snipers ever to have played the game.
  6. While I am not referring to Machsy, your statement is not entirely correct RTG. Archeologists and anthropologists study coprolites. Coprolites are fossilised turds. I believe these could be polished but I will defer on this point if someone better advised on the subject can correct me.
  7. I believe ENYAW is at the cutting edge RTG, or even beyond. He challenges us with his esoteria.( I may have just coined that word). Fl og, on the other hand is just a [censored]
  8. [censored], you would have to be the most illiterate poster on any site in the world! Universe! Alternate universe!
  9. I didn't attend the footy today nor did I even think about it until about 6.00 pm this evening. Today I had the privilege of attending a "special olympics" swimming carnival. Most of the competitors were Down Syndrome the the others had ID's of various types. The highlight for me was a 50 metre race where 3 0f the competitors had finished and the fourth was about 3/4 of a pool length behind. The crowd cheered the last person on and, as she came near the finish, the other three who were still in the water began to clap. I am a hard hearted bastard but this made me cry. Actually writing about it now is making me cry. It puts life in perspective.
  10. You are on the money here WJ. Biffen actually runs a service that is not so much a happy hour but does guarantee a "happy ending". BTW. I have been trying to track Biffen down - if we don't hear from him soon i reckon he has (as the salvos say) been promoted to glory along with Lordweaver..
  11. Just look at how much we have missed him since his injury. This bloke is a genuine contributor - stands out among the passengers!
  12. Had my last night in Saigon. Stayed at the New World Saigon Hotel - which I highly recommend btw. Anyway they have a " happy hour" 2 hours free beer/wine and food. Well I showed them a thing or two. I was very discerning and started at one end of the wine selection, one end of the food table and worked my way through. I had to instruct the young lady pouring the wine that a glass is best filled to the brim rather than that pretentious partially filled foolishness. Made a complete guts of myself of course. The locals were in awe! Certainly showed them what an Aussie can do. Those Viet Congs will think twice about invading us!
  13. And I thought I could write bullshite! I am a mere minnow in a pond of masters. (Excuse the jumbled metaphor but I am in awe)
  14. I agree Gnash but they have already buggered up a fundamental of the game by bringing in the vrs. Now, just as in cricket, umpires are becoming less inclined to make a decision and the game is being held up by incessant replays.
  15. A lot of talk about Canadia and no sign of Maple Demon. Typical sheila - never there when you need them!
  16. So you're another one making up stories Jazz? The truth is there were only 3 and it was all a bit of a misunderstanding - no harm done.
  17. I take a couple of weeks well deserved holiday and everything goes to [censored]!
  18. Christ, you sound like either a demented philosopher or you're on drugs. You going for an insanity plea Col? On balance of libellous (note spelling) comments, you are coming out well in front Mr Gary BBO Glitter
  19. My lawyers have been made aware of your libelous comments
  20. Currently quaffing a cold Tiger beer in Hoi An. About 32 Celsius ATM. Suffer in your jocks lads!
  21. Dc, I have off course used the palanquin method but it has some inherent dangers - if one of the lazy beggars crumples under the load the result can be very undignified indeed.
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