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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. I had some moments of optimism this year and they were the cause of joyous celebration. However, watching last night's game left me bitter and pessimistic. The universe that separates us from that level of footy seems unbridgeable. PS. If you want to get your posts up ..foss, focus on smut and personal abuse.
  2. I suppose my pessimism about seeing a successful premiership charge is somewhat leavened by my minimal chance of longevity.
  3. I was supine on the sofa last night - more from exhaustion than alcohol and watched the Swans/Hawks game. It was a fantastic game of footy. However, and I know I've said this before, such games are depressing when you compare the depth of talent these sides have to ours. Both sides are stacked with players who can deliver the ball (by hand or foot) quickly and accurately while under extreme pressure. How many players do we have who can do this? A handful? Premiership sides have depth in this level of skill. Will I ever see a premiership?
  4. Nah you've got it wrong 'luded! DC wont leave the borders of borewood and the one time Biffen tried to enter my premises the "lads" hunted him off.
  5. What do you make of the chief "writer" for "The Hun" WYL? No gender issues there - simply incompetence.
  6. True enough dee- luded but you'd still have to be a nong not to realize the item belonged to somebody else.
  7. Not sure about the gender agenda ( sorry I plagiarized that term) because I reckon Caro has one [censored]. In the same way, I reckon Robbo has no testicles. Can't account for the missing [censored] though.
  8. I have a gardener to nance around in my garden. Anyway .... Just woken up – had to have a kip after my “workout”. Well it wasn’t actually a workout – but interesting. Don’t understand how people enthuse about this gym business. I arrived at the “Leisure Centre” and met with Katie, my fitness consultant. She took me into a small office where I sat on a tiny chair and parked my guts on the table. Things apparently didn’t proceed according to the normal plan. Katie tried to take my blood pressure but the machine kept conking out and reading “error”. She gave up and started taking measurements. The problem, however, was that neither her arms, nor the tape would fit around my girth. The final straw was that I wound their scales off the meter. Katie then spoke to another fellow who made a smartarse comment about a weighbridge. Katie then said she’d consult with my doctor before going any further but offered to show me around the gymnasium before I left. In an odd way I immediately felt at home. Here were all these people in tight costumes with red faces, grunting and groaning. They were surrounded by or using a range of very odd machines and implements. Apart from the lighting, it was very much like the BDSM clubs that Biffen had arranged entre for me on occasion. I asked Katie where the whips and canes were kept but she didn’t answer and left without saying goodbye . I am guessing that information is reserved for members. All in all an interesting morning but if they expect me to start lifting those treadmill things , I wont be going back.
  9. At my Doctor's insistence (she who wants me to give up the booze), I am about to head to the gymnasium (with a letter from said doctor) for an assessment and development of a "fitness" program. I shall keep you informed - if I survive. In any event it seems a good excuse to buy some new gear. I look rather fetching in latex - if I do say so myself. Anyway toodle pip!
  10. If Mable demon was online she could confirm ... but I believe there is a hockey team called the "Maple Leafs" but what about the Kiwis for pizz weak - "Silver Ferns". FMD.
  11. Yeah, and a very tough bunch of cricketers call themselves the proteas!
  12. AAhh! Now we come to it. The above is simply the scratchings of an illiterate half wit. A similar piece by ENYAW would require study and reflection to tease out a possible Nietzschean version of post structuralism that alludes to the underlying political and social tensions that simmer within Demonland.
  13. As usual Moonie, you have run off at the gob, without being in full possession of the facts ( or should that be faculties?). I am legitimately on leave.
  14. Who would be silly enough to post such an item on ebay FFS? I'm guessing his next job is not going to be robbing the Crown Jewels.
  15. I wonder if he ...er .. fits shall we say, all the requirements for that position?
  16. How very unfunny you all are. No wonder ENYAW casts his pearls so rarely. They are wasted as you all wallow away, blissful in your ignorance.
  17. Agreed. There is some [censored] that can be removed but the sense of history that the date brings with it is crucial. The Richmond emblem (above) is simple but includes the date. I don't understand why Geelong, with an otherwise strong representation of their club does nor include the date.
  18. That is the question that occupies its own thread. I'm not buying in at this stage, it's just too speculative. TBH, I'm not even sure who I'd want!
  19. Not for me - reminds me of a popular brand of rice!
  20. I reckon we have learnt that lesson OD without having to wallow in the pathetic bastard's misery.
  21. FFS! How does the above picture add anything of value to this thread or board?
  22. I'm sure Stu realises we all miss him sweet. And, as for those other pretenders, Stuie still holds "the throne"! At least from the point of view of we discerning posters.
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