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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Kick a filth supporter when he is down Jane. Now is the moment for that kick in the balls! Carpe Diem
  2. Nothing like a little healthy revisionism Jack!The real issue is that we'll have to find a few more stars and change the guernsey.
  3. I also watched it and agree with your assessment. The standard is a long way below AFL yet there are no stand outs. Some talk of Blease above, but I didn't see him do anything that separated him from the pack. Gawn did a few things but certainly was not a dominant big man. JKH looked a VFL player. Tapscott ordinary. Not impressed at all.
  4. RL ,you are assuming that WJ would meet the very strict criteria for entry to the GAT!
  5. You should have kicked him in the balls. That would have - (a) Certainly shown your displeasure at his flippant comment. (b) Established your authority for all time.
  6. And I'm twice your IQ!!!
  7. Hey why don't you guys wait until Maple Demon comes online and invite her. Might give you some respectability. I suppose Biff could bring a couple of scrubbers, in case Dc's blue rinsers start to nod off before half time.
  8. DC is easy to pick Jazz. He'll have a group of wrinkly, blue haired old sheilas hanging off his ... ( er) .... . Well I'm sure you get the picture.
  9. Nah we're not talking about a sheep or beef man here. This is a bloody milk cockie! Gummys for sure.
  10. You forget to mention the gumboots Jazz!
  11. Not bad for a bloke who hasn't played a game!!
  12. Picked it one Ox. Moonie shuffles around the supermarkets looking for specials on incontinence pads. Poor bastard.
  13. Not necessarily obba. My understanding is that while the name was changed the location still bore the name - perhaps for sentimental reasons. In a similar way you often hear the cricket commentators refer to the "old bay 13 area" during the Melbourne test.
  14. I would have thought you want to tie him up for at least three.
  15. Well, I never thought I'd see the great man's name on Dland. I dips my lid to you mauriesy. In fact, you can now stop hiding your face in shame.
  16. Twenty days!!! At a pack a day that's over $400 in your kick. Are you buying the drinks on Sunday?
  17. Correct obba I was about to point out macintossa's error myself. To label you are troll was quite despicable and unnecessary. Of course macintossa has a very limited base or either fact or logic from which to argue so I suppose vitriol is his only fall back position!
  18. Here's one for you Jazz. “Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I've done it thousands of times.” Sam Clemens (aka Mark Twain)
  19. Sorry about that Choke;I was too general in that comment. I did have a specific poster in mind, not your good self.
  20. As some matters are sub judice , I am unable to comment in my own defence.
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