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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. And I thought I could write bullshite! I am a mere minnow in a pond of masters. (Excuse the jumbled metaphor but I am in awe)
  2. I agree Gnash but they have already buggered up a fundamental of the game by bringing in the vrs. Now, just as in cricket, umpires are becoming less inclined to make a decision and the game is being held up by incessant replays.
  3. A lot of talk about Canadia and no sign of Maple Demon. Typical sheila - never there when you need them!
  4. So you're another one making up stories Jazz? The truth is there were only 3 and it was all a bit of a misunderstanding - no harm done.
  5. I take a couple of weeks well deserved holiday and everything goes to [censored]!
  6. Christ, you sound like either a demented philosopher or you're on drugs. You going for an insanity plea Col? On balance of libellous (note spelling) comments, you are coming out well in front Mr Gary BBO Glitter
  7. My lawyers have been made aware of your libelous comments
  8. Currently quaffing a cold Tiger beer in Hoi An. About 32 Celsius ATM. Suffer in your jocks lads!
  9. Dc, I have off course used the palanquin method but it has some inherent dangers - if one of the lazy beggars crumples under the load the result can be very undignified indeed.
  10. Do you think I'm crass and undignified?
  11. Well lads , being of modest disposition, i hate to brag but I'm currently luxuriating in a 5 plus star resort near DaNang. The only thing football like is the pool which is about the size of the MCG. The pool itself runs down to the beach but the walk is a little too taxing for me. Solution. So I feign a disability and have a couple of the servants wheel me down. With a fan , umbrella and constant supply of the local brew. I would have fitted in well to the colonial period.
  12. Message bank full? That must be posters trying to abuse you! Not popularity surely?
  13. I'm telling everyone I'm a dairy farmer jazz
  14. Greetings from Hanoi - no live footy here (except that Sheila's game) hot as .... . Two stories - my demons shirt attracted offers from a couple of local vendors - maybe they reckoned on cutting several local size shirts out of it. Entered a temple from the heat - I was lathered in sweat and no doubt florid. A little girl (5 or 6) looked at me and huddled close to her mum. I must have looked like some sort of ogre. I pulled a face at her and she started to cry - highlight of the day.
  15. No Moonie, you pervert - simply trying to add to my knowledge on a variety of subjects. Your answer to (1) suggests very poor manners on your part Jazz!
  16. I have 2 questions about protocols, or normative behaviour for dairy farmers, if you don't mind Jazz. When one approaches Blossom or Mary or whichever of your "girls" takes your fancy at that particular moment, is it good manners to politely ask before going for said teat. Second, given that the "girls" are blessed with four teats, is there any preference or accepted order in this matter?
  17. Fair weather supporters would be accurate.
  18. Great minds wyl! I'm heading to Vietnam to enjoy some tropical sun at the end of this week. The "lads" will be looking after the estate in my absence!
  19. Beware, the bluerinsers may have a counter claim DC!
  20. FMD. I made one of my usual off hand posts that was in fact (a) laughing at myself and (b) highlighting the fact the bull .. shite on a forum like this is hardly exceptional. You, apparently, totally misconstrued my intent. Lesson - I shall dumb my posts down even further - if that is possible. However, Chooka, please ignore that and just answer one simple question for me. When, at parties or other social gatherings, and people say something you do not understand is your standard answer, "I like Pink Floyd's The Wall as much as anyone" ?
  21. Yes there is Chook,and that is one, apparently like yourself, who is fated to wallow within a beige vision of the world and who has no sense of joy at the wonderful absurdity that surrounds us.
  22. Who are these tryhards vying for my title of master bull.... shiter? Bring it on!! I'll show you bull shite and bollocks and gross exaggerations!
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